How to abolish men
A woman tells her husband that she wants to divorce him. It happens instantly the nausea, he vomits on your shoes, the carpet, the woman waved his hand, out of the room.
Woman and so doesn't want him – neither see nor hear, in any way, and then there's this.
Then she goes to her lover – who wants to see and hear that, too. In the shower she had the feeling of celebration and freedom, and lover, she translates this wave when he says that divorcing her husband, and now nothing will prevent them to be together.
How did you know that the return of glee she gets, huh? Smart what! Yes, the lover is not happy. Very, very. He's a lover, and here he seems to be in the husbands plan without asking.
After a brief dialogue, the woman abruptly got smart, changed the plans, goes home and explains to her husband that insanity, they say, found this morning. Hormones. No divorce, honey, twenty years together, two kids we are a family.
UV, exhales husband, but soon finds out about the lover, and, suddenly, he roars like a wounded bull wants a divorce, change the locks on the doors, not let wife home.
The woman wanted a divorce before when I knew what to do after. And now, when to do after you proved nothing, she doesn't want a divorce and wants her husband calmed down, and everything became as before. So she patiently endures the fits of jealousy, meekly tolerate sessions with a family therapist, and generally behaves as good as guilty when he wants to redeem and settle to were allowed to return. And she would have been allowed to return Yes, just haven't had enough of her humiliation. Therefore, it is the meek and patient.
Against such a background her normal life with work and long cherished ideas to open a small art shop. And then she was offered a suitable property to rent, money she had, and her long-standing project that's find life. It all twenty years of marriage was postponed – not before it was, then the husband has troubles with the business, the children were born, but finally came together.
In her heart a sense of celebration and luck, and to her husband, she translates this wave when he says that finally it seems it has happened.
And what? Nothing good. You see a thing that this husband, whom she recently was subjected to audit, who again increased their quotes on their little exchange inside the head and heart, who was wrapped in several layers of far-fetched and napisannoi values, this man isn't here. There is a just man, to whom she attributed all of this. And here she shares with him, like, a dream come true, and he mutters something in response, not about time and stuff. For twenty years he was muttering, and not bothering to understand how it keeps afloat this dream, he was accustomed, he reflex so to say.
And she suddenly remembers what really wanted to divorce him. Not because of the lover. Not due to the fact that the husband Gaidar hereditary tribe hating Russian idiot. Not due to the fact that I grew a dirty moustache in bed with a blunt and swift.
She wanted to divorce him, because during all the time of living together he was not looking, not listening - "don't know" how old would say, meaning not just sex, but the huge knowledge of the person next to you and gives you access to life with him.
And that is suddenly exposed — neglecting him so she can't forgive that he didn't want any family to save, no nest to protect. Because when so sharply discerned the outline of cegesti in the man throws you off and running on this fuel away and not looking back. Alien next is not needed.Some of the potential only or those who have not yet failed the test/another.
I watched this series "Divorce," and I thought: the biggest crime against the middle – not to look at it, not to know what he and who he is. A crime is committed through ignorance, thoughtlessness, and the punishment inevitable as the changing of the seasons.
The woman is hard to forgive a man is because she is in it is in a different mode. Not because it better but because it was originally connected option is to monitor everything on its territory. And the man is not connected. He has a resource at all for the other, it monitors aimed for the fence: there is a danger, there is a profit, so priority is given to men the outside world, and even lying on the couch he monitors the outside world through TV and Internet so exposed male default settings.
But if he does not change them for the sake of his wife, he will never make her happy, and so will never be happy with her and myself.
When a man marries, his chances of a happy marriage depend only on him. And they depend not so much on its place in the external hierarchy, and how much production he gets from the gross income of the country, many from the fact whether they are happy with it wife.
And she will be happy if he's in it look in very important monitor. If he will examine it and learn day by day, as a very significant person. If in the course of her desires, her tastes, her fears.
It's incredibly hard to include his wife in the field of continuous monitoring as an important object, I know. "If this is the case of man in relation to his wife, it is better not to marry," then he muttered the Apostle, in answer to another difficult marital challenge.
It means to recognize its dependence on its significance, and men, and married to the significance of women for it to reset finally: did your, all, the question is closed, it is possible to live your male life. I understand.
But marriage is about the fact that its life is now and forever tied to a life not their own. And this is not my life should honor as their own.
But there is good news. A woman on many of the weaknesses of men are willing to close his eyes if he's trying to watch and something to see. If the incredible tension of the will tries to hear her words. If at least ready your imperfect interface to frame her attempts to tell him something.
Just kidding, of course, about neimoverno efforts. Actually men are smart and clever in all that you consider significant. Have only token significance to mark and his wife. Yes, she is a strange creature, she has everything else, but it should fit into your life not just as a woman under it is the connectors and programs, but not enough. It should fit into your life as a person, and distract her with the same willingness with which distracted from it by something more accessible and close.
Whole life in a good marriage fits into a single succinct the old rule of "love your neighbor as yourself". No more, no less, and in constant quest for recognition of the other as equal.
Whole life in a good marriage is the art of instantly switching from their interest in it and back, it's a life skill instant considers it in any of its dispositions, it is the processing of additional data, "wife" without prevarication.
In many years of a good marriage the sum of these precision nano effort is done as if by itself, Yes, it's true.
But by itself it is because was once great efforts to watch in your woman, listen to her, to leave this frightening space "wife", to know.
Those men who ventured into it, never remained in loss.
Also interesting: the Woman: power saving mode
This man came into your life for a reason
Note: best of all with this challenge of coping men-manipulators, because these skills are important for survival. They know it and try hard. But if normal men are presented in advance, which leads to negligence and ignorance in this case, you would have tried.published
Author: Lara Gall
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © econet
Source: saintpetersburg.zagranitsa.com/blog/3389/kak-uprazdnit-muzhchin
Woman and so doesn't want him – neither see nor hear, in any way, and then there's this.
Then she goes to her lover – who wants to see and hear that, too. In the shower she had the feeling of celebration and freedom, and lover, she translates this wave when he says that divorcing her husband, and now nothing will prevent them to be together.

How did you know that the return of glee she gets, huh? Smart what! Yes, the lover is not happy. Very, very. He's a lover, and here he seems to be in the husbands plan without asking.
After a brief dialogue, the woman abruptly got smart, changed the plans, goes home and explains to her husband that insanity, they say, found this morning. Hormones. No divorce, honey, twenty years together, two kids we are a family.
UV, exhales husband, but soon finds out about the lover, and, suddenly, he roars like a wounded bull wants a divorce, change the locks on the doors, not let wife home.
The woman wanted a divorce before when I knew what to do after. And now, when to do after you proved nothing, she doesn't want a divorce and wants her husband calmed down, and everything became as before. So she patiently endures the fits of jealousy, meekly tolerate sessions with a family therapist, and generally behaves as good as guilty when he wants to redeem and settle to were allowed to return. And she would have been allowed to return Yes, just haven't had enough of her humiliation. Therefore, it is the meek and patient.
Against such a background her normal life with work and long cherished ideas to open a small art shop. And then she was offered a suitable property to rent, money she had, and her long-standing project that's find life. It all twenty years of marriage was postponed – not before it was, then the husband has troubles with the business, the children were born, but finally came together.
In her heart a sense of celebration and luck, and to her husband, she translates this wave when he says that finally it seems it has happened.
And what? Nothing good. You see a thing that this husband, whom she recently was subjected to audit, who again increased their quotes on their little exchange inside the head and heart, who was wrapped in several layers of far-fetched and napisannoi values, this man isn't here. There is a just man, to whom she attributed all of this. And here she shares with him, like, a dream come true, and he mutters something in response, not about time and stuff. For twenty years he was muttering, and not bothering to understand how it keeps afloat this dream, he was accustomed, he reflex so to say.
And she suddenly remembers what really wanted to divorce him. Not because of the lover. Not due to the fact that the husband Gaidar hereditary tribe hating Russian idiot. Not due to the fact that I grew a dirty moustache in bed with a blunt and swift.
She wanted to divorce him, because during all the time of living together he was not looking, not listening - "don't know" how old would say, meaning not just sex, but the huge knowledge of the person next to you and gives you access to life with him.
And that is suddenly exposed — neglecting him so she can't forgive that he didn't want any family to save, no nest to protect. Because when so sharply discerned the outline of cegesti in the man throws you off and running on this fuel away and not looking back. Alien next is not needed.Some of the potential only or those who have not yet failed the test/another.

I watched this series "Divorce," and I thought: the biggest crime against the middle – not to look at it, not to know what he and who he is. A crime is committed through ignorance, thoughtlessness, and the punishment inevitable as the changing of the seasons.
The woman is hard to forgive a man is because she is in it is in a different mode. Not because it better but because it was originally connected option is to monitor everything on its territory. And the man is not connected. He has a resource at all for the other, it monitors aimed for the fence: there is a danger, there is a profit, so priority is given to men the outside world, and even lying on the couch he monitors the outside world through TV and Internet so exposed male default settings.
But if he does not change them for the sake of his wife, he will never make her happy, and so will never be happy with her and myself.
When a man marries, his chances of a happy marriage depend only on him. And they depend not so much on its place in the external hierarchy, and how much production he gets from the gross income of the country, many from the fact whether they are happy with it wife.
And she will be happy if he's in it look in very important monitor. If he will examine it and learn day by day, as a very significant person. If in the course of her desires, her tastes, her fears.
It's incredibly hard to include his wife in the field of continuous monitoring as an important object, I know. "If this is the case of man in relation to his wife, it is better not to marry," then he muttered the Apostle, in answer to another difficult marital challenge.
It means to recognize its dependence on its significance, and men, and married to the significance of women for it to reset finally: did your, all, the question is closed, it is possible to live your male life. I understand.
But marriage is about the fact that its life is now and forever tied to a life not their own. And this is not my life should honor as their own.
But there is good news. A woman on many of the weaknesses of men are willing to close his eyes if he's trying to watch and something to see. If the incredible tension of the will tries to hear her words. If at least ready your imperfect interface to frame her attempts to tell him something.
Just kidding, of course, about neimoverno efforts. Actually men are smart and clever in all that you consider significant. Have only token significance to mark and his wife. Yes, she is a strange creature, she has everything else, but it should fit into your life not just as a woman under it is the connectors and programs, but not enough. It should fit into your life as a person, and distract her with the same willingness with which distracted from it by something more accessible and close.
Whole life in a good marriage fits into a single succinct the old rule of "love your neighbor as yourself". No more, no less, and in constant quest for recognition of the other as equal.
Whole life in a good marriage is the art of instantly switching from their interest in it and back, it's a life skill instant considers it in any of its dispositions, it is the processing of additional data, "wife" without prevarication.
In many years of a good marriage the sum of these precision nano effort is done as if by itself, Yes, it's true.
But by itself it is because was once great efforts to watch in your woman, listen to her, to leave this frightening space "wife", to know.
Those men who ventured into it, never remained in loss.
Also interesting: the Woman: power saving mode
This man came into your life for a reason
Note: best of all with this challenge of coping men-manipulators, because these skills are important for survival. They know it and try hard. But if normal men are presented in advance, which leads to negligence and ignorance in this case, you would have tried.published
Author: Lara Gall
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © econet
Source: saintpetersburg.zagranitsa.com/blog/3389/kak-uprazdnit-muzhchin