Drawing in the Romanov family
01. Tsarevich Nikolai
Mountain landscape. 1886
Text below: "Nicky. 1886 July 22 »
02. Letter from the Empress Maria Feodorovna with their own picture (self-portrait),
son Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich. October 30, 1890
Drawing - pencil, watercolor
03. Empress Maria Fedorovna
Portrait of a young man. 1862
04. Empress Maria Fedorovna
On the beach. Waiting. 1862
05. Empress Maria Fedorovna
Old tree. B \ d
Paper, pencil, watercolor
06. Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna
A child found in the forest. 1902
Paper, pen, pencil, watercolor
The caption: "OA. 1902 »
07. Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna
Girl with bag and raincoat. [1888]
Paper, pencil, watercolor
08. The Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich
An old house. Early. 1890
The signature on the sheet: "Misha. 189 ... »
09. Emperor Alexander III
Seascape. 1856
Paper, pencil, white, watercolor
Text in the picture: "1856 on 20 September. Pavlik Sasha »
10. Emperor Alexander III
View of the bay and the city. B \ d
Paper, pencil, watercolor
11. The Grand Duke Georgy
Rural landscape. 1883
Paper, pencil, watercolor
Text below: "George. August 30. '83 »
12. Children of the Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna:
Michael, Xenia, George and heir Nicholas.
Gatchina 1886
Photo studio "Levitsky and Son»
13. The Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich in class drawing
St. Petersburg
14. Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna with his easel
[1900] info: http: //rusarchives.ru
Mountain landscape. 1886
Text below: "Nicky. 1886 July 22 »

02. Letter from the Empress Maria Feodorovna with their own picture (self-portrait),
son Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich. October 30, 1890
Drawing - pencil, watercolor

03. Empress Maria Fedorovna
Portrait of a young man. 1862

04. Empress Maria Fedorovna
On the beach. Waiting. 1862

05. Empress Maria Fedorovna
Old tree. B \ d
Paper, pencil, watercolor

06. Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna
A child found in the forest. 1902
Paper, pen, pencil, watercolor
The caption: "OA. 1902 »

07. Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna
Girl with bag and raincoat. [1888]
Paper, pencil, watercolor

08. The Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich
An old house. Early. 1890
The signature on the sheet: "Misha. 189 ... »

09. Emperor Alexander III
Seascape. 1856
Paper, pencil, white, watercolor
Text in the picture: "1856 on 20 September. Pavlik Sasha »

10. Emperor Alexander III
View of the bay and the city. B \ d
Paper, pencil, watercolor

11. The Grand Duke Georgy
Rural landscape. 1883
Paper, pencil, watercolor
Text below: "George. August 30. '83 »

12. Children of the Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna:
Michael, Xenia, George and heir Nicholas.
Gatchina 1886
Photo studio "Levitsky and Son»

13. The Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich in class drawing
St. Petersburg

14. Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna with his easel
[1900] info: http: //rusarchives.ru
