Ginger hair mask

photo: www.womenonly.gr
In the East, mask of ginger hair became widespread, there they are used as a therapeutic and skin care products. Ginger deservedly belong to the class of useful spices. Ginger has a warming and stimulating effect, enhances the protective functions of the human body and improves good blood flow.
In the care of the hair, use grinded into powder ginger root. It nourishes the follicles and stimulates blood flow to the hair roots, is due to it accelerated growth of hair, improves their structure. In ginger root contains vitamins, essential oils and natural fatty acids, iron, zinc, calcium, sodium, all this will give hair strength. Ginger is also able to stop hair loss, hair loss, increased oiliness of the head. In the cosmetology practice, also use the essential oil of ginger, normalizes sebaceous glands, and remarkably suitable for cleaning the skin.

A revitalizing mask that is designed to strengthen the hairFor this mask ginger can better grind to make it easier and better to get as much juice as possible. before applying the juice hair washing is not required. Juice massage into the head massage, the head wrap and wash off after an hour. This mask is used to reduce fat and to speed up hair growth.
Mask to reduce oily hairGinger grind to a powder state and mixed with 2 spoons of burdock oil, add lemon juice (5 drops). With the power of massage using a massaging motion to the hair roots. Hold her for almost an hour, repeat this mask 3 times a week.
Mask with ginger to reduce hair greasinessis Required to mix 1 tbsp of sesame oil with 2 tablespoons of ground ginger. This mask is also rubbed into the hair roots and wash off after 40 minutes with water at room temperature.
Nourishing mask with ginger for damaged and dry hair, Prepare a natural honey, ground ginger and 1 egg yolk. 2 tbsp. of honey mix 2 spoons of ginger powder. Then it is mixed with separately beaten egg yolk. All should be thoroughly stirred, getting a homogeneous mass, and hair mask is applied from the middle to the ends. In this case, the hair is also insulated. Rinse can in half an hour.

Contrast mask is designed to care for mixed hair type, This mask will fit and the hair loss. With one tbsp lemon juice combine the egg yolk. 2/3 of the mixture on the hair roots massage. In 1/3 part of the mask, which is left, add a spoonful of liquid honey. The tips of the hair saturate this lineup. Half an hour later can wash.
Homemade mask for hair growth of gingerHow to use ginger to speed up hair growth? One ginger root peel and grate small grater. Press the juice and add a small spoon of ginger powder and a spoon of coffee ground. For 40 minutes, apply the mask and then rinse.
Mask ginger hairTaken 1 and 2 tbsp of sesame oil and burdock respectively, and combine and stir grated ginger root. Blend into the skin, RUB and leave for half an hour. This mask can be done before washed my hair and after.
Feedback about the use of ginger masks testify about the fact that for one such course hair growth can accelerate from 1 to 2 cm per month, in addition they are very good on the structure of the hair are affected.
source: lubim-zhizn.ru
Source: /users/1077