Instagram pitching Oleg Gazmanov
Through a full hot patriotic words and pictures, lurks active life Oleg Mikhailovich. He travels a lot, touring, he has a beautiful wife and children. In general, I think that Gazmanov absolutely happy person.
Oleg Gazmanov born July 22, 1951 in Gusev, Kaliningrad region in a family of soldiers, who came from Belarus.
In 1973 he graduated from the Kaliningrad Higher Naval Engineering School in "cooling and compressor systems and machines».
From the third year I studied science, walked on ships at sea. After graduation he was invited to work lecturer at the Department (Quim), lectured, wrote a thesis.
In 1981 he graduated from the Kaliningrad Music College on guitar. He began his artistic career by working at the restaurant "Kaliningrad", which helped get his friend Michael Rein, Oleg sang in the Kaliningrad group "Visit»
Is a candidate for master of sports in artistic gymnastics, Captain 3rd rank in retirement. Since 2002 is a Goodwill Ambassador for Children's Fund (UNICEF).
The best-known hits that have become "business card" Gazmanov songs are "Pu * ana", "Squadron", "Esaul" "Gentlemen," "Moscow" and "Sailor».
"On this I can say very briefly. I love life in all its manifestations, and much of it appreciate. First of all, independent. The honor, dignity and the ability to keep his word. The desire to always move forward, no matter what ... »
The song "I was born in the Soviet Union, did I in the USSR" is a response to Bruce Springsteen's song «Born in the USA».
In 2012, in his Twitter he said it would not support the action group Pussy Riot and support for their criminal sentence of two years imprisonment.
Source: www.zozhnik.ru

Oleg Gazmanov born July 22, 1951 in Gusev, Kaliningrad region in a family of soldiers, who came from Belarus.

In 1973 he graduated from the Kaliningrad Higher Naval Engineering School in "cooling and compressor systems and machines».

From the third year I studied science, walked on ships at sea. After graduation he was invited to work lecturer at the Department (Quim), lectured, wrote a thesis.

In 1981 he graduated from the Kaliningrad Music College on guitar. He began his artistic career by working at the restaurant "Kaliningrad", which helped get his friend Michael Rein, Oleg sang in the Kaliningrad group "Visit»

Is a candidate for master of sports in artistic gymnastics, Captain 3rd rank in retirement. Since 2002 is a Goodwill Ambassador for Children's Fund (UNICEF).

The best-known hits that have become "business card" Gazmanov songs are "Pu * ana", "Squadron", "Esaul" "Gentlemen," "Moscow" and "Sailor».

"On this I can say very briefly. I love life in all its manifestations, and much of it appreciate. First of all, independent. The honor, dignity and the ability to keep his word. The desire to always move forward, no matter what ... »

The song "I was born in the Soviet Union, did I in the USSR" is a response to Bruce Springsteen's song «Born in the USA».

In 2012, in his Twitter he said it would not support the action group Pussy Riot and support for their criminal sentence of two years imprisonment.

Source: www.zozhnik.ru