Crown "I am stronger»
There is a dangerous kind of crown, called "I am stronger".
Threat this crown that confused with real power and can't get rid of.
But the crown "I am stronger" and the real power is completely different things.
The real power opens up ways and means, and the crown "I am stronger" makes you lose what little you have, suggesting that you do this full and you have to share.
Very often, for example, you have to see the letters: "my husband is negative, he is jealous of all the time demands attention, talks to nobody, even not go to work, turned me into the meaning of his life." This is a typical crown "I am stronger". The husband in this situation is pronounced plus, not doing anything, not working and requires the wife to satisfy the whim and caprices, because she willingly submits to him, but free from their slavery while the wife writes letters to evoluciona to tell what her husband is weak and dependent. Yes it is because it is dependent, serves her husband and submits to his demands, for fear of mind (and taking your own generosity). She thinks she's doing it out of pity, out of compassion for his addiction. Although if he was addicted, he would be afraid to wash a brain, he would be their tongs and an axe under my bed hid and tried to please her, to not lose the "meaning of life".
Cons not jealous, they are afraid to be jealous, avoid scandals, live in illusions. Minus if jealous, quietly, themselves in the pillow, afraid to show himself all the time proves that the cause for jealousy there. Show the disadvantages of jealousy only when in plus jump out, and then immediately agrees not to jealous, from the fear of losing. That is a minus.
And apathy drawbacks do not exist, they do not lie on the couch with a sour face. Sour face means that all of your partner in life got you too. Maybe you are a little less than everything else, but also got. Plus he. Can be frightened to lose you and go into the negative, then the energy will appear, but while he lies sick, he's in the black. To all of the resources and to love too. He has a frustration shared.
That is a complaint, resentment, jealousy for any reason, bad mood, the nagging is all a plus.
And if your partner behaves, but you do it please, do not tell stories, they are doing this out of pity, of mercy, of understanding his addiction, don't be fooled. Remove the crown "I am stronger".Your strength is an illusion, you depend on him more than he from you. Financially you may be independent, but the emotional dependence you have more if you always go on about and fulfill its conditions and suffering of his claim. And until you take off the crown, you its great dependence will not see, and therefore will never be able to change the situation.
Crown "I am stronger" — it's disrespectful to another person, and so severely you have to pay. Wearing a crown, start to give, you think you have more.
Seventy eight million seven hundred eighty five thousand four hundred twenty one
To remove that crown, it is necessary to cultivate a respect for other people. If you not respect someone, it is easy to eat because they disrespect you not even think to defend himself. He would have, and you have it to spare and to save. He's weak, he's miserable, he's miserable. But miserable you while you think about something else. This is the man and quite possibly he has in reserve there are forces that you do not realize. Well, in the relationship with you, he is clearly stronger, once you crown a hole in the head covered.
People who have a crown "I am stronger" to the head has grown, live in a world where not work any laws. They do not understand why their good the evil they meet, they fall in a mysterious situation, where everything happens suddenly out of nowhere, breaking the logic. This crown completely distorts reality. From under it, for example, it seems that people really loved, but suddenly fell out of love. This is because the crown of all obvious signs of lack of love interprets in his favor: "mad at me", "suffer for me", "dying of jealousy", "mad at my indifference," even "beats, because he loves". The crown draws a person in his own eyes so powerful, so important, that any negative reaction of the partner is a manifestation of pain, fear, jealousy, envy, that is, the reaction is weak, dependent.
Is to imagine that the second — not the poor, and the same people, and even stronger than you, and once everything falls into place.
But to part with such a crown is very difficult. Used to feel Grand, strong, and it turns out that you are weak, legs are bent, you hurt, you yourself are jealous and afraid. No, better to live in a distorted world, just to feel on top. It is better to continue to regret your partner on top. Even if he is treating you very badly. But he just a weak man, he's a bad situation, he has supports, he is so dependent. And you, of course, very strong.
Well get on your knees and then carry it on his back, well you do. Corona will be your consolation prize.
Familiar with the crown? published
Author: Marina Komissarova
Also interesting: the Emotional zero
Eckhart Tolle: the Magic of yielding
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: evo-lutio.livejournal.com/390163.html
Threat this crown that confused with real power and can't get rid of.
But the crown "I am stronger" and the real power is completely different things.
The real power opens up ways and means, and the crown "I am stronger" makes you lose what little you have, suggesting that you do this full and you have to share.
Very often, for example, you have to see the letters: "my husband is negative, he is jealous of all the time demands attention, talks to nobody, even not go to work, turned me into the meaning of his life." This is a typical crown "I am stronger". The husband in this situation is pronounced plus, not doing anything, not working and requires the wife to satisfy the whim and caprices, because she willingly submits to him, but free from their slavery while the wife writes letters to evoluciona to tell what her husband is weak and dependent. Yes it is because it is dependent, serves her husband and submits to his demands, for fear of mind (and taking your own generosity). She thinks she's doing it out of pity, out of compassion for his addiction. Although if he was addicted, he would be afraid to wash a brain, he would be their tongs and an axe under my bed hid and tried to please her, to not lose the "meaning of life".
Cons not jealous, they are afraid to be jealous, avoid scandals, live in illusions. Minus if jealous, quietly, themselves in the pillow, afraid to show himself all the time proves that the cause for jealousy there. Show the disadvantages of jealousy only when in plus jump out, and then immediately agrees not to jealous, from the fear of losing. That is a minus.
And apathy drawbacks do not exist, they do not lie on the couch with a sour face. Sour face means that all of your partner in life got you too. Maybe you are a little less than everything else, but also got. Plus he. Can be frightened to lose you and go into the negative, then the energy will appear, but while he lies sick, he's in the black. To all of the resources and to love too. He has a frustration shared.
That is a complaint, resentment, jealousy for any reason, bad mood, the nagging is all a plus.
And if your partner behaves, but you do it please, do not tell stories, they are doing this out of pity, of mercy, of understanding his addiction, don't be fooled. Remove the crown "I am stronger".Your strength is an illusion, you depend on him more than he from you. Financially you may be independent, but the emotional dependence you have more if you always go on about and fulfill its conditions and suffering of his claim. And until you take off the crown, you its great dependence will not see, and therefore will never be able to change the situation.
Crown "I am stronger" — it's disrespectful to another person, and so severely you have to pay. Wearing a crown, start to give, you think you have more.
Seventy eight million seven hundred eighty five thousand four hundred twenty one
To remove that crown, it is necessary to cultivate a respect for other people. If you not respect someone, it is easy to eat because they disrespect you not even think to defend himself. He would have, and you have it to spare and to save. He's weak, he's miserable, he's miserable. But miserable you while you think about something else. This is the man and quite possibly he has in reserve there are forces that you do not realize. Well, in the relationship with you, he is clearly stronger, once you crown a hole in the head covered.
People who have a crown "I am stronger" to the head has grown, live in a world where not work any laws. They do not understand why their good the evil they meet, they fall in a mysterious situation, where everything happens suddenly out of nowhere, breaking the logic. This crown completely distorts reality. From under it, for example, it seems that people really loved, but suddenly fell out of love. This is because the crown of all obvious signs of lack of love interprets in his favor: "mad at me", "suffer for me", "dying of jealousy", "mad at my indifference," even "beats, because he loves". The crown draws a person in his own eyes so powerful, so important, that any negative reaction of the partner is a manifestation of pain, fear, jealousy, envy, that is, the reaction is weak, dependent.
Is to imagine that the second — not the poor, and the same people, and even stronger than you, and once everything falls into place.
But to part with such a crown is very difficult. Used to feel Grand, strong, and it turns out that you are weak, legs are bent, you hurt, you yourself are jealous and afraid. No, better to live in a distorted world, just to feel on top. It is better to continue to regret your partner on top. Even if he is treating you very badly. But he just a weak man, he's a bad situation, he has supports, he is so dependent. And you, of course, very strong.
Well get on your knees and then carry it on his back, well you do. Corona will be your consolation prize.
Familiar with the crown? published
Author: Marina Komissarova
Also interesting: the Emotional zero
Eckhart Tolle: the Magic of yielding
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: evo-lutio.livejournal.com/390163.html