Uncomfortable disease psoriasis
Psoriasis or psoriasis is non-communicable, that is, non-contagious, chronic skin disease. At the initial stage the skin appear dry reddish patches, they are lifted above the surface of the skin 1-3 mm and covered with a thin layer of white, yellowish or silvery scales.
Typically, these rashes appear on the elbows and knees, but can be in other places: on the face, neck, chest, stomach, arms, legs, back, buttocks, genitals, and in skin folds.
For the first time this disease appears in adolescents, although in some cases it may appear in an adult who has not previously suffered from a skin disease. Scientists have not yet found the exact causes of psoriasis. It is believed that psoriasis is inherited. The emergence of psoriasis is associated with metabolic disorders or malfunctioning of the immune system. To psoriasis can appear after severe stress.
Unfortunately, medicine is not yet able to cope with psoriasis and to put up with him will have throughout life.
Psoriasis may not manifest itself until, until his provocative factor. This can be a weakening of the immune system through prolonged illness, poor diet and lack of vitamins. This is the reason for the exacerbation of psoriasis in winter-autumn and winter-spring period. Moreover, in this period, lack of sunlight, which has the capacity to rein on this disease.
To deal with this disease is possible and necessary, otherwise the rash will spread, causing constant discomfort, and launched psoriasis can give complications to the joints.
First of all, consult a dermatologist who will prescribe a treatment and put on the account.
The sun will help tame the disease, but do not let sunburn, to not get the opposite effect.
Constantly moisturize the skin with special products that can be purchased at the pharmacy. Choose those that contain lipids and ceramides, they contain anti-inflammatory components help to make up for insufficient production of fat and restore beneficial microflora at the skin surface. Proven ointment ftorokort, salicylic ointment, cream or uns flucinar.
If psoriasis plaques appeared on the scalp, it is better to cut my hair short, do not use hair clips, hairpins, Bobby pins, not to injure the skin. Before sleep RUB the scalp with olive or peanut oil to soften and wrap head with a towel. You can also use a shampoo made of tar.
To get rid of itching and pain anti-inflammatory soothing cream herbal, for example "Canadarm" cream on soliderboy based "Magnepan". If these tools are not sufficiently effective, use the drugs based on activated zinc pyrithione (example – aerosol "Skin-cap").
These drugs have anti-inflammatory action like hormonal, but do not suppress the immune system. While providing antifungal and antibacterial activity, reducing the risk of secondary fungal and staphylococcal infections.
Hormone creams with corticosteroid use without a doctor's prescription is very desirable. Despite the fact that they quickly relieve rashes and discomfort, their use is addictive to the hormones, and the body will require bigger doses of the drug. Apart from causing addiction, hormones destroy the local immunity of the skin. It is fraught with occurrence of allergies and infections. With prolonged use of hormonal drugs begins atrophy of the skin (skin becomes like parchment paper) and increases the area of the rash.
To prevent relapse of psoriasis is of great importance diet. Exclude from the diet of eggs, chocolate, citrus, honey, milk (eat dairy products, on the contrary, they are useful), bananas, mangoes, crabs, as well as foods that contain red pigment (peppers, tomatoes, strawberries). Food should not be spicy, sour, oily. Reduce uses flour and potatoes. Eliminate alcohol and Smoking. They are provocateurs of the occurrence of psoriasis. By the way, fasting and "cleansing" of the body can also bring disease.
Walk more, exercise regularly, avoid anxiety.
Protect the skin from abrasions, cuts and scratches. For cleansing do not use solvents, gasoline, hard soap. After a shower the skin moisturizing and emollient.
Wear clothing that is not pressing and not rubbing the skin. Avoid rooms with air conditioning, as they much dry skin.
Don't heal yourself with herbs and charlatans. This "treatment" can cause harm.
Psoriasis is quite uncomfortable disease, but by following these guidelines, you will be able to keep her in check, and this disease will ruin your life.

Typically, these rashes appear on the elbows and knees, but can be in other places: on the face, neck, chest, stomach, arms, legs, back, buttocks, genitals, and in skin folds.
For the first time this disease appears in adolescents, although in some cases it may appear in an adult who has not previously suffered from a skin disease. Scientists have not yet found the exact causes of psoriasis. It is believed that psoriasis is inherited. The emergence of psoriasis is associated with metabolic disorders or malfunctioning of the immune system. To psoriasis can appear after severe stress.
Unfortunately, medicine is not yet able to cope with psoriasis and to put up with him will have throughout life.
Psoriasis may not manifest itself until, until his provocative factor. This can be a weakening of the immune system through prolonged illness, poor diet and lack of vitamins. This is the reason for the exacerbation of psoriasis in winter-autumn and winter-spring period. Moreover, in this period, lack of sunlight, which has the capacity to rein on this disease.
To deal with this disease is possible and necessary, otherwise the rash will spread, causing constant discomfort, and launched psoriasis can give complications to the joints.
First of all, consult a dermatologist who will prescribe a treatment and put on the account.
The sun will help tame the disease, but do not let sunburn, to not get the opposite effect.
Constantly moisturize the skin with special products that can be purchased at the pharmacy. Choose those that contain lipids and ceramides, they contain anti-inflammatory components help to make up for insufficient production of fat and restore beneficial microflora at the skin surface. Proven ointment ftorokort, salicylic ointment, cream or uns flucinar.
If psoriasis plaques appeared on the scalp, it is better to cut my hair short, do not use hair clips, hairpins, Bobby pins, not to injure the skin. Before sleep RUB the scalp with olive or peanut oil to soften and wrap head with a towel. You can also use a shampoo made of tar.
To get rid of itching and pain anti-inflammatory soothing cream herbal, for example "Canadarm" cream on soliderboy based "Magnepan". If these tools are not sufficiently effective, use the drugs based on activated zinc pyrithione (example – aerosol "Skin-cap").
These drugs have anti-inflammatory action like hormonal, but do not suppress the immune system. While providing antifungal and antibacterial activity, reducing the risk of secondary fungal and staphylococcal infections.
Hormone creams with corticosteroid use without a doctor's prescription is very desirable. Despite the fact that they quickly relieve rashes and discomfort, their use is addictive to the hormones, and the body will require bigger doses of the drug. Apart from causing addiction, hormones destroy the local immunity of the skin. It is fraught with occurrence of allergies and infections. With prolonged use of hormonal drugs begins atrophy of the skin (skin becomes like parchment paper) and increases the area of the rash.
To prevent relapse of psoriasis is of great importance diet. Exclude from the diet of eggs, chocolate, citrus, honey, milk (eat dairy products, on the contrary, they are useful), bananas, mangoes, crabs, as well as foods that contain red pigment (peppers, tomatoes, strawberries). Food should not be spicy, sour, oily. Reduce uses flour and potatoes. Eliminate alcohol and Smoking. They are provocateurs of the occurrence of psoriasis. By the way, fasting and "cleansing" of the body can also bring disease.
Walk more, exercise regularly, avoid anxiety.
Protect the skin from abrasions, cuts and scratches. For cleansing do not use solvents, gasoline, hard soap. After a shower the skin moisturizing and emollient.
Wear clothing that is not pressing and not rubbing the skin. Avoid rooms with air conditioning, as they much dry skin.
Don't heal yourself with herbs and charlatans. This "treatment" can cause harm.
Psoriasis is quite uncomfortable disease, but by following these guidelines, you will be able to keep her in check, and this disease will ruin your life.