How to cook Turkish delight
What a delicious and useful to bring back from the summer holidays in Turkey? Delight powder course, a great source of beta-carotene, vitamin B3, and many minerals, including, contains a high concentration of iron, calcium and phosphorus. Turkey for Turkish delight - native country, and it is this ingredient will make recognizable without a simple and super delicious "raw" useful analogue of sweetness, which is a business card of this beautiful country
Here are a few ideas much more harmless Turkish Delight sugar and starch. By the same principle, you can make variations to your liking, especially now, in the summer, when some fresh berries on the market are replaced by others.
The general principle of the agar dilution - Art. l. flakes or tsp powder per cup (250 ml of fluid), pour hot water, let stand 10 minutes, then bring to a boil while stirring. In cases where the ingredients - the berry juice or puree, agar, water is heated only part (typically half of this volume, for example, half - frayed berries, half - water). Of course, I'm sorry to heat the fresh juice - and this is easy to avoid
. Agar-agar is obtained from certain species of algae, it is completely natural and plant thickening agent, rich in minerals and trace elements, it is harmless, is often used to stimulate digestion and peristalsis, cleaning intestines, it contains zero calories.
Blueberry / Berry Delight:
- 1 cup berries (blueberry / raspberry / cherry / black currants)
- 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, agave nectar or syrup Jerusalem artichoke
- Half a cup of water
- 1 tbsp flake agar or 1 tsp agar powder
½ cup hazelnuts or other nuts
- Optional - 3 Royal Tamarind or dates kaspiran 5-6 (if you are okay with a less sweet taste, the dates can be easily removed)
+ Ideally lucuma powder for dusting, although you can use almonds or pistachios, ground to a flour status
Fruit Delight:
- 8 royal dates or dates kaspiran 12-16 (again, you can dispense with all dates)
- Half a cup of fresh orange juice or other fruit juice (apple, pear, pineapple, although very beautiful and festive will turkish delight of carrots or beets)
- Tbsp honey or agave nectar, Jerusalem artichoke syrup, for the very low-carbohydrate options can add juice to the liquid infusion of stevia - 0 carbs)
- Half a cup of water
- Tablespoon of agar agar flakes or tsp agar powder
½ cup hazelnuts or other nuts and sprinkled again - Delight or grind into flour pistachios or almonds, cashews
You pour water on agar and Occupation berry juice or part.
For berry variations in the blender first intimately mixed with dates or honey berries for juice and variations are first mixed into a paste with honey figs or juice.
This quantity of water soaking the agar is heated to boiling and boil for 5 minutes to completely dissolve the agar. You can give the broth a little cool (not more than a minute), then mixed with berry juice or a part of the blender and mix thoroughly again. Pour nut buckshot, halves or whole, Stir and pour into a container or any silicone lined with cling film, put away the cold.
If you want to get a neat cubes, it is best to send for an hour in the freezer, then pulled out of the container with a lot of film, chopped into cubes, and at this moment to roll in powdered lucuma.

Here are a few ideas much more harmless Turkish Delight sugar and starch. By the same principle, you can make variations to your liking, especially now, in the summer, when some fresh berries on the market are replaced by others.
The general principle of the agar dilution - Art. l. flakes or tsp powder per cup (250 ml of fluid), pour hot water, let stand 10 minutes, then bring to a boil while stirring. In cases where the ingredients - the berry juice or puree, agar, water is heated only part (typically half of this volume, for example, half - frayed berries, half - water). Of course, I'm sorry to heat the fresh juice - and this is easy to avoid
. Agar-agar is obtained from certain species of algae, it is completely natural and plant thickening agent, rich in minerals and trace elements, it is harmless, is often used to stimulate digestion and peristalsis, cleaning intestines, it contains zero calories.

Blueberry / Berry Delight:
- 1 cup berries (blueberry / raspberry / cherry / black currants)
- 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, agave nectar or syrup Jerusalem artichoke
- Half a cup of water
- 1 tbsp flake agar or 1 tsp agar powder
½ cup hazelnuts or other nuts
- Optional - 3 Royal Tamarind or dates kaspiran 5-6 (if you are okay with a less sweet taste, the dates can be easily removed)
+ Ideally lucuma powder for dusting, although you can use almonds or pistachios, ground to a flour status

Fruit Delight:
- 8 royal dates or dates kaspiran 12-16 (again, you can dispense with all dates)
- Half a cup of fresh orange juice or other fruit juice (apple, pear, pineapple, although very beautiful and festive will turkish delight of carrots or beets)
- Tbsp honey or agave nectar, Jerusalem artichoke syrup, for the very low-carbohydrate options can add juice to the liquid infusion of stevia - 0 carbs)
- Half a cup of water
- Tablespoon of agar agar flakes or tsp agar powder
½ cup hazelnuts or other nuts and sprinkled again - Delight or grind into flour pistachios or almonds, cashews
You pour water on agar and Occupation berry juice or part.
For berry variations in the blender first intimately mixed with dates or honey berries for juice and variations are first mixed into a paste with honey figs or juice.
This quantity of water soaking the agar is heated to boiling and boil for 5 minutes to completely dissolve the agar. You can give the broth a little cool (not more than a minute), then mixed with berry juice or a part of the blender and mix thoroughly again. Pour nut buckshot, halves or whole, Stir and pour into a container or any silicone lined with cling film, put away the cold.
If you want to get a neat cubes, it is best to send for an hour in the freezer, then pulled out of the container with a lot of film, chopped into cubes, and at this moment to roll in powdered lucuma.
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