About domestic violence
I heard that Russia has abolished criminal liability for physical violence. It's even something good, because now the woman can with impunity give to her husband in the face and he finally learns to put socks in the basket.
Seriously, any physical violence is preceded by other violence — moral. Before the man to raise his hand, he first indicate his place in the family hierarchy, deprived him of any respect, then confidently working to deprive him of self-esteem. And now, when the victim is weak mentally — it can be easy to break physically. This is specifically for wrote Boris Herzberg.
Twelve million two hundred fifteen thousand eight hundred seventy three
It is because of the first but not the second part, many victims do not leave their executioners. They have no faith in themselves, their belief that they do not need anyone else, that the rest of your life is waiting for them alone and that they cannot provide themselves.
This is not true — from the first to the last point. It is proving every day hundreds and thousands of people, changing the situation. They are not more willing to put up with the status of untermensch, which by the way is very often supported by only one tyrant, and not by the friends, colleagues and wider family.
Seventy six million six hundred forty five thousand five hundred fifty four
What to do with domestic violence?
One) To realize that physical violence is preceded by a moral. To respect yourself, not to others to humiliate himself. To prevent the moral presing on the vine.
Two) If any form of physical violence or prolonged mental abuse — to find a psychologist or social.worker's. Preferably at the place of residence that he was familiar with local laws and specificities. He will become the person who will be your support and help. And it's worth any money.
Three)With the appearance of physical violence not to wait until the tyrant will see the light and wise up, and go to the police. The chances that he will see the light and wise up after a month in prison is significantly greater.
Technique, which will help to cope with anxiety, anger, and anxietyThe rules of Life that will lift you to new heights
Want to mention that it happens that people come and after severe episodes of violence. But firstly rare, and secondly, to come AFTER should take up TO. Stay safe.
Author: Boris Herzberg, especially for
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/217429
Seriously, any physical violence is preceded by other violence — moral. Before the man to raise his hand, he first indicate his place in the family hierarchy, deprived him of any respect, then confidently working to deprive him of self-esteem. And now, when the victim is weak mentally — it can be easy to break physically. This is specifically for wrote Boris Herzberg.
Twelve million two hundred fifteen thousand eight hundred seventy three
It is because of the first but not the second part, many victims do not leave their executioners. They have no faith in themselves, their belief that they do not need anyone else, that the rest of your life is waiting for them alone and that they cannot provide themselves.
This is not true — from the first to the last point. It is proving every day hundreds and thousands of people, changing the situation. They are not more willing to put up with the status of untermensch, which by the way is very often supported by only one tyrant, and not by the friends, colleagues and wider family.
Seventy six million six hundred forty five thousand five hundred fifty four
What to do with domestic violence?
One) To realize that physical violence is preceded by a moral. To respect yourself, not to others to humiliate himself. To prevent the moral presing on the vine.
Two) If any form of physical violence or prolonged mental abuse — to find a psychologist or social.worker's. Preferably at the place of residence that he was familiar with local laws and specificities. He will become the person who will be your support and help. And it's worth any money.
Three)With the appearance of physical violence not to wait until the tyrant will see the light and wise up, and go to the police. The chances that he will see the light and wise up after a month in prison is significantly greater.
Technique, which will help to cope with anxiety, anger, and anxietyThe rules of Life that will lift you to new heights
Want to mention that it happens that people come and after severe episodes of violence. But firstly rare, and secondly, to come AFTER should take up TO. Stay safe.
Author: Boris Herzberg, especially for
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/217429
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