From bread to candy: only this method will help you to lose weight without dieting! As slender as a birch...
"Site" has collected now yoga in a special complex, aimed at fat burning, and also helps to restore flexibility and elegance.
Yoga poses for beginners make your stomach flat, firm legs and buttocks, provide energy, and it can not affect the self-esteem and mood!
Home yoga for pohudenie commencing complex need to stretch the muscles of the neck, ankle, to do breathing exercises, and after that proceed directly to asanas. This will help to avoid sprains and injuries of all kinds. Each position fix within 1 minute.
Yoga is an enjoyable and sure way to a healthy and strong body, natural a return to lightness and slimness.
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The author
Marina Artemova Loves to photograph the beauty of nature, enjoys handmade. Son Vanya had taught the mother to cope with any household tasks effortlessly: Marina knows how to get the most stubborn stains and to clean the house in minutes. Interested in the most acute, various life issues, never remain aloof from what actually matters! Favorite book Marina — "gone with the wind" by M. Mitchell.

Yoga poses for beginners make your stomach flat, firm legs and buttocks, provide energy, and it can not affect the self-esteem and mood!
Home yoga for pohudenie commencing complex need to stretch the muscles of the neck, ankle, to do breathing exercises, and after that proceed directly to asanas. This will help to avoid sprains and injuries of all kinds. Each position fix within 1 minute.
- Urdhva-uttanasana
This pose corrects posture, promotes stretching of the spine, which helps to keep the balance. Avoid excessive deflection in the lumbar spine.
- Uttanasana (intense stretching pose)
Continue to pull the spine! This pose tones you up, increases blood circulation in the brain and the pelvic area, strengthens the muscles of the anterior wall of the abdomen and lower back, relieves tension of the muscles of the legs, back and shoulders. Reach the tailbone up, while retracting the abdomen. Feet hands seized from behind.
- Utkatasana (Posture Chair)
The half squat with the rise on your toes and stretching the arms up — a great exercise to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and calves! Trains balance, stimulates the heart, improves posture. Make sure the feet are parallel to each other, and the back does not bend at the waist. Hands reach up to the maximum.
- Virabhadrasana I
This asana helps open the chest, intensively strengthens the muscles of the thighs. Do the lunge, bend the leg at the knee at a right angle and bend, stretching your arms up. The knee and foot of the bent leg should be on the same line.
- Virabhadrasana II
Make a smooth transition from the previous postures, turning the body and straight arms. This pose strengthens the muscles of the feet and hands and gives it a beautiful relief, tones the muscles of the back and abdomen, raises vitality.
- Virabhadrasana III
Complicate the task! Bent gently straighten the leg, while raising the other so that it formed a straight line with arms stretched in front of him. This position is extremely improves metabolism and strengthens all muscle groups. Do not worry if you do not immediately get to get up a straight line like the photo... a Little practice and soon you will be surprised of its grace and plastic!
- Chaturanga Dandasana with straight arms
Asana, the correct execution which remarkably affects the figure! It is important to keep the feet hip distance apart, and palms placed under the shoulders and shoulder width apart. Draw your tailbone, do not stick out, but lower back does not SAG.
- Dandasana Chaturanga with bent elbows
Bend your elbows to further strengthen the effectiveness of the asanas. Training the whole body in one exercise!
- Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
Unusually energizes, rejuvenates, strengthens the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles, back, improves the work gastrointestinal tract.
- Adho Mukha of Svanasana (downward dog)
Asana, is popular among dieters. And for good reason! Because it effectively flattens the tummy and gives the legs a beautiful shape, is working muscles of the arms and chest, stretches the spine. The body weight evenly distributed on the soles and palms, neck and head stretch forward, pull the tailbone up.
- Savasana (corpse pose)
This relaxing asana perform at the end of each session. Lie on your back, arms and legs spread so that they do not touch the body, close your eyes and lay so for 10-15 minutes.
Yoga is an enjoyable and sure way to a healthy and strong body, natural a return to lightness and slimness.
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The author

Marina Artemova Loves to photograph the beauty of nature, enjoys handmade. Son Vanya had taught the mother to cope with any household tasks effortlessly: Marina knows how to get the most stubborn stains and to clean the house in minutes. Interested in the most acute, various life issues, never remain aloof from what actually matters! Favorite book Marina — "gone with the wind" by M. Mitchell.
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