10 chilling photos of Yakutia in the normal winter day

In 2016, Bloomberg acknowledged Yakutsk the coldest city in the world, because here the thermometer reaching record lows (-64,4 degrees), and the average temperature in January is kept at -40 degrees.
We are in AdMe.EN first brewed hot tea, wearing warm Slippers and then decided to view the frosty shots.
Seller's market not afraid of the cold, he calmly smokes without gloves, but frozen fish is reminiscent of persistent soldiers and gives a harsh mood of weather.

The difficult path of the Orthodox Church in Yakutsk.

Hardening in -42 degrees. Perhaps this is the secret of the endurance of local residents.

When the canons of fashion fade into the background, and win warmth and comfort.

Bear fur in the fur store of Yakutsk, making traditional footwear — boots that are popular among residents of Yakutia and Siberian fur is prized throughout the world.

On Lenin square organizes an annual exhibition of ice sculptures, the preservation of which is trusted by regular frosts.

Boiling water freezes instantly in the air. Such a fun spread in the Northern regions and looks very impressive in photos and videos.

Snow Marina and the necessary Parking for the winter months.

In every millimetre of space has penetrated the cold, but this does not prevent the students of Yakutsk to walk after class.

Sunset in the frosty haze looks exotic and fills the landscape a deceptive warmth.

Source bloomberg
Photo on preview, bloomberg, ntv
See also
That is now real winter
20 reasons to love winter
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nostalgiya/20-prichin-polyubit-zimu-820610/
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