He adopted two boys of his childhood friend, and after 3 months they and his wife were waiting for a surprise

Alexey’s wife has been suffering for 5 years. can't get pregnant. How many tears were shed, how many prayers were read to Elder Matrona at night, and all in vain. Lilya thought, “Where do children come from?” Perhaps these are the souls of our deceased relatives who must return to earth. God, please give me a baby.

Peels Lily was already 36, and she almost despaired of becoming a happy mother of a pink-cheeked baby. Of course, her husband was good, decent and kind. He did not look at other women, earning decent money, quality repair washing machines. It would seem that we need to calm down... But the woman so wanted a loving husband to experience the happiness of becoming a father. Poor thing wanted it with all her heart.

One rainy Saturday morning Alexei got a call. He immediately grinned, frowned. Lilia asked her husband, “What is it, dear, that made you so upset?” "Arthur and his wife burned." The husband did not hide his feelings, his lips trembled. Lilya immediately began to stroke his head and calm him down.

She knew who Arthur was - only one person surrounded by her husband bore that name. Lesha was friends with Arthur from early childhood. They climbed construction sites, fired from a slingshot. Then we played hockey together. Arthur was a very capable language boy. While Alexei was looking for himself after graduation, prodigy Arthur successfully graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages At a prestigious university.

Arthur knew Spanish and Portuguese brilliantly. He was soon asked to go to Angola. military interpreters. Leaving his wife at home, Arthur traveled to a distant country. He knew he was going to have a brilliant career.

Peels Why the military interpreter was drunk Do not talk about what happened to him. One thing is known: returning home, the man began to attach himself to the bottle, at the same time very firmly, even without interruption. to drown out your pain.

Once brainy and incredible Arthur became a completely different person. He and his wife drank together, because she loved him so much that she shared his fate. The couple had two boys: Vova and Anton, with a difference of 2 years. Unfortunately, these restless, very cute, so similar to Arthur in childhood, the guys could not distract mom and dad from drinking hot drinks. Arthur clearly had a hole in his soul, and he could not close it even with love for his own children.

Peels Lilya asked Alexei: “Everything burned down, the house burned down?” Where are the kids? The woman turned pale. She had never seen Arthur's boys, but somehow her heart felt as if something terrible could happen to her children. Lesha was picking up sharply. I’ll go and see if I need some help.

For several hours Lilya walked around the room back and forth and prayed. She wanted the kids to be okay. She did not ask for anything in her prayers for herself, only that the little ones be healthy. They have a better fate than their father.. How much intelligence, how much love of life there was in Arthur, and how broken, tortured and ugly he returned from Angola.

This evening Lily and Alexey remembered forever, and Vova and Arthur almost no. Alexei brought the boys home, he was very cheerful, immediately younger by 10 years. "Look who we got here!" Lilya understood without words - she took turns bathing the boys in the bathroom, wrapped in fluffy towels. One was almost 2, the other a little over 4 - what could they remember then? Unless smell. Now Lilya has become their mother.

Peels Lilya and Alexey dreamed of becoming parents for so long that a new role was given to them easily, and the whole world seemed to help raise boys. Our story could have ended there, but the couple had another surprise. Maybe the biggest one. 3 months after the appearance of little angels in the house woman. God didn’t just hear her prayers, he gave her more than she dared to expect and rewarded her for her good deeds.

What this story teaches us: life wisdom and editorial advice
  1. People who treat other people’s children with love and care receive God’s blessing and support in their affairs.
  2. You never know how life will turn out. Success and a brilliant career do not always lead to happiness. Thank heaven for all that is, listen to your heart, act according to your conscience.
  3. Any participation in hostilities breaks a person forever.

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