20 jokes and funny pictures about Vzrosloy Life. Yeah, for such we are not ready!
Twenty four million eight hundred fifty thousand three hundred thirty seven
In childhood it is unclear why the adults are tired all the time, not playing, not having fun, and come home from work, flop down on the sofa in front of the TV, and then go to sleep. And when the time comes to become adults, it is here that we turn to those who are not understood. And besides, it turns out, us in this life nobody is prepared, and it fell as snow on the head!
The website invites the reader to add humor in this strange and difficult life.
Let mom relax!
Image source: Fishki.net
Guide on how to become an adult
Somehow the way it is
And so it is necessary to move through life!
Here and now with your friends to see!
via old.fishki.net/2111247-kogda-osoznal-chto-vzroslaja-zhizn'---jeto-ne-to-k-chemu-tebja-gotovili.html
In childhood it is unclear why the adults are tired all the time, not playing, not having fun, and come home from work, flop down on the sofa in front of the TV, and then go to sleep. And when the time comes to become adults, it is here that we turn to those who are not understood. And besides, it turns out, us in this life nobody is prepared, and it fell as snow on the head!
The website invites the reader to add humor in this strange and difficult life.
Let mom relax!
Image source: Fishki.net
Guide on how to become an adult
Somehow the way it is
And so it is necessary to move through life!
Here and now with your friends to see!
via old.fishki.net/2111247-kogda-osoznal-chto-vzroslaja-zhizn'---jeto-ne-to-k-chemu-tebja-gotovili.html
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