Hedda Bolgar.

This cute lady is American. She lives in Los Angeles in your own home. Working as a therapist, spends an average of about 20 sessions a week. Has been working for 75 years. Her 103 years!
Hedda Bolgar, a famous psychoanalyst. She lives alone at his home in Los Angeles, sees patients for 20 hours a week. Lectures, travels to professional conferences. In a word, Hedda is smart, bright, successful Californian woman who leads an active and very independent life. And there would be nothing particularly surprising if it were not for one detail. The Hedda Bolgar 103 years.
Your diploma Hedda got in Vienna in 1936. Her teachers were psychoanalysts of the "Vienna circle", the immediate followers of Sigmund Freud. Her experience with mental health is more than 75 years.
Now Hedda many patients. Some of them are elderly. "I have a patient 91. She's so excited that can communicate with the therapist who is older than her. It seems that young people cannot understand all its problems. And I think in many respects she's right".
Every day Hedda Bolgar helps patients understand themselves and feel better. So she genuinely does not understand why to retire.
The performance of Films, the clarity and the sharpness of her mind boggle. Makes you wonder maybe Hedda practicing any special anti-aging technology?
"You know," she said, " the last 80 years, I did very little sport.
However, just over a year ago (i.e. 101 years) Hedda gave me a kiss. Now, she comes home teacher.
Her secret is not in physical activity. According to Hedda Bolgar to live happily ever after, you have to eat right (she is 14 years a vegetarian), good sleep and, most importantly, to accept what is happening and not worry too much because of the difficulty. Especially since that hasn't happened yet.
"You still don't know what will happen to you in the future. One of the friends and family you lose, than get sick, what trouble you have to face. Your fears will not necessarily become a reality — quite the contrary. So there is no point to worry in advance. Need to enjoy life and not think about the bad".
Hedda says that for mental health in adulthood, you must understand that the years bring not only losses, but benefits. "A lot of people say that we lose with age, and forget about what we gain. It's not fair. With age, we get independence, learn to better understand ourselves and become less anxious. Age provides an excellent opportunity to think about my life, stop being angry at myself for wrong decisions and get rid of feelings of guilt."
Hedda quite calmly to death. Of course, like all of us, she would like to see this feature, it was a continuation. But Hedda in any case would not want to be born again. The idea of the incarnation it is not pretty. Why? Well, of course: children are very dependent and very dependent creatures. 103-year-old Hedda Bolgar don't want to depend on outside help — even in the next life.