10 great movies about social life and about what lies beyond its gloss
Seventy three million four hundred six thousand one hundred forty one
Childhood and youth woody Allen's were the Golden era of America: despite the Great Depression, and in some way, and thanks to her, the cinema of those times was pretentious, brilliant and loud, the Hollywood star seemed the gods and goddesses, and the mafia became the star editorials. On this era Allen took a lot of pictures. Site decided to recall several similar tapes of high life, partying and glamour.
Howard Hughes in the 20-ies was the personification of wealth, fame and tyranny. Although, the tyranny suffered then everyone who had money. Interesting that DiCaprio has played two "pillars" of the society of the decade: Hughes in "the Aviator" and Gatsby in "the Great Gatsby", handsome, earned millions and killed (one died not literally, but still) because of their own quirks.
Social life
Without detracting from the topics of Judaism, woody again tells an old joke about how things work in the Hollywood of that time: partying at the pool, the affair, gangsters, wielding clubs and singer, owns the minds. For those who like this style "high life" should fit: details of interior and clothes, style and references to old movies, and family mansions. Allen tries to archive gone forever colossus even so, with fake memories.
If you want to understand something about the Golden age of movies, better watch his ancestral representatives. "Gilda" with Rita Hayworth in the title role 70 years ago created an unprecedented boom: her first appearance, the elegant sweep of hair and bright smile, stoked cinemas in the men's cries, the groans and whistling. Gilda became the hallmark of Rita and a sex symbol, her image is hiding the hole in the camera Andy Dufresne in "the Shawshank redemption".
Dark orchid
Where a secular society, there is always the human flaws in their distorted form. The glitter of the Hollywood hills, hides a dark secret, and one of them is a brutal murder that occurred actually don't discover it until now. Based on it, many have written their best detectives, but Director Brian De Palma decided to put aesthetic and sophisticated Thriller, filled with cigarette smoke, furs, diamonds and cruelty.
The bad and the beautiful
Another great page in the history of Hollywood, the story of the great producer who did cash hits from literally nothing. Adored him, worshipped, prayed on it. But Jonathan shields (brilliantly played by kirk Douglas) no time for sentiment, explaining, friendship, novels and other syrupy dregs: the only work is important to him, only their own fire drives him.
The habit of get married
One of the greatest failures in the history of cinema, the film, which scandals did not cease, and the Director after the shoot came down with a heart attack. This brought Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin: the story of the infinite love of the sultry singer Wiki and millionaire Charles, United with lust and engaged to the cheated mobster. Always delicious to reconsider, the depth of style and taste. It is not clear that they did not like? More on "Raspberries" was nominated, a sort of envious!
Gangster squad
Stylized Thriller, taking the best representatives of the genre for the sample ("Scarface", "Unbreakable") and best actors of the generation, the plot twists of the corkscrew and blows patterns. Sean Penn in one of his best roles and costumes to the nines, beautiful — shiny and chirping, bullets whistle. As well as champagne, trendy clubs, dancing and flirting. Shaken, not stirred.
Princess Of Monaco
Fate, which had a lot of envy in life. Life became a model of dedication. The tragedy of beauty gone so early. In the movie there were several aristocratic ladies, and grace Kelly, though, and became a member of the Royal family after a career in Hollywood, is one of them. It seemed that this woman was made for luxury dresses, diamonds and balls. Despite the fact that Director Olivier Dahan made life at the court of Monaco, the tragedy, the frame is filled with luxury and bliss. Apparently to balance out the impossibility of the consequences of such a sweet choice.
I was seduced by Andy Warhol
Incorrectly translated name is a way to draw. In fact, Edie didn't seduce Andy, and was his Muse. This is one of the most tragic fates, but in the 60s the bulk of it was: bright stars, filled with vitality, they sprayed her, like fairies from the tale of Peter pan. But, unfortunately, it quickly burned and extinguished. Sienna Miller played here brilliantly. And if you want to know what actually was the "Factory" of Warhol to look it's best this picture.
Lady Eve
The dessert for last. On the ocean sailing ship on Board of which — the cream of society, and among them, the klutz-millionaire and Jean, the daughter card tricksters. Rich son does not know how to communicate with women, and gene pretends to be a lady so she wasn't quite so boring. But this lie leads to dangerous consequences. Henry Fonda and Barbara Stanwyck to strike sparks off the screen. A secular society on a ship just the way it should be: old women and old men, the stones and gossip.
via www.ivi.ru/titr/goodmovies/10-filmov-ob-idealnoj-svetskoj-zhizni
Childhood and youth woody Allen's were the Golden era of America: despite the Great Depression, and in some way, and thanks to her, the cinema of those times was pretentious, brilliant and loud, the Hollywood star seemed the gods and goddesses, and the mafia became the star editorials. On this era Allen took a lot of pictures. Site decided to recall several similar tapes of high life, partying and glamour.
Howard Hughes in the 20-ies was the personification of wealth, fame and tyranny. Although, the tyranny suffered then everyone who had money. Interesting that DiCaprio has played two "pillars" of the society of the decade: Hughes in "the Aviator" and Gatsby in "the Great Gatsby", handsome, earned millions and killed (one died not literally, but still) because of their own quirks.
Social life
Without detracting from the topics of Judaism, woody again tells an old joke about how things work in the Hollywood of that time: partying at the pool, the affair, gangsters, wielding clubs and singer, owns the minds. For those who like this style "high life" should fit: details of interior and clothes, style and references to old movies, and family mansions. Allen tries to archive gone forever colossus even so, with fake memories.
If you want to understand something about the Golden age of movies, better watch his ancestral representatives. "Gilda" with Rita Hayworth in the title role 70 years ago created an unprecedented boom: her first appearance, the elegant sweep of hair and bright smile, stoked cinemas in the men's cries, the groans and whistling. Gilda became the hallmark of Rita and a sex symbol, her image is hiding the hole in the camera Andy Dufresne in "the Shawshank redemption".
Dark orchid
Where a secular society, there is always the human flaws in their distorted form. The glitter of the Hollywood hills, hides a dark secret, and one of them is a brutal murder that occurred actually don't discover it until now. Based on it, many have written their best detectives, but Director Brian De Palma decided to put aesthetic and sophisticated Thriller, filled with cigarette smoke, furs, diamonds and cruelty.
The bad and the beautiful
Another great page in the history of Hollywood, the story of the great producer who did cash hits from literally nothing. Adored him, worshipped, prayed on it. But Jonathan shields (brilliantly played by kirk Douglas) no time for sentiment, explaining, friendship, novels and other syrupy dregs: the only work is important to him, only their own fire drives him.
The habit of get married
One of the greatest failures in the history of cinema, the film, which scandals did not cease, and the Director after the shoot came down with a heart attack. This brought Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin: the story of the infinite love of the sultry singer Wiki and millionaire Charles, United with lust and engaged to the cheated mobster. Always delicious to reconsider, the depth of style and taste. It is not clear that they did not like? More on "Raspberries" was nominated, a sort of envious!
Gangster squad
Stylized Thriller, taking the best representatives of the genre for the sample ("Scarface", "Unbreakable") and best actors of the generation, the plot twists of the corkscrew and blows patterns. Sean Penn in one of his best roles and costumes to the nines, beautiful — shiny and chirping, bullets whistle. As well as champagne, trendy clubs, dancing and flirting. Shaken, not stirred.
Princess Of Monaco
Fate, which had a lot of envy in life. Life became a model of dedication. The tragedy of beauty gone so early. In the movie there were several aristocratic ladies, and grace Kelly, though, and became a member of the Royal family after a career in Hollywood, is one of them. It seemed that this woman was made for luxury dresses, diamonds and balls. Despite the fact that Director Olivier Dahan made life at the court of Monaco, the tragedy, the frame is filled with luxury and bliss. Apparently to balance out the impossibility of the consequences of such a sweet choice.
I was seduced by Andy Warhol
Incorrectly translated name is a way to draw. In fact, Edie didn't seduce Andy, and was his Muse. This is one of the most tragic fates, but in the 60s the bulk of it was: bright stars, filled with vitality, they sprayed her, like fairies from the tale of Peter pan. But, unfortunately, it quickly burned and extinguished. Sienna Miller played here brilliantly. And if you want to know what actually was the "Factory" of Warhol to look it's best this picture.
Lady Eve
The dessert for last. On the ocean sailing ship on Board of which — the cream of society, and among them, the klutz-millionaire and Jean, the daughter card tricksters. Rich son does not know how to communicate with women, and gene pretends to be a lady so she wasn't quite so boring. But this lie leads to dangerous consequences. Henry Fonda and Barbara Stanwyck to strike sparks off the screen. A secular society on a ship just the way it should be: old women and old men, the stones and gossip.
via www.ivi.ru/titr/goodmovies/10-filmov-ob-idealnoj-svetskoj-zhizni
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