It caused a few drops of this tool on the neck... After 1 day of cold symptoms disappeared!

There are several types of essential oil incense: lemon, pink and dewy. The latter is the most pure and fragrant product. Everyone who is going to buy a jar of this essential oil incense, you should remember his name — Boswellia Carteri.

Many people mistakenly believe that oil of frankincense is used only in Church rituals. To date, this tool is actively used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetics and aromatherapy. We will share with you the most useful tips for using essential oil of frankincense.

Oil of frankincense
  1. Oil incense is very effective for bronchitis, colds and SARS. For the treatment essential oil it is necessary to do inhalation. Adding water 3 drops, you need to breathe in hot vapors for 5 minutes. Also, to get rid of cold symptoms followed by two times a day, apply to the neck a few drops of essential oil of frankincense.

  2. Oil of frankincense also promotes active growth of hair. The tool makes the hair elastic, strengthens the hair follicles and even fights dandruff. To restore the hair using oils incense, you must add it to shampoos, conditioners and hair masks by mixing 4 drops of 10 ml of any base oil.

  3. Also oil of frankincense fights well with the small mimic wrinkles around the eyes. To get rid of such skin flaws, you need to mix 1 drop of oil of frankincense 2 drops essential oil of lime and the same quantity of oil of rose. Apply every evening on eye area, avoiding contact with mucous membranes.

  4. To get rid of acne and pimples, apply essential oil of frankincense a point 2 times a day.

  5. Also essential oil of frankincense rubbed joints and lower back to get rid of the symptoms of gout, arthritis and sciatica.