This map will help you to discover passwords Wi-Fi at any airport in the world

The computer security engineer and blogger Anil Polat (Anil Polat) provided all travel lovers without leaving the network a great service. He has created an interactive map, called WiFox, which contains the password from the free Wi-Fi networks most of the major airports around the world.
Here's how it looks: the characters of planes on the map marked with the airports and on the left is a list that contains network names and passwords to them.

To use the service is very simple. For example, you are going to visit Rome. Find this city on the map or enter the name in the search bar on the left, select the international airport Leonardo da Vinci (aka Fiumicino) and find out what are available at the airport free Wi-Fi Casa Alitalia Lounge, for which the password is not required, and Aviapartner password Aviapartner01.

The information is constantly updated, see the data on other cities and other airports, so you should take this service note. Moreover, for the greater convenience of travellers, it is available in mobile applications for iOS and Android.
Photos on the preview google.com
Materials foxnomad.com Business Insider
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