The method of Ho'oponopono: the 5 main principles of harmonization of relations
In today's article we will focus on the main ideas of Ho'oponopono — the Hawaiian way of harmonizing relationships. The method of Ho'oponopono there are 5 basic principles:
1. You don't know what's going on and can't control it.
In every moment of time around us something is happening. Around us the atmosphere is filled with light, sound, color, smells, various kinds of information – from radio waves to thought forms. Scientists estimate that the flow rate of information coming into our brain from the external environment, equal to 11 million bits per second. And only 40 bits of these millions is perceived by us consciously. Just think — some forty bits of the eleven million. It's dust, nothing. The rest of the mass is accumulated in the cells of our memory in the form of unnecessary experience or, I would even say, in the form of unnecessary stuff.
Yes, we all live with an individual world, every moment of creating it right here and now, but it happens mostly unconsciously, and we can't keep it under control.
And if we think that everything is going according to our plan, that's entrapment. The trap of our Ego that creates the illusion that the whole world in our pocket. Well, because our Ego, or our Consciousness, not aware of what is happening in the world at every moment, it will not be wise to give him control of our lives and decide what's best for us, isn't it?
Want to make God laugh? Tell him your plans for tomorrow.
According to Ho'oponopono, we have the right choice. We can and must choose what we want to experience or to feel, but the right to decide whether this event, and if there is — when? — we have to keep Higher.
So it makes no sense to worry about what's going on with you at any given moment. You just have this moment to take. To accept and surrender to a Higher power.
2. Are you able to heal everyone in your life.
According to Ho'oponopono, whatever happens in your life, whenever a problem appeared on the horizon, this is not your fault. But you can cure it for the simple reason that it is in your area, this applies to you personally, therefore amenable to healing.
In short, if you were able to notice the problem in someone else and it hurts you (not like you or annoying), this problem is already in you. This means that you are able to solve it (delete or remove), healing himself.
Remember how in the Bible?
In his eye beams don't notice, and the mote in another's see.
This is all from the same Opera.
And the more you heal all that come your way in life, the deeper you will be able to be cleansed and the more will be released at the same creative energy to help us in the fulfillment of desires.
3. You are wholly responsible for your entire life.
As mentioned above, everything that happens in life is not your fault. But you are fully (100%) responsibility for all events, because you are their author. You are responsible not only for themselves but for all the people that have appeared in your life with their problems. That is, if someone in your environment is the problem, it is also your problem. Accepting this is accepting 100% liability. This is probably the most important in Ho'oponopono.
We have no right to accuse someone of what is happening. We can only accept it and heal, heal yourself. And to do this we can, only when we accept him as their and love. Love problem heals its cause. When this is cleansed and enhanced by our connection with Source.
4. Your pass to a life without limits is the repetition of the phrase “I love you!”
A simple phrase “I love you!” — able to change your world, to heal him and to fill with life-giving power.
Repeating “I love you!” over and over again, you Wake up spiritually and clear your internal space, thereby opening doors for Miracles.
The whole point of Ho'oponopono is to love everything around his disobedient child, nagging boss, your excess weight, bad weather, unruly neighbors – to love them all.
Stronger than Love there's nothing in the world. It cleans negative energy, it converts it and opens the way for Inspiration.
Simple words “I love you!” become the magic password to the absence of restrictions.
5. Divine Inspiration is more important than personal intentions.
In the technique of Ho'oponopono all our intentions are merely the playthings of the mind, but inspiration is a message from God.
The intention is to attempt to control your life through the Ego, overwhelmed by the memory.
Inspiration is a signal from Higher instructions to act.
Intention can work and bring results.
Inspiration is triggered and works Wonders.
Cheat sheet by the method of Ho'oponopono:
If You decide to practice the Ho'oponopono method, You need to firmly grasp and apply in your life and relationships with others the following 5 postulates:
1. The physical universe is the embodiment of my thoughts.
2. If my thoughts are negative they create a negative physical reality.
3. If my thoughts are perfect, they create a perfect physical reality, radiant LOVE.
4. I take full (100%) responsible for creating my physical Universe.
5. Nothing exists separately from me. Everything exists as thoughts in my mind.
The technique of purification
Tools Ho'oponopono Pencil (Eraser)
Ho'oponopono technique, using a large variety of their "cleaning" tools, allows us to reach a state of "zero" and act on Inspiration.
Today I bring to your attention one of the additional "Pencil" or "Eraser"
The instrument of purification "Ho'oponopono pencil"
The technique of application is quite simple:
Take an ordinary pencil with eraser on the end (new, not sharpened) and gently knock them on the subject, you need to clean (it can be any thing or you did). Mentally (silently ) repeat the word "Dewdrop" to enhance the effect.
Also it could be your negative recollections that you need to get rid of (in this case, the tapping is done on any surface).
Thus there is a deep cleansing through many generations. As shown, some heavy and deep-seated problems can only be addressed by using the "Pencil".
Do it Now! 4 steps in the New year
Michael Litvak: If you want to change the partner is a fantasy
Joe Vitale, a popularizer of this method and author of the bestselling book "zero limit" (Life without limits), Ho'oponopono has made known throughout the world, describes his experience with this tool:
"... I realized that can apply the gum on the other end of the pencil to erase the negative programs and cleansing. For this it was necessary only to tap her on the subject, I needed to clear. It is a bright symbol of purification of memories".
Clean your memories! published
Author: Arthur Golovin
Source: mechtayte.ru/hooponopono/

1. You don't know what's going on and can't control it.
In every moment of time around us something is happening. Around us the atmosphere is filled with light, sound, color, smells, various kinds of information – from radio waves to thought forms. Scientists estimate that the flow rate of information coming into our brain from the external environment, equal to 11 million bits per second. And only 40 bits of these millions is perceived by us consciously. Just think — some forty bits of the eleven million. It's dust, nothing. The rest of the mass is accumulated in the cells of our memory in the form of unnecessary experience or, I would even say, in the form of unnecessary stuff.
Yes, we all live with an individual world, every moment of creating it right here and now, but it happens mostly unconsciously, and we can't keep it under control.
And if we think that everything is going according to our plan, that's entrapment. The trap of our Ego that creates the illusion that the whole world in our pocket. Well, because our Ego, or our Consciousness, not aware of what is happening in the world at every moment, it will not be wise to give him control of our lives and decide what's best for us, isn't it?
Want to make God laugh? Tell him your plans for tomorrow.
According to Ho'oponopono, we have the right choice. We can and must choose what we want to experience or to feel, but the right to decide whether this event, and if there is — when? — we have to keep Higher.
So it makes no sense to worry about what's going on with you at any given moment. You just have this moment to take. To accept and surrender to a Higher power.
2. Are you able to heal everyone in your life.
According to Ho'oponopono, whatever happens in your life, whenever a problem appeared on the horizon, this is not your fault. But you can cure it for the simple reason that it is in your area, this applies to you personally, therefore amenable to healing.
In short, if you were able to notice the problem in someone else and it hurts you (not like you or annoying), this problem is already in you. This means that you are able to solve it (delete or remove), healing himself.
Remember how in the Bible?
In his eye beams don't notice, and the mote in another's see.
This is all from the same Opera.
And the more you heal all that come your way in life, the deeper you will be able to be cleansed and the more will be released at the same creative energy to help us in the fulfillment of desires.
3. You are wholly responsible for your entire life.
As mentioned above, everything that happens in life is not your fault. But you are fully (100%) responsibility for all events, because you are their author. You are responsible not only for themselves but for all the people that have appeared in your life with their problems. That is, if someone in your environment is the problem, it is also your problem. Accepting this is accepting 100% liability. This is probably the most important in Ho'oponopono.
We have no right to accuse someone of what is happening. We can only accept it and heal, heal yourself. And to do this we can, only when we accept him as their and love. Love problem heals its cause. When this is cleansed and enhanced by our connection with Source.
4. Your pass to a life without limits is the repetition of the phrase “I love you!”
A simple phrase “I love you!” — able to change your world, to heal him and to fill with life-giving power.
Repeating “I love you!” over and over again, you Wake up spiritually and clear your internal space, thereby opening doors for Miracles.
The whole point of Ho'oponopono is to love everything around his disobedient child, nagging boss, your excess weight, bad weather, unruly neighbors – to love them all.
Stronger than Love there's nothing in the world. It cleans negative energy, it converts it and opens the way for Inspiration.
Simple words “I love you!” become the magic password to the absence of restrictions.
5. Divine Inspiration is more important than personal intentions.
In the technique of Ho'oponopono all our intentions are merely the playthings of the mind, but inspiration is a message from God.
The intention is to attempt to control your life through the Ego, overwhelmed by the memory.
Inspiration is a signal from Higher instructions to act.
Intention can work and bring results.
Inspiration is triggered and works Wonders.
Cheat sheet by the method of Ho'oponopono:
If You decide to practice the Ho'oponopono method, You need to firmly grasp and apply in your life and relationships with others the following 5 postulates:
1. The physical universe is the embodiment of my thoughts.
2. If my thoughts are negative they create a negative physical reality.
3. If my thoughts are perfect, they create a perfect physical reality, radiant LOVE.
4. I take full (100%) responsible for creating my physical Universe.
5. Nothing exists separately from me. Everything exists as thoughts in my mind.

The technique of purification
Tools Ho'oponopono Pencil (Eraser)
Ho'oponopono technique, using a large variety of their "cleaning" tools, allows us to reach a state of "zero" and act on Inspiration.
Today I bring to your attention one of the additional "Pencil" or "Eraser"
The instrument of purification "Ho'oponopono pencil"
The technique of application is quite simple:
Take an ordinary pencil with eraser on the end (new, not sharpened) and gently knock them on the subject, you need to clean (it can be any thing or you did). Mentally (silently ) repeat the word "Dewdrop" to enhance the effect.
Also it could be your negative recollections that you need to get rid of (in this case, the tapping is done on any surface).
Thus there is a deep cleansing through many generations. As shown, some heavy and deep-seated problems can only be addressed by using the "Pencil".
Do it Now! 4 steps in the New year
Michael Litvak: If you want to change the partner is a fantasy
Joe Vitale, a popularizer of this method and author of the bestselling book "zero limit" (Life without limits), Ho'oponopono has made known throughout the world, describes his experience with this tool:
"... I realized that can apply the gum on the other end of the pencil to erase the negative programs and cleansing. For this it was necessary only to tap her on the subject, I needed to clear. It is a bright symbol of purification of memories".
Clean your memories! published
Author: Arthur Golovin
Source: mechtayte.ru/hooponopono/