Experiment with a monster
Parents at the reception looked quite usual - elderly, similar to each other and, of course, concerned about the problems of children of that with him failed.
- We felt that we were ready for anything, - said the father. - Go to underdevelopment, to poor schooling, or even to the sub-class. Of course, to any health problems, some sores, chronic or ongoing, we were warned, and we understand ... We thought that we all accept and cope. But Oleg is completely healthy and mathematical school has mainly four and five. I could learn from one five, if not frequent conflicts with teachers.
They, perhaps, "themselves understood", but I did not understand anything. To create the impression as if the father is upset that unknown to me, Oleg does not sick and do not attend school for the mentally retarded. But the same can not be! Or can it?
- Tell me, why, in fact, you were so stressed "ready for anything"? Because Oleg - late child? Or some kind of developmental disorders were with your other children?
- Biological children, we can not be, - said the mother. - We have adopted Oleg when he was a year and three months.
- Clearly, - I nodded.
So, Oleg - collection. Prepared to disease and developmental delay, and got something else. Maybe normal teenage crisis? - Hopefully I thought. Hamit teachers and parents, smoking, hanging around late or failed to virtual life? They do not understand what to do, and, of course, worried ...
- Oleg knows that he is receiving?
- Knows. We were told that it would be correct, and we also will not moved, it is still someone would have told. Do you think it was necessary to hide?
- I do not think about this, I'm just asking - I assured. - So what's bothering you now?
The parents looked at each other. Mother unpleasant snapped his fingers on his father's cheeks went nodules.
- Our Oleg - monster - she said at last. - We realized a long time ago, but did not dare to admit. Moreover, over the years he has made both of us monsters ...
- Strong statement - some taken aback, I muttered. - Is it possible to more specific?
- It can be more specific - the man seized the initiative. - Since we said "a" ... Almost as soon as he had appeared, he began to torture our old dog. We were forbidden to him, he realized, and tried to do it secretly. Then he stuck a pencil in her eyes ... We cured her and gave, she lived with us for ten years, and when we parted, looked like a man who survived a sudden betrayal. We both cried ... Oleg seemed to not even notice that she was gone somewhere. The hysteric, as written in literature was never, he cried very little, but if he do not like something, he could hit the mother (on my arm is not raised even once). We thought the consequences of what he threw, the effects of the orphanage. Love heals everything. We would like to think so. In the summer, we always went to the cottage. There, he tore off the wings of dragonflies and frogs killed. Terrible killed. We did not know what to do, do not stay in one place ... we tried everything, to no avail, and finally we have it just beat for it. You understand? Adults who hit a three-year, four-year baby! And it's not a slap in the hearts, namely punishment beatings! If social services find out ... But then all was still, and we now regret: if he had taken away from us already ... And we were already better than him, he fell asleep in his bed, kissed us on the night, and we were sitting on the veranda, drinking coffee like vodka, and said to each other would be better if we took Dasha ... Dasha from the same orphanage, she was four, and she did not speak, but was so affectionate, and she had six fingers on the handle ... And we were told: Take Oleg, he develops under age ... I had to take ...
But you know, it just stopped. Right. It lasted two and a half or three years, and then when we started how to punish, how to cut. If it is someone else, and tortured or killed, we have this never learned.
He is well-developed, loved books, he soon learned to read. Many well-spoken and was a curious child. My favorite question: how to work?
So in the garden, he mocked the words already. Thick thick she teased. Myopia bespectacled. He especially liked to tease those who are slightly behind in development. By the end of kindergarten I was able to organize a mass persecution of a child. At least two children were taken from the garden just for Oleg. Force it is still respected, if someone beat, he never complained, and tried to "tame" the offender. Usually he gets.
In the school from the beginning it was all the same. But the first was a strict teacher (we specifically sought), and somehow it's damp out. She told us your son aptitude for mathematics, he likes to solve problems, proceed to a special school, maybe it will be loaded there and distracted from their paskudstva.
We have done so. At first, the school from him were excited: he "seized upon" to mathematics, to solve more than asked, and some own, unique ways. With children at this time, almost no contact, just do not pay attention to them. Then "ate", he looked around and went to the old: Select the "victims" (now among the teachers, too) and began podtravlivat. And he immediately found "yes-men", those for whom it is for a while became an idol. For some time, because of their "own", he also handed over, when they bothered him. And it bothers them very quickly.
One time he got drunk. I do not drink, namely - to the position of Reese. At school. We called, we take it to the taxi, he zablevali entire machine. The other times came under the influence of any drug: giggling, carrying stuff, pupils were full iris. Lie down, the next day I went to school.
The school is really good, and it has repeatedly tried to get out there, but it is difficult: it is not hooligans in the truest sense of the word and when the meet, flawless writing all control, and record-work ... But recently, the school has passed such a maxim of his authorship: "Who It may be a teacher at the School of Mathematics? The man, who was not sufficiently gifted to be a real mathematician, and a woman, it is unclaimed in the sex market ... "class teacher said:" I'm sorry, but I do when I see him, feeling as opposing centipede some ... »
- Well, - I sighed (see the monster I do not like at all). - Leads Oleg.
- Excuse me, - man lowered his graying head contritely. - We understand that there is nothing you can not change and that our cross ...
- Bring!
An hour conversation fourteen Oleg secular smiling, told me that in his opinion:
- Downs must be destroyed in utero,
- "Chocks" to send home, leaving the minimum necessary to "street aground»,
- Fools must be taught,
- "Every revolution is only worth anything unless it can defend itself" (that's right - a strict quote from Lenin).
- Do you really so, or the fool? - I asked.
- Indeed so, - said Oleg. He had strange eyes - green with brown speckles.
- Do you sometimes feel sorry for someone?
- Anything - said the teenager. - That tablet has recently dropped, it crashed, it was a pity.
- Sympathize someone?
- No. If you think the same people are always themselves to blame ...
- You are to blame, that he was in an orphanage?
- Well, it's not luck, it happens - Oleg shrugged. - But then lucky me from mom and dad took.
Parents needed at least some respite, and at least some hope.
- Let him more to me like - I said. - If you agree.
Something to hide, I was hoping that would not agree.
However, Oleg came, watched his speckled eyes, carrying a cruel nonsense that I could do nothing to refute.
- What were the scenes with alcohol and drugs?
- Experiment. All this said and written, it was necessary to try ...
- There are people who do you love? Or love?
- Judging by the books about love, no.
- Respect?
- Yes.
- Are you experiencing appreciation when you do good?
- All do what suits them. This can be good or bad for me or for you.
- Do you understand that you do something wrong? What makes you different from other people?
- Sometimes yes, sometimes no. And you know what that is? - Sincere curiosity ("he was always inquisitive").
- Probably some biochemical abnormalities. The brain is not working. You are not able to experience ordinary human affection, compassion, gratitude ... Well, as you know, there is blindness, people do not distinguish between colors, or do not hear the sound of a band, or can not produce any enzymes ...
- And why? Head hit a child?
- No, this is unlikely. Most congenital. They say it happens, if your biological mother drank during pregnancy.
- It is clear ...
- Look (I drew on a piece of several segments), that the scale of development. Any physical development, intellectual, emotional, social ... For all these scales man can match his calendar age (say 15 years), may lag can stay ahead. That's how it would have looked at the teenager with Down syndrome (quickly put a cross). And this is how you look (painted circles in the right places).
- And where is it down ahead? - Oleg surprised.
- Emotional development. It is they often compensate for the lag intellectually and partly physical. Daunyata very emotional and capable of empathy, they are unattractive in appearance, but they are easy to fall in love, if you know better. And with you in this regard, alas, all the way around ... You have a lead on the intellectual scale, and here you see a terrible lag ... And, as a consequence, suffer social development ...
- Yeah. I got it.
- What do you think, to aspire to all the people, almost without exception?
Oleg long moment.
- Money - obviously not all. Sex - is not all. Power over others?
- No, there are people who do not seek power, even avoiding her. But people want to like others, want to be loved.
- And I am, or what I want? - Oleg's eyes widened slightly.
- Yes - I said firmly. - Only for you it is almost impossible for a down to solve the problem with integrals.
- Less than or less than or equal to? - Quickly asked Oleg.
- It is impossible or nearly impossible? The decision closed or not?
- From down will not make a great mathematician, but his arithmetic, as a rule, you can teach - I answered honestly. - Look, the organism two operating systems - the nervous and humoral, t. E. Chemical. With the chemistry and emotions you have some obvious seams, but intelligence is something saved, therefore, possible to compensate social skills through the management "of the mind", as in Down syndrome, with its giperrazvitoy emotion. I would be in your place, I conducted an experiment.
- Got it. Where it is necessary to begin with?
- You can "from the mind" to figure out what people want? What it would have been nice?
- Sometimes yes, sometimes no. And how do I know if the experiment goes well?
- Do you all like it, you will not be afraid and shy away from you as from a vile insect, and you yourself will be pleased by this, how else!
- And if I do this will be all the same, or even disgusting?
- Then - failure - I sighed. - But you still can leave it as operating time. Wow you somehow go on living in this world. Like it differently profitable than dislike.
- Got it. Where should I start?
- Do you know what love to talk about all the people? About ourselves. They like it when their benevolent interest ...
In the hands of his father was a huge bouquet, like oglamurenny broom.
- We did not think ... - enthusiastically, choking the words, he said. - But Oleg ... he ... he cleverly interested in my work, he brews his mother tea and takes the medicine, it helps to solve the problems of lagging behind and has already pulled on the physics of a boy who threatened expulsion, his parents called us with gratitude, and Oleg angrily rejected the very good gift that they would like to present it. He said: I did it because people should help each other ... you ... you ... we ...
- Stop - I sighed. - It's just an experiment. I was able to initiate it because of something my brain and brains of your work seems to Oleg, but I have no idea of when, how and what this experiment is over ...
Father of me, of course, not heard. Effusive in his thanks and left.
Bouquet immediately after he left, I gave into the registry, because in my little office at the smell of flowers I started having an asthma attack. Or from the colors?

Parents at the reception looked quite usual - elderly, similar to each other and, of course, concerned about the problems of children of that with him failed.
- We felt that we were ready for anything, - said the father. - Go to underdevelopment, to poor schooling, or even to the sub-class. Of course, to any health problems, some sores, chronic or ongoing, we were warned, and we understand ... We thought that we all accept and cope. But Oleg is completely healthy and mathematical school has mainly four and five. I could learn from one five, if not frequent conflicts with teachers.
They, perhaps, "themselves understood", but I did not understand anything. To create the impression as if the father is upset that unknown to me, Oleg does not sick and do not attend school for the mentally retarded. But the same can not be! Or can it?
- Tell me, why, in fact, you were so stressed "ready for anything"? Because Oleg - late child? Or some kind of developmental disorders were with your other children?
- Biological children, we can not be, - said the mother. - We have adopted Oleg when he was a year and three months.
- Clearly, - I nodded.
So, Oleg - collection. Prepared to disease and developmental delay, and got something else. Maybe normal teenage crisis? - Hopefully I thought. Hamit teachers and parents, smoking, hanging around late or failed to virtual life? They do not understand what to do, and, of course, worried ...
- Oleg knows that he is receiving?
- Knows. We were told that it would be correct, and we also will not moved, it is still someone would have told. Do you think it was necessary to hide?
- I do not think about this, I'm just asking - I assured. - So what's bothering you now?
The parents looked at each other. Mother unpleasant snapped his fingers on his father's cheeks went nodules.
- Our Oleg - monster - she said at last. - We realized a long time ago, but did not dare to admit. Moreover, over the years he has made both of us monsters ...
- Strong statement - some taken aback, I muttered. - Is it possible to more specific?
- It can be more specific - the man seized the initiative. - Since we said "a" ... Almost as soon as he had appeared, he began to torture our old dog. We were forbidden to him, he realized, and tried to do it secretly. Then he stuck a pencil in her eyes ... We cured her and gave, she lived with us for ten years, and when we parted, looked like a man who survived a sudden betrayal. We both cried ... Oleg seemed to not even notice that she was gone somewhere. The hysteric, as written in literature was never, he cried very little, but if he do not like something, he could hit the mother (on my arm is not raised even once). We thought the consequences of what he threw, the effects of the orphanage. Love heals everything. We would like to think so. In the summer, we always went to the cottage. There, he tore off the wings of dragonflies and frogs killed. Terrible killed. We did not know what to do, do not stay in one place ... we tried everything, to no avail, and finally we have it just beat for it. You understand? Adults who hit a three-year, four-year baby! And it's not a slap in the hearts, namely punishment beatings! If social services find out ... But then all was still, and we now regret: if he had taken away from us already ... And we were already better than him, he fell asleep in his bed, kissed us on the night, and we were sitting on the veranda, drinking coffee like vodka, and said to each other would be better if we took Dasha ... Dasha from the same orphanage, she was four, and she did not speak, but was so affectionate, and she had six fingers on the handle ... And we were told: Take Oleg, he develops under age ... I had to take ...
But you know, it just stopped. Right. It lasted two and a half or three years, and then when we started how to punish, how to cut. If it is someone else, and tortured or killed, we have this never learned.
He is well-developed, loved books, he soon learned to read. Many well-spoken and was a curious child. My favorite question: how to work?
So in the garden, he mocked the words already. Thick thick she teased. Myopia bespectacled. He especially liked to tease those who are slightly behind in development. By the end of kindergarten I was able to organize a mass persecution of a child. At least two children were taken from the garden just for Oleg. Force it is still respected, if someone beat, he never complained, and tried to "tame" the offender. Usually he gets.
In the school from the beginning it was all the same. But the first was a strict teacher (we specifically sought), and somehow it's damp out. She told us your son aptitude for mathematics, he likes to solve problems, proceed to a special school, maybe it will be loaded there and distracted from their paskudstva.
We have done so. At first, the school from him were excited: he "seized upon" to mathematics, to solve more than asked, and some own, unique ways. With children at this time, almost no contact, just do not pay attention to them. Then "ate", he looked around and went to the old: Select the "victims" (now among the teachers, too) and began podtravlivat. And he immediately found "yes-men", those for whom it is for a while became an idol. For some time, because of their "own", he also handed over, when they bothered him. And it bothers them very quickly.
One time he got drunk. I do not drink, namely - to the position of Reese. At school. We called, we take it to the taxi, he zablevali entire machine. The other times came under the influence of any drug: giggling, carrying stuff, pupils were full iris. Lie down, the next day I went to school.
The school is really good, and it has repeatedly tried to get out there, but it is difficult: it is not hooligans in the truest sense of the word and when the meet, flawless writing all control, and record-work ... But recently, the school has passed such a maxim of his authorship: "Who It may be a teacher at the School of Mathematics? The man, who was not sufficiently gifted to be a real mathematician, and a woman, it is unclaimed in the sex market ... "class teacher said:" I'm sorry, but I do when I see him, feeling as opposing centipede some ... »
- Well, - I sighed (see the monster I do not like at all). - Leads Oleg.
- Excuse me, - man lowered his graying head contritely. - We understand that there is nothing you can not change and that our cross ...
- Bring!
An hour conversation fourteen Oleg secular smiling, told me that in his opinion:
- Downs must be destroyed in utero,
- "Chocks" to send home, leaving the minimum necessary to "street aground»,
- Fools must be taught,
- "Every revolution is only worth anything unless it can defend itself" (that's right - a strict quote from Lenin).
- Do you really so, or the fool? - I asked.
- Indeed so, - said Oleg. He had strange eyes - green with brown speckles.
- Do you sometimes feel sorry for someone?
- Anything - said the teenager. - That tablet has recently dropped, it crashed, it was a pity.
- Sympathize someone?
- No. If you think the same people are always themselves to blame ...
- You are to blame, that he was in an orphanage?
- Well, it's not luck, it happens - Oleg shrugged. - But then lucky me from mom and dad took.
Parents needed at least some respite, and at least some hope.
- Let him more to me like - I said. - If you agree.
Something to hide, I was hoping that would not agree.
However, Oleg came, watched his speckled eyes, carrying a cruel nonsense that I could do nothing to refute.
- What were the scenes with alcohol and drugs?
- Experiment. All this said and written, it was necessary to try ...
- There are people who do you love? Or love?
- Judging by the books about love, no.
- Respect?
- Yes.
- Are you experiencing appreciation when you do good?
- All do what suits them. This can be good or bad for me or for you.
- Do you understand that you do something wrong? What makes you different from other people?
- Sometimes yes, sometimes no. And you know what that is? - Sincere curiosity ("he was always inquisitive").
- Probably some biochemical abnormalities. The brain is not working. You are not able to experience ordinary human affection, compassion, gratitude ... Well, as you know, there is blindness, people do not distinguish between colors, or do not hear the sound of a band, or can not produce any enzymes ...
- And why? Head hit a child?
- No, this is unlikely. Most congenital. They say it happens, if your biological mother drank during pregnancy.
- It is clear ...
- Look (I drew on a piece of several segments), that the scale of development. Any physical development, intellectual, emotional, social ... For all these scales man can match his calendar age (say 15 years), may lag can stay ahead. That's how it would have looked at the teenager with Down syndrome (quickly put a cross). And this is how you look (painted circles in the right places).
- And where is it down ahead? - Oleg surprised.
- Emotional development. It is they often compensate for the lag intellectually and partly physical. Daunyata very emotional and capable of empathy, they are unattractive in appearance, but they are easy to fall in love, if you know better. And with you in this regard, alas, all the way around ... You have a lead on the intellectual scale, and here you see a terrible lag ... And, as a consequence, suffer social development ...
- Yeah. I got it.
- What do you think, to aspire to all the people, almost without exception?
Oleg long moment.
- Money - obviously not all. Sex - is not all. Power over others?
- No, there are people who do not seek power, even avoiding her. But people want to like others, want to be loved.
- And I am, or what I want? - Oleg's eyes widened slightly.
- Yes - I said firmly. - Only for you it is almost impossible for a down to solve the problem with integrals.
- Less than or less than or equal to? - Quickly asked Oleg.
- It is impossible or nearly impossible? The decision closed or not?
- From down will not make a great mathematician, but his arithmetic, as a rule, you can teach - I answered honestly. - Look, the organism two operating systems - the nervous and humoral, t. E. Chemical. With the chemistry and emotions you have some obvious seams, but intelligence is something saved, therefore, possible to compensate social skills through the management "of the mind", as in Down syndrome, with its giperrazvitoy emotion. I would be in your place, I conducted an experiment.
- Got it. Where it is necessary to begin with?
- You can "from the mind" to figure out what people want? What it would have been nice?
- Sometimes yes, sometimes no. And how do I know if the experiment goes well?
- Do you all like it, you will not be afraid and shy away from you as from a vile insect, and you yourself will be pleased by this, how else!
- And if I do this will be all the same, or even disgusting?
- Then - failure - I sighed. - But you still can leave it as operating time. Wow you somehow go on living in this world. Like it differently profitable than dislike.
- Got it. Where should I start?
- Do you know what love to talk about all the people? About ourselves. They like it when their benevolent interest ...
In the hands of his father was a huge bouquet, like oglamurenny broom.
- We did not think ... - enthusiastically, choking the words, he said. - But Oleg ... he ... he cleverly interested in my work, he brews his mother tea and takes the medicine, it helps to solve the problems of lagging behind and has already pulled on the physics of a boy who threatened expulsion, his parents called us with gratitude, and Oleg angrily rejected the very good gift that they would like to present it. He said: I did it because people should help each other ... you ... you ... we ...
- Stop - I sighed. - It's just an experiment. I was able to initiate it because of something my brain and brains of your work seems to Oleg, but I have no idea of when, how and what this experiment is over ...
Father of me, of course, not heard. Effusive in his thanks and left.
Bouquet immediately after he left, I gave into the registry, because in my little office at the smell of flowers I started having an asthma attack. Or from the colors?