Effective hunger treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases
What gives any fasting for the skin?
It removes excretory load of the skin. Without intakes, the body actively begins to secrete excess substances in all possible ways and uses them in life. Gradually improve the internal environment of an organism is a balance between those substances that are needed, all the excess is expelled or used.
Improves blood circulation every cell in the body and consequently the skin cells. In applying the method of fasting is more delicate cleansing of the body at the cellular level. Purifies the blood and helps blood vessels to stay clean. Replaced, updated body cells during prolonged starvation is replaced by the entire skin. The skin is clean, the rejuvenation of the body.
Improving the functioning of our immune system. It will be clear from a simple example. I think each of you will easily recall a period in my life when the psoriasis retreated, and you've had a great result without taking medication. Usually it was during a successful holiday, after a good daily sleep, positive emotions, proper and regular power supply, etc.
At this point the freed resources of the immune system is sometimes enough to give successful battle the terrible disease. Most likely, the effect is achieved due to the suppression of non-communicable retrovirus. The majority of scientists are inclined to the view that the specific defects in immune function, which does not allow to cope with the task of neutralizing it, just lead to exacerbations. It is easy to see that the classic psoriatic exacerbation happen just in the late autumn and early spring, during periods when the human body is most susceptible to viral diseases.
The problem of secondary nature is to increase the level of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora on the skin. Psoriatic lesions be the place of residence and nutrition of these organisms, the fruit of life which aggravate the situation. Stabilization of the immune system is achievable and through fasting, but by slightly different mechanisms. Of course, it's not as fun as to have a good vacation, but the end result is a more stable and predictable.
Normalization of metabolic processes. Patients often complain: "Again problems with the liver have provoked!". But sometimes in reality, sometimes the connection is initially opposite. Disorder with the skin has an effect on our liver. A large number of metabolic products is removed through the skin. However, the area affected by plaques, papules and other lesions, are not able to fully cope with this task. Here, our liver comes to the rescue of damaged skin – takes on her work.
Additional metabolic products, fortunately, the liver is not too overloading. Not so well things are going with the intermediate products of metabolism, has toxic properties.
Aggravate the situation of the substance, for years, accumulating in the body under the influence of medication without the use of hepatoprotectors (drugs, protecting our livers), as well as being a result of malnutrition and abuse. They are already able to cause considerable damage to our liver, and she, in turn, gives rise to the formation of new lesions on the skin. The circle closes, but the exit is. So always when you have skin problems you need to do colon cleansing and liver. Obviously, the removal of a huge number of noxious and ballast compounds, when fasting gives new life to all systems of the body for many months.
Normalizes water-salt metabolism. Disappears dry skin. What is most surprising during fasting, since it changes with our skin — even after a week of starvation it becomes smooth and velvety. When you touch it squeaks like a baby. And these changes are noted by almost all starving. In addition, even without subsequent proper nutrition favorable changes in the skin persist for quite a long time and if you stick to in the future proper nutrition, the changes will become permanent.
What skin disease cures fasting:
atopic dermatitis,
psoriasis, the main cause of which is the liver,
pustular skin lesions,
infectious diseases of the skin.
Speak about self-healing, self-healing organism on the background of fasting. The time of fasting depends on the severity and duration of the disease. The heavier a disease of the skin, the longer periods of fasting are recommended. Most likely, you will have to spend a few courses the fractional starvation lasting 7— 9 days with proper nutrition in between.
When milder forms may be sufficient 5-7 day dry fasts, but everything will depend on the General condition of your body. Because cutaneous manifestations — a kind of marker which indicates a fairly significant violations in the activities of the whole organism. So I don't know how much you need to starve in a particular case.
Also interesting: Psoriasis: everything about possible types of this disease
Shingles treatment natural remedies
Of course, you always want to go through the healing crisis and to recover from, but this is not always possible and not always necessary to such a feat.published
Author: Filonov Sergey
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
Source: filonov.net/statji/suh-golod-effektivno/neyrodermit-ekzema-psoriaz
It removes excretory load of the skin. Without intakes, the body actively begins to secrete excess substances in all possible ways and uses them in life. Gradually improve the internal environment of an organism is a balance between those substances that are needed, all the excess is expelled or used.

Improves blood circulation every cell in the body and consequently the skin cells. In applying the method of fasting is more delicate cleansing of the body at the cellular level. Purifies the blood and helps blood vessels to stay clean. Replaced, updated body cells during prolonged starvation is replaced by the entire skin. The skin is clean, the rejuvenation of the body.
Improving the functioning of our immune system. It will be clear from a simple example. I think each of you will easily recall a period in my life when the psoriasis retreated, and you've had a great result without taking medication. Usually it was during a successful holiday, after a good daily sleep, positive emotions, proper and regular power supply, etc.
At this point the freed resources of the immune system is sometimes enough to give successful battle the terrible disease. Most likely, the effect is achieved due to the suppression of non-communicable retrovirus. The majority of scientists are inclined to the view that the specific defects in immune function, which does not allow to cope with the task of neutralizing it, just lead to exacerbations. It is easy to see that the classic psoriatic exacerbation happen just in the late autumn and early spring, during periods when the human body is most susceptible to viral diseases.
The problem of secondary nature is to increase the level of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora on the skin. Psoriatic lesions be the place of residence and nutrition of these organisms, the fruit of life which aggravate the situation. Stabilization of the immune system is achievable and through fasting, but by slightly different mechanisms. Of course, it's not as fun as to have a good vacation, but the end result is a more stable and predictable.
Normalization of metabolic processes. Patients often complain: "Again problems with the liver have provoked!". But sometimes in reality, sometimes the connection is initially opposite. Disorder with the skin has an effect on our liver. A large number of metabolic products is removed through the skin. However, the area affected by plaques, papules and other lesions, are not able to fully cope with this task. Here, our liver comes to the rescue of damaged skin – takes on her work.
Additional metabolic products, fortunately, the liver is not too overloading. Not so well things are going with the intermediate products of metabolism, has toxic properties.
Aggravate the situation of the substance, for years, accumulating in the body under the influence of medication without the use of hepatoprotectors (drugs, protecting our livers), as well as being a result of malnutrition and abuse. They are already able to cause considerable damage to our liver, and she, in turn, gives rise to the formation of new lesions on the skin. The circle closes, but the exit is. So always when you have skin problems you need to do colon cleansing and liver. Obviously, the removal of a huge number of noxious and ballast compounds, when fasting gives new life to all systems of the body for many months.
Normalizes water-salt metabolism. Disappears dry skin. What is most surprising during fasting, since it changes with our skin — even after a week of starvation it becomes smooth and velvety. When you touch it squeaks like a baby. And these changes are noted by almost all starving. In addition, even without subsequent proper nutrition favorable changes in the skin persist for quite a long time and if you stick to in the future proper nutrition, the changes will become permanent.

What skin disease cures fasting:
atopic dermatitis,
psoriasis, the main cause of which is the liver,
pustular skin lesions,
infectious diseases of the skin.
Speak about self-healing, self-healing organism on the background of fasting. The time of fasting depends on the severity and duration of the disease. The heavier a disease of the skin, the longer periods of fasting are recommended. Most likely, you will have to spend a few courses the fractional starvation lasting 7— 9 days with proper nutrition in between.
When milder forms may be sufficient 5-7 day dry fasts, but everything will depend on the General condition of your body. Because cutaneous manifestations — a kind of marker which indicates a fairly significant violations in the activities of the whole organism. So I don't know how much you need to starve in a particular case.
Also interesting: Psoriasis: everything about possible types of this disease
Shingles treatment natural remedies
Of course, you always want to go through the healing crisis and to recover from, but this is not always possible and not always necessary to such a feat.published
Author: Filonov Sergey
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
Source: filonov.net/statji/suh-golod-effektivno/neyrodermit-ekzema-psoriaz