To the family, the question arose of replacing the linoleum. Her husband found a very trivial solution!

Everyone knows how hard it is to make repairs in the apartment, especially if it is difficult to get the necessary materials. The website offers the reader the story of how the man was able to get out with the replacement of the linoleum is very unusual, but easy way! I met with the neighbor, she says:
— Shed in the middle of the hall the acid, it burned through the linoleum in a solid hole. Of course, you need to replace all the linoleum in the room. And her husband money on a boat motor had been saving and instead of replacing the whole cover offered carefully trim and replace only the broken piece, somewhere around 30 to 40 centimeters. I was surprised to linoleum else Soviet, such a long time not doing and he assured that he knows a place to get one. And after a couple of days, coming home from work, saw the glued patch. Amazingly, linoleum in it was exactly the same as ours.
— And then you know where he got it?
— Yeah, I know.
— He said that?
— No. General cleaning was done, the couch was pushed and found this place...
via pikabu.ru/story/kogda_ochen_nuzhen_lodochnyiy_motor_4605156
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