Psychosomatics life
People often ask about psychosomatics — on the connection of bodily diseases with the mental state. It would be possible to answer simply — Yes, this connection is traced, and acute mental conflict is very often reflected in the General state of the organism.
What is there to understand? It's so obvious! But this question can and should look a little wider, and then we see a different, much more impressive and dramatic picture, which in the field of academic psychology talk is not accepted, because this is unprovable unscientific heresy.
Jung, of course, tried to make a topic of when "everything" for a discussion of the scientific community, but not very much he did it, and his theory of the collective unconscious with all its interesting special effects and remained a niche product that is in demand only in earnest of game's that way!. And the Jung patted him on the shoulder, praised the profound and beautiful philosophical insight, condescendingly called a mystic and retired. But everything in order...
In the old, but not ancient times, when medicine has firmly stood on his feet, and psychiatry was in its infancy and served only a punitive function, look at mental illnesses were simple and straightforward. That's how the learning process — first we learn one thing, and then trying to explain all new terms and consequences are already known.
Primitive man looks at the night sky and sees the glowing dots. From time to time he has no idea what it is. Those lights are so knocked out of his direct experience, he left them to invent artificial poetical explanations, for example that is the souls of our great ancestors.
Then, this same man finds in the far forest, the Bush, dotted with lights that are very similar to those he used to see in the sky. He goes to the Bush and finds a little glowing bugs — fireflies. And now he has a new, much more convincing theory about the lights in the sky. It's not exactly the soul of ancestors! They are very high, they can't reach to check, but what else could it be — of course there are fireflies over my head!
And so on. New experience leads to new assumptions, as long as the stars themselves are not the subject of experience, and only then they become their own independent entity in our knowledge, and we stop trying to define them using something already known — we recognize their right to the unknown and for the first time begin really to learn.
Simply put, at the initial stage of knowledge we say that an orange is an Apple, only in the skin, soft and without stub. But when we meet orange closer, we eventually come to the conclusion that an orange is an orange and Apple in terms of it is not described.
The same thing happened with the attempts to understand the structure of the human soul with the "scientific" point of view. The first psychiatrists were doctors, with their extensive medical, baggage, respectively, and the first ideas about the psyche expressed in terms of physiology and anatomy.
Following this principle the "already known" religious cults expelled from the human demons and devils with the help of prayer and various rituals. A primitive psychiatry tried to cure hysteria (see "rabies uterus") fumigation of the vagina. And since we're not so far ahead.
Know the essence of the scientific approach in studying the structure of the body? It's simple — "Let's cut this strange thing and see what happens with that miserable rat." Cut off the tail of the rat is not dead, but greatly diminished in its matter. Excellent — tail is necessary for coordination of movements! Cut some fabric in my spine from rat hind paws and tail. Understandable — it was some kind of signal wire. Stuck a scalpel into the brain of a rat that died. Oops — apparently it was something very necessary. And so on.
Psychiatry was originally doing this by trial and error trying to find the key to mental processes, affecting well understood in physiological terms the body. The conclusion to which they came? To the fact that the psyche is clearly associated with the physiology.
Make a raving lunatic lobotomy is blatantly and purposefully damaged the frontal lobe of the brain with a screwdriver — and he immediately stops to get his tantrums. True, and a man he ceases to be, but it is the nuances. Importantly, the link between physiology and mental set — cut a piece of the brain and the person begins to behave differently. It is only necessary to map terrain and learn how to neatly cut out defective areas.
Then, many years later, came on the scene psychology with its mission statement that the orange is an orange, and the psyche is the psyche and should be studied separate from physiology and anatomy of the body.
Unfortunately, the soul cannot be seen under a microscope and then the subject matter be mental effects. Exactly the same way it is impossible to see the electrons flying around the nucleus, but it is possible to trace some of the side effects and make the assumption that there is something like kernel and something like the electrons that revolve around it. And mind — no actual observations and measurements, but a bunch of different effects and a huge field for all sorts of assumptions.
However, psychology somehow accepted into the club and allowed to take its place among the other Sciences... about the same as public figures awarded the title of honorary Professor of the University. For special non-scientific merits, so to speak.
So, psychology, earned his right to piece of the scientific pie — including financially — spent an enormous amount of research and came to the conclusion that not only physiology has an impact on the psyche, but the psyche has an impact on physiology.
Study of acute mental disorders quite quickly led to the discovery, which to date, no one has any doubts. Mental processes of high emotional charge can cause symptoms at the physiological level. And to cure these symptoms the conventional medical means is not obtained until until it's discharged pathogenic mental conflict.
So now we know that the relationship between body and soul applies to both sides. We don't really understand how it works, but it can draw from this discovery is of practical use.
Remember all those slogans? Healthy body, healthy mind and all that jazz. Want to get out of depression — get to tone your body. Want to improve the body — bring the tone your soul. One cannot exist without the other — you can not be sick physically and psychologically healthy, and Vice versa. And this is all very interesting, but moving on, for it is only the most superficial and banal layer of our problem.
About a hundred years ago, Jung appears with his cautious statement that there are, like, sort of weird — let's call it the "collective unconscious" — which is the Foundation of the individual psyche and connects people with the world around.
We used to say that apples grow on Apple, and Jung came in and drew the attention of fellow scientists to the obvious fact that the Apple tree is growing on the Earth, and the Earth in turn revolves around the Sun and so on and so forth. Therefore, it would be more accurate to say that apples grow on Earth through the thing we call Apple, but not Apple source fruit, and the whole planet, and with it the whole universe.
A logical observation, but the conclusions drawn from it go so far and become so inconvenient that it seriously did not take. At best, the idea of the collective unconscious and Jungian synchrony — the interrelatedness of mental processes and external events of life — use eccentric psychologists with a penchant for the mystical Outlook on life.
Anyway, Jung in his research gave a lot of interesting evidence that such a relationship exists. From time to time happen so outlandish coincidences in the ordinary course of life that any theory of probability to explain them does not work. And it should be familiar to most of you, we just don't pay much attention to it as to the effect of deja vu.
The story of how Jung before all thought of this, quite dark. Perhaps came to this myself. But given his close relationship with various spiritual and mystical traditions, there is a possibility that it is simply shifted on academic language and conducted their own practical investigations in relation to those ideas that have been known for thousands of years before him. It does not matter.
Ultimately, we're here to talk about the fact that there is a connection not only between body and soul, but between the whole organism and the world around. The internal state of man is reflected in the world, and the state of the world causes a corresponding resonance in the human. But that's not all.
Cause and effect
Another interesting and very important question is, what in this picture is the cause and what is effect?
If you go back to the chronology of events, we see that the doctors believed the soul the consequence of the body — and from this came all their assumptions and experiments. Psychologists, in turn, pull the blanket over himself, hinting that this soul is at the forefront, and the body is a horse under her ass.
Let's take for illustration the situation of some strange, but very good for you match. Let's say you overslept and now late for the plane trip, which for a long time dreamed and it is very important to you. You call a cab, and it turns out that the car was just at your house — you don't need to wait, you can immediately exit. Then you go to the airport and all the traffic lights on your way green, but you still late by the time you complete registration. Run fly to the airport and find out that for technical reasons the flight was delayed for half an hour and at the reception you are greeted by a friendly girl, reaches out to you already printed your boarding pass, and she will escort you to the landing... a Series of lucky coincidences, as if the universe was on your side and wanted you to come to this plane.
However, in the end, you may find that you were on this plane to break into pieces... but it's just the reverse side of the same coin, and the essence of our reasoning does not change.
How are we going to interpret the incident? Blinkered gross materialist will say that it's just a coincidence, and will then brag about how cool he was lucky. That is, he will attribute this event to himself, his great luck, which can be proud in front of friends.
People more attentive and sensitive will notice that the coincidence is too incredible, and will try somehow to understand what happened, but a healthy human self-centeredness motivates him in the same direction as that of the materialist. The first obvious idea that comes to mind is the idea that he is so lucky because he's so good and wanted so badly to get on the plane. To avoid this assumption is almost impossible due to the monumental scale of our selfishness.
The question is, will we stop on this and the question is: will the answer, which so warms our egos... or is it going to continue our reflections. To assume that the universe fulfills our desires, need only a strong and properly want to — it's very tempting prospect where you warm the hands of a hoaxer. But it's very one-sided view of the situation!
Why not assume the opposite? Why not say that the universe wanted the plane took off (and crashed), and so we certainly it was its own radiant persona, and so she established an irresistible desire to fly that day was this flight? We don't usually ask myself the question, where are our desires. We believe that generated them randomly — picked just like that, and wanted. But whether it actually works?
Actually, we don't know where are the desires and situations of our matches, we cannot with any certainty determine what was the cause and what the consequence of — plane, which should fly (and ruin all passengers), or our personal desire which has brought us to this plane by a succession of amazing coincidences.
If you can't afford to falsify the facts and to interpret the situation the best way, then all we can say about what happened is that it just had to happen. Where the beginning of the story, and where it will end, we say I can not, and our best guess is the assumption that there is no cause and effect, but a single and continuous process of functioning of the universal body.
Doctors and psychologists look at the relationship physiology and psyche with a comfortable bell, but the common sense of the observer, not interested in the rightness of one or the other, suggests that the body is not the soul, and the soul is not the body. Rather, it is a single mechanism that only very conditionally can be divided into two aspects — mental and physical.
The same should be assumed with respect to the psycho-physiological unity of the organism with the surrounding reality. The relationship of one with another we can quite easily observe and the conclusion here suggests the same.
The body and the world around are not consequences of each other, serve each other and constitute a single whole. We are only used to draw the border between a and not-a in some arbitrary place and forgot what the hell the inscription "Stop!" written in chalk on the pavement is not a fortress wall with an anti-tank ditch, and only hell on the pavement.
Remember that in the history of human knowledge of the body from the soul was separated purely arbitrary, about how the lessons of the device anatomy study hands separately from the device cavity of the abdomen. The body is a single entity, no one disputes that, but for learning purposes it's easier to break the whole into parts and to consistently move from one to the other, and in the end to go back to all integrity — remember that the body is not just a collection of parts collected together, and something inherently indivisible.
The psyche likewise conditionally allocated to a separate "organ" for the sake of simplicity of study. In fact, we are talking about the fact that there is no individual mind, there is only conditional amputation of the arm from the body for more convenient placement of anatomical diagrams on the chart.
That is, at some stage of development we say, "Okay, we know that man and the universe is one whole, but in the interest of science, let's temporarily remove a piece of that integrity, which we see as a person, and try to understand how he's arranged inside".
Quite right action — why not? The trouble is that we are so keen on this assumption that we forget the original truth — the man and the whole universe around are inextricably United and inseparable process. The rhythm of the changing lights at the traffic lights near your home was closely linked with the haunting melody in your head, hunger in stomach and reading the text.
And it's not a metaphor, not a beautiful way, and the truth of life is obvious if we trace the origins of their assumptions about their separateness from the world around. What makes you think that you are a separate body? Mom said?
And from this point of view, psychosomatics is the bond of soul and body is so trivial that it should not even focus on. We live in a world where body and mind are not just linked, but are one. Moreover, the entire observable world around is also inseparable from the psyche and body. No border there. Everything is connected with everything, even more than implied by Jung. It's not just because they are one, only conditionally cut into pieces for the sake of our children's desire to dismantle the toy and see what is there inside it. We just forgot to collect the toy back.
So, when you have a leaky faucet or clogged drain, do not complain about bad plumbing, you're a mystical "sign", think of it quite directly — it personally YOU have a leaky faucet, this is YOUR drain clogged. All this is happening to YOU and not abstract equipment. And happens for a reason, not out of the blue, and in the same irresistible match in which rotating gears perfect clockwork. None of the gear can not be rotated, without turned the whole world around. That's what "psychosomatic"...
Force to cause good or how dangerous the role of rescuerJoe Vitale: HOW to attract what you want in your life
p. s. Watch your feelings. Certainly, in the process of reading you have something inside shuddered. First interested, and then quietly gasped and jumped back. The trick is fairly simple thoughts, which do not require any philosophical training and intellectual refinement, lead to the conclusion that hits to the core of our place. If the soul, body and the universe around you — is a unified whole, then where is the place for my beautiful personality? Where is the "I" of such individual, remarkable and important? I'm not there? So what? published
Author: Oleg Satov
Source: satway.ru/articles/psychosomatics-of-life/
What is there to understand? It's so obvious! But this question can and should look a little wider, and then we see a different, much more impressive and dramatic picture, which in the field of academic psychology talk is not accepted, because this is unprovable unscientific heresy.
Jung, of course, tried to make a topic of when "everything" for a discussion of the scientific community, but not very much he did it, and his theory of the collective unconscious with all its interesting special effects and remained a niche product that is in demand only in earnest of game's that way!. And the Jung patted him on the shoulder, praised the profound and beautiful philosophical insight, condescendingly called a mystic and retired. But everything in order...

In the old, but not ancient times, when medicine has firmly stood on his feet, and psychiatry was in its infancy and served only a punitive function, look at mental illnesses were simple and straightforward. That's how the learning process — first we learn one thing, and then trying to explain all new terms and consequences are already known.
Primitive man looks at the night sky and sees the glowing dots. From time to time he has no idea what it is. Those lights are so knocked out of his direct experience, he left them to invent artificial poetical explanations, for example that is the souls of our great ancestors.
Then, this same man finds in the far forest, the Bush, dotted with lights that are very similar to those he used to see in the sky. He goes to the Bush and finds a little glowing bugs — fireflies. And now he has a new, much more convincing theory about the lights in the sky. It's not exactly the soul of ancestors! They are very high, they can't reach to check, but what else could it be — of course there are fireflies over my head!
And so on. New experience leads to new assumptions, as long as the stars themselves are not the subject of experience, and only then they become their own independent entity in our knowledge, and we stop trying to define them using something already known — we recognize their right to the unknown and for the first time begin really to learn.
Simply put, at the initial stage of knowledge we say that an orange is an Apple, only in the skin, soft and without stub. But when we meet orange closer, we eventually come to the conclusion that an orange is an orange and Apple in terms of it is not described.
The same thing happened with the attempts to understand the structure of the human soul with the "scientific" point of view. The first psychiatrists were doctors, with their extensive medical, baggage, respectively, and the first ideas about the psyche expressed in terms of physiology and anatomy.
Following this principle the "already known" religious cults expelled from the human demons and devils with the help of prayer and various rituals. A primitive psychiatry tried to cure hysteria (see "rabies uterus") fumigation of the vagina. And since we're not so far ahead.
Know the essence of the scientific approach in studying the structure of the body? It's simple — "Let's cut this strange thing and see what happens with that miserable rat." Cut off the tail of the rat is not dead, but greatly diminished in its matter. Excellent — tail is necessary for coordination of movements! Cut some fabric in my spine from rat hind paws and tail. Understandable — it was some kind of signal wire. Stuck a scalpel into the brain of a rat that died. Oops — apparently it was something very necessary. And so on.
Psychiatry was originally doing this by trial and error trying to find the key to mental processes, affecting well understood in physiological terms the body. The conclusion to which they came? To the fact that the psyche is clearly associated with the physiology.
Make a raving lunatic lobotomy is blatantly and purposefully damaged the frontal lobe of the brain with a screwdriver — and he immediately stops to get his tantrums. True, and a man he ceases to be, but it is the nuances. Importantly, the link between physiology and mental set — cut a piece of the brain and the person begins to behave differently. It is only necessary to map terrain and learn how to neatly cut out defective areas.
Then, many years later, came on the scene psychology with its mission statement that the orange is an orange, and the psyche is the psyche and should be studied separate from physiology and anatomy of the body.
Unfortunately, the soul cannot be seen under a microscope and then the subject matter be mental effects. Exactly the same way it is impossible to see the electrons flying around the nucleus, but it is possible to trace some of the side effects and make the assumption that there is something like kernel and something like the electrons that revolve around it. And mind — no actual observations and measurements, but a bunch of different effects and a huge field for all sorts of assumptions.
However, psychology somehow accepted into the club and allowed to take its place among the other Sciences... about the same as public figures awarded the title of honorary Professor of the University. For special non-scientific merits, so to speak.
So, psychology, earned his right to piece of the scientific pie — including financially — spent an enormous amount of research and came to the conclusion that not only physiology has an impact on the psyche, but the psyche has an impact on physiology.
Study of acute mental disorders quite quickly led to the discovery, which to date, no one has any doubts. Mental processes of high emotional charge can cause symptoms at the physiological level. And to cure these symptoms the conventional medical means is not obtained until until it's discharged pathogenic mental conflict.
So now we know that the relationship between body and soul applies to both sides. We don't really understand how it works, but it can draw from this discovery is of practical use.
Remember all those slogans? Healthy body, healthy mind and all that jazz. Want to get out of depression — get to tone your body. Want to improve the body — bring the tone your soul. One cannot exist without the other — you can not be sick physically and psychologically healthy, and Vice versa. And this is all very interesting, but moving on, for it is only the most superficial and banal layer of our problem.
About a hundred years ago, Jung appears with his cautious statement that there are, like, sort of weird — let's call it the "collective unconscious" — which is the Foundation of the individual psyche and connects people with the world around.
We used to say that apples grow on Apple, and Jung came in and drew the attention of fellow scientists to the obvious fact that the Apple tree is growing on the Earth, and the Earth in turn revolves around the Sun and so on and so forth. Therefore, it would be more accurate to say that apples grow on Earth through the thing we call Apple, but not Apple source fruit, and the whole planet, and with it the whole universe.
A logical observation, but the conclusions drawn from it go so far and become so inconvenient that it seriously did not take. At best, the idea of the collective unconscious and Jungian synchrony — the interrelatedness of mental processes and external events of life — use eccentric psychologists with a penchant for the mystical Outlook on life.
Anyway, Jung in his research gave a lot of interesting evidence that such a relationship exists. From time to time happen so outlandish coincidences in the ordinary course of life that any theory of probability to explain them does not work. And it should be familiar to most of you, we just don't pay much attention to it as to the effect of deja vu.
The story of how Jung before all thought of this, quite dark. Perhaps came to this myself. But given his close relationship with various spiritual and mystical traditions, there is a possibility that it is simply shifted on academic language and conducted their own practical investigations in relation to those ideas that have been known for thousands of years before him. It does not matter.
Ultimately, we're here to talk about the fact that there is a connection not only between body and soul, but between the whole organism and the world around. The internal state of man is reflected in the world, and the state of the world causes a corresponding resonance in the human. But that's not all.

Cause and effect
Another interesting and very important question is, what in this picture is the cause and what is effect?
If you go back to the chronology of events, we see that the doctors believed the soul the consequence of the body — and from this came all their assumptions and experiments. Psychologists, in turn, pull the blanket over himself, hinting that this soul is at the forefront, and the body is a horse under her ass.
Let's take for illustration the situation of some strange, but very good for you match. Let's say you overslept and now late for the plane trip, which for a long time dreamed and it is very important to you. You call a cab, and it turns out that the car was just at your house — you don't need to wait, you can immediately exit. Then you go to the airport and all the traffic lights on your way green, but you still late by the time you complete registration. Run fly to the airport and find out that for technical reasons the flight was delayed for half an hour and at the reception you are greeted by a friendly girl, reaches out to you already printed your boarding pass, and she will escort you to the landing... a Series of lucky coincidences, as if the universe was on your side and wanted you to come to this plane.
However, in the end, you may find that you were on this plane to break into pieces... but it's just the reverse side of the same coin, and the essence of our reasoning does not change.
How are we going to interpret the incident? Blinkered gross materialist will say that it's just a coincidence, and will then brag about how cool he was lucky. That is, he will attribute this event to himself, his great luck, which can be proud in front of friends.
People more attentive and sensitive will notice that the coincidence is too incredible, and will try somehow to understand what happened, but a healthy human self-centeredness motivates him in the same direction as that of the materialist. The first obvious idea that comes to mind is the idea that he is so lucky because he's so good and wanted so badly to get on the plane. To avoid this assumption is almost impossible due to the monumental scale of our selfishness.
The question is, will we stop on this and the question is: will the answer, which so warms our egos... or is it going to continue our reflections. To assume that the universe fulfills our desires, need only a strong and properly want to — it's very tempting prospect where you warm the hands of a hoaxer. But it's very one-sided view of the situation!
Why not assume the opposite? Why not say that the universe wanted the plane took off (and crashed), and so we certainly it was its own radiant persona, and so she established an irresistible desire to fly that day was this flight? We don't usually ask myself the question, where are our desires. We believe that generated them randomly — picked just like that, and wanted. But whether it actually works?
Actually, we don't know where are the desires and situations of our matches, we cannot with any certainty determine what was the cause and what the consequence of — plane, which should fly (and ruin all passengers), or our personal desire which has brought us to this plane by a succession of amazing coincidences.
If you can't afford to falsify the facts and to interpret the situation the best way, then all we can say about what happened is that it just had to happen. Where the beginning of the story, and where it will end, we say I can not, and our best guess is the assumption that there is no cause and effect, but a single and continuous process of functioning of the universal body.
Doctors and psychologists look at the relationship physiology and psyche with a comfortable bell, but the common sense of the observer, not interested in the rightness of one or the other, suggests that the body is not the soul, and the soul is not the body. Rather, it is a single mechanism that only very conditionally can be divided into two aspects — mental and physical.
The same should be assumed with respect to the psycho-physiological unity of the organism with the surrounding reality. The relationship of one with another we can quite easily observe and the conclusion here suggests the same.
The body and the world around are not consequences of each other, serve each other and constitute a single whole. We are only used to draw the border between a and not-a in some arbitrary place and forgot what the hell the inscription "Stop!" written in chalk on the pavement is not a fortress wall with an anti-tank ditch, and only hell on the pavement.
Remember that in the history of human knowledge of the body from the soul was separated purely arbitrary, about how the lessons of the device anatomy study hands separately from the device cavity of the abdomen. The body is a single entity, no one disputes that, but for learning purposes it's easier to break the whole into parts and to consistently move from one to the other, and in the end to go back to all integrity — remember that the body is not just a collection of parts collected together, and something inherently indivisible.
The psyche likewise conditionally allocated to a separate "organ" for the sake of simplicity of study. In fact, we are talking about the fact that there is no individual mind, there is only conditional amputation of the arm from the body for more convenient placement of anatomical diagrams on the chart.
That is, at some stage of development we say, "Okay, we know that man and the universe is one whole, but in the interest of science, let's temporarily remove a piece of that integrity, which we see as a person, and try to understand how he's arranged inside".
Quite right action — why not? The trouble is that we are so keen on this assumption that we forget the original truth — the man and the whole universe around are inextricably United and inseparable process. The rhythm of the changing lights at the traffic lights near your home was closely linked with the haunting melody in your head, hunger in stomach and reading the text.
And it's not a metaphor, not a beautiful way, and the truth of life is obvious if we trace the origins of their assumptions about their separateness from the world around. What makes you think that you are a separate body? Mom said?
And from this point of view, psychosomatics is the bond of soul and body is so trivial that it should not even focus on. We live in a world where body and mind are not just linked, but are one. Moreover, the entire observable world around is also inseparable from the psyche and body. No border there. Everything is connected with everything, even more than implied by Jung. It's not just because they are one, only conditionally cut into pieces for the sake of our children's desire to dismantle the toy and see what is there inside it. We just forgot to collect the toy back.
So, when you have a leaky faucet or clogged drain, do not complain about bad plumbing, you're a mystical "sign", think of it quite directly — it personally YOU have a leaky faucet, this is YOUR drain clogged. All this is happening to YOU and not abstract equipment. And happens for a reason, not out of the blue, and in the same irresistible match in which rotating gears perfect clockwork. None of the gear can not be rotated, without turned the whole world around. That's what "psychosomatic"...
Force to cause good or how dangerous the role of rescuerJoe Vitale: HOW to attract what you want in your life
p. s. Watch your feelings. Certainly, in the process of reading you have something inside shuddered. First interested, and then quietly gasped and jumped back. The trick is fairly simple thoughts, which do not require any philosophical training and intellectual refinement, lead to the conclusion that hits to the core of our place. If the soul, body and the universe around you — is a unified whole, then where is the place for my beautiful personality? Where is the "I" of such individual, remarkable and important? I'm not there? So what? published
Author: Oleg Satov
Source: satway.ru/articles/psychosomatics-of-life/
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