How to get rid of belly fat in a few minutes a day. Rather try it!
There's a big event, but made the costume, is sitting not as I would like? And stomach already involved to the max, but no, lightning does not add up... But so want to look spectacular!
Seventy two million six hundred fifty four thousand eight hundred eighty one
«Site» know how to remove a couple of extra inches to the waist and to get into your favorite dress if the party is 2-3 days.
Forty four million six hundred twelve thousand seven hundred seventy three
How to remove fat from the abdomen and bokovik know, fat is a substance stable enough, but if you approach the issue comprehensively, to say goodbye to folds on the abdomen and flanks can be in such a short time.
Five million four hundred eighty two thousand seven hundred sixty five
By the way, judging by this photo, with the help spanx star look flawless in any outfit…
Ninety six million six hundred ninety six thousand five hundred four
Hurray! In this work, a figure significantly transformed, the silhouette became slimmer, and harmful lightning clasped. Now, sure step and in a good mood, you can go to a party.
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The author
Marina Artemova Loves to photograph the beauty of nature, enjoys handmade. Son Vanya had taught the mother to cope with any household tasks effortlessly: Marina knows how to get the most stubborn stains and to clean the house in minutes. Interested in the most acute, various life issues, never remain aloof from what actually matters! Favorite book Marina — "gone with the wind" by M. Mitchell.
Seventy two million six hundred fifty four thousand eight hundred eighty one
«Site» know how to remove a couple of extra inches to the waist and to get into your favorite dress if the party is 2-3 days.
Forty four million six hundred twelve thousand seven hundred seventy three
How to remove fat from the abdomen and bokovik know, fat is a substance stable enough, but if you approach the issue comprehensively, to say goodbye to folds on the abdomen and flanks can be in such a short time.
Five million four hundred eighty two thousand seven hundred sixty five
- Unloading
The first day of a three day weight loss cleanse and consecrate the discharge. 1.5 liters of yogurt fat content of 1 % — all that will have to suffice today. If it gets really hungry, eat a few sour apples. The next 2 days-try to stick to protein diet. Water drink in moderation. To avoid swelling, from coffee withdraw. By the way, this rule applies to the following days of weight loss, because coffee leads to fluid retention in the body.
Fifty three million nine hundred ninety seven thousand eight hundred twenty eight - Sauna or steam bath
That's exactly what will help to melt the fat! Before the first call to the steam room, dry body RUB honey salt. Then warm up for about 5 minutes. After the exit from the steam room or in the shower or cold pool is not run, and wrap yourself in the Bathrobe and continue to sweat. After 10 minutes take a warm shower, RUB body with a towel. All excess fluid and toxins out with sweat.
Seventy five million six hundred fifty seven thousand six hundred two - Anti-cellulite massage
Easily and for the benefit of harmony in the home, you can carry out the procedure Apple anti-cellulite massage. Surprisingly, Apple gives you incredible strointsi effect! - Exercises
By means of exercises and 3 days to get results. Great, if the house is a gymnastic circle: giving yourself 5-10 minutes while watching evening television, you will significantly strengthen muscular corset. Side bends with stretching are also great "do" waist. Do not be lazy, perform daily bending 3 sets of 20 each way. To motivate yourself, hang it in a prominent place that coveted outfit in which you will Shine at the upcoming event.
Four million six hundred seventy five thousand eight hundred ninety two - Spanx
With a quick and clever way to visibly lose weight in a extra short period of time — wear shapewear. Thanks to spanx with shorts and a corset can within minutes turn into a nymph! This underwear is literally hides all the flaws: tightens tummy, shapes waist and beautiful hips. In General, a miracle.
Seventy million three hundred eighty six thousand nine hundred fifty six
By the way, judging by this photo, with the help spanx star look flawless in any outfit…
Ninety six million six hundred ninety six thousand five hundred four
Hurray! In this work, a figure significantly transformed, the silhouette became slimmer, and harmful lightning clasped. Now, sure step and in a good mood, you can go to a party.
Share this article with friends, they will thank you.
The author

Marina Artemova Loves to photograph the beauty of nature, enjoys handmade. Son Vanya had taught the mother to cope with any household tasks effortlessly: Marina knows how to get the most stubborn stains and to clean the house in minutes. Interested in the most acute, various life issues, never remain aloof from what actually matters! Favorite book Marina — "gone with the wind" by M. Mitchell.
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