Than Oleg Gazmanov conquered his wife, which is 18 years younger
“You are a moose, I am a seaman, you are a fisherman, I am a fisherman. You are on land, I am at sea, we will not meet at all! – I sing in the morning. I came across on the Internet, or rather on Instagram, on numerous photos from the rest of my favorite since childhood singer, Oleg Gazmanov. After the New Year holidays, the singer and his wife went on vacation in the Maldives.
Marina Muravyeva is the second wife of Oleg Gazmanov, but it was she who managed to become an artist. muse. The marriage of Oleg and Marina is already 15 years old and every year the couple look more beautiful and happier.
Today's edition. "Site" I want to tell you a little about the rejuvenating (in every sense of the word) love of Oleg Gazmanov and Marina Muravyeva. One of the most pair Russian show business!
Oleg Gazmanov's wife with Marina Muravyeva Oleg Gazmanov together since 1997. The couple have a daughter together, Marianne. Also, the musician has the firstborn Rodion (from marriage to his first wife Irina), and Marina has a son Philip. By the way, the son of Marina bears the surname of Oleg – Gazmanov. The first husband of Marina Muravyeva was Vyacheslav Mavrodi, the brother of the founder of MMM Sergey Mavrodi.
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Posted by Marina Muravyova-Gazmanova (@marinagazmanova)
“Tropical rain, waves, sappord, diving to fish and corals. And a great sunset. Saturated with beauty and vacation and wife! – writes 70-year-old Oleg Gazmanov in his Instagram.
I still want to sing and compose at 85, I want to download music from the depths of the universe! And looking into the room, I need to know that you are not in vain with me again! The singer is 70 and in great shape.
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Publication by Oleg Gazmanov (@oleggazmanov)
You can see that the artist is inspired and happy. The reason for this happiness he considers his wife, Marina Muravyeva.
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Publication by Oleg Gazmanov (@oleggazmanov)
Before meeting with Oleg Gazmanov, Marina worked as an accountant in the scandalous financial pyramid “MMM”. Gazmanov met Marina in Voronezh when he came there for a concert. Oleg Mikhailovich saw the beauty from the car window and asked one of his musicians to give Marina an invitation to his concert.
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Posted by Marina Muravyova-Gazmanova (@marinagazmanova)
At first, the girl refused and asked the messenger to tell the chief to invite her to his performance in person. Soon they met again, and Marina accepted the invitation of the singer, although she was not a fan of his songs. The couple have been together ever since. For 8 years, the singer hid from the press his chosen one. And in 2003 they celebrated a magnificent wedding. The celebration was attended by Yuri Luzhkov, Valentin Yudashkin and others.
The second wife of the singer is not one of those women who completely dissolve in the family. She always sought to preserve her own individuality, so even the surname took a double: Muravyova-Gazmanova. Marina exchanged a boring job as an accountant for the profession of interior designer.
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Posted by Marina Muravyova-Gazmanova (@marinagazmanova)
Marina also released her book, which contains poems by Oleg Gazmanov. By the way, Oleg Mikhailovich is a wonderful poet!
Oleg Gazmanov strongly supports his wife. And, it is likely that soon there will be an audio version of the book by Marina Muravyova-Gazmanova. songs by Oleg Gazmanov.
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Posted by Marina Muravyova-Gazmanova (@marinagazmanova)
Marina herself says that Oleg Gazmanov is an example of a person who really knows how to enjoy life.
“We laugh so much that the muscles on our face and stomach hurt! If you do not laugh with your man to tears and faint, think, is this your man? Thank you, husband, for being such a tomboy. I've been trying so hard to change this for so long, without realizing my happiness, it finally came! I'm praising him like I want to drive him up. Don't think that, don't sell, don't give up! Occupied! says Gazmanova’s wife.
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Posted by TOP PHOTOGRAPH Karina Kiel (@karinakiel)
Men can have children at any age. I suggest you check out the list of proud dads who proved it.
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Posted by Marina Muravyova-Gazmanova (@marinagazmanova)
According to friends. gazmanovMarina Muravyeva can love anyone. Marriage Gazmanov 15 years and every year the relationship of the spouses is getting better.
Oleg Gazmanov's wife is 18 years younger! 70 is the time to enjoy life, isn't it?
Marina Muravyeva is the second wife of Oleg Gazmanov, but it was she who managed to become an artist. muse. The marriage of Oleg and Marina is already 15 years old and every year the couple look more beautiful and happier.

Today's edition. "Site" I want to tell you a little about the rejuvenating (in every sense of the word) love of Oleg Gazmanov and Marina Muravyeva. One of the most pair Russian show business!
Oleg Gazmanov's wife with Marina Muravyeva Oleg Gazmanov together since 1997. The couple have a daughter together, Marianne. Also, the musician has the firstborn Rodion (from marriage to his first wife Irina), and Marina has a son Philip. By the way, the son of Marina bears the surname of Oleg – Gazmanov. The first husband of Marina Muravyeva was Vyacheslav Mavrodi, the brother of the founder of MMM Sergey Mavrodi.
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Posted by Marina Muravyova-Gazmanova (@marinagazmanova)
“Tropical rain, waves, sappord, diving to fish and corals. And a great sunset. Saturated with beauty and vacation and wife! – writes 70-year-old Oleg Gazmanov in his Instagram.
I still want to sing and compose at 85, I want to download music from the depths of the universe! And looking into the room, I need to know that you are not in vain with me again! The singer is 70 and in great shape.
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Publication by Oleg Gazmanov (@oleggazmanov)
You can see that the artist is inspired and happy. The reason for this happiness he considers his wife, Marina Muravyeva.
View this post on Instagram
Publication by Oleg Gazmanov (@oleggazmanov)
Before meeting with Oleg Gazmanov, Marina worked as an accountant in the scandalous financial pyramid “MMM”. Gazmanov met Marina in Voronezh when he came there for a concert. Oleg Mikhailovich saw the beauty from the car window and asked one of his musicians to give Marina an invitation to his concert.
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Posted by Marina Muravyova-Gazmanova (@marinagazmanova)
At first, the girl refused and asked the messenger to tell the chief to invite her to his performance in person. Soon they met again, and Marina accepted the invitation of the singer, although she was not a fan of his songs. The couple have been together ever since. For 8 years, the singer hid from the press his chosen one. And in 2003 they celebrated a magnificent wedding. The celebration was attended by Yuri Luzhkov, Valentin Yudashkin and others.
The second wife of the singer is not one of those women who completely dissolve in the family. She always sought to preserve her own individuality, so even the surname took a double: Muravyova-Gazmanova. Marina exchanged a boring job as an accountant for the profession of interior designer.
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Posted by Marina Muravyova-Gazmanova (@marinagazmanova)
Marina also released her book, which contains poems by Oleg Gazmanov. By the way, Oleg Mikhailovich is a wonderful poet!
Oleg Gazmanov strongly supports his wife. And, it is likely that soon there will be an audio version of the book by Marina Muravyova-Gazmanova. songs by Oleg Gazmanov.
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Posted by Marina Muravyova-Gazmanova (@marinagazmanova)
Marina herself says that Oleg Gazmanov is an example of a person who really knows how to enjoy life.
“We laugh so much that the muscles on our face and stomach hurt! If you do not laugh with your man to tears and faint, think, is this your man? Thank you, husband, for being such a tomboy. I've been trying so hard to change this for so long, without realizing my happiness, it finally came! I'm praising him like I want to drive him up. Don't think that, don't sell, don't give up! Occupied! says Gazmanova’s wife.
View this post on Instagram
Posted by TOP PHOTOGRAPH Karina Kiel (@karinakiel)
Men can have children at any age. I suggest you check out the list of proud dads who proved it.
View this post on Instagram
Posted by Marina Muravyova-Gazmanova (@marinagazmanova)
According to friends. gazmanovMarina Muravyeva can love anyone. Marriage Gazmanov 15 years and every year the relationship of the spouses is getting better.
Oleg Gazmanov's wife is 18 years younger! 70 is the time to enjoy life, isn't it?
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