The proportions of preparation of jelly from agar agar
We offer you to take note of the proportions of preparation of jelly from agar. For example, the jelly prepared lemon syrup. Galereya ability is determined by the type of agar: 600 – 900, i.e. the higher the marking, the less agar you need to add, but usually the proportions recommended on the package. It is cooked quickly and solidifies too quickly.
Servings – 2
Cooking time – 10 min
Note: 1 teaspoon agar – 5 g.
How to prepare:
Measure out the amount of agar. Dissolve the agar in cold water.
Then heat to boiling and cook on low heat for half a minute, because it is gelled only at high temperatures.
Delicious pumpkin pancakes without flour, butter and sugarRecipe-antidepressant: Vegetable pie "Roses"
Pour the sweet lemon syrup (or any syrup) with hot water, connect with the mass of agar, mix and pour into kremanku or just in cups. As the cool jelly sets. It is dense and pleasant texture.
Bon appetit! Cook with love!
Source: pojrem.ru/desert/zhele-iz-agara/
Servings – 2
Cooking time – 10 min
Note: 1 teaspoon agar – 5 g.

- Agar – 5 g
- Cold water – 100 ml
- Lemon syrup – to taste
- Boiling water – 300 ml

How to prepare:
Measure out the amount of agar. Dissolve the agar in cold water.
Then heat to boiling and cook on low heat for half a minute, because it is gelled only at high temperatures.
Delicious pumpkin pancakes without flour, butter and sugarRecipe-antidepressant: Vegetable pie "Roses"
Pour the sweet lemon syrup (or any syrup) with hot water, connect with the mass of agar, mix and pour into kremanku or just in cups. As the cool jelly sets. It is dense and pleasant texture.
Bon appetit! Cook with love!
Source: pojrem.ru/desert/zhele-iz-agara/