We have ours, we construct a new world. And flood
To improve the quality of life in large cities, sometimes you have to sacrifice much, including natural landscapes in the construction of hydroelectric power plants. Interesting post about the flooded during the construction of hydroelectric power stations, cities under the cut.
Kaljazin - one of the most famous sunken Russian cities. The first mention of the village of Nikola on Żabno belong to the XII century, and after the foundation in the XV century Kalyazinsky Trinity (Macarius) Monastery on the opposite bank of the Volga, the value of settlements increased. In 1775 Kalyazine was given the status of county town, and from the end of XIX century there begins the development of the industry: fulling business, blacksmithing fishing, shipbuilding. The town was partially flooded during the creation of the Uglich hydroelectric power station on the Volga River, the construction of which was conducted in 1935-1955, respectively. Faded Trinity Monastery and architectural complex of the Monastery of St. Nicholas Zhabenskogo, and most of the historical buildings of the city. From it was only sticking out of the water bell tower of St. Nicholas Cathedral, which became one of the main attractions of the central part of Russia.
Mologa is the most famous city, completely flooded during the construction of the Rybinsk reservoir. This is a rare case where a settlement has not been transferred to another location, and eliminated completely: in 1940 his story was lost. The village was known Mologa from XII-XIII century, and in 1777 she received the status of a town. In the XIX century it was built Athanasian monastery and several churches. With the advent of Soviet rule the city became a regional center with a population of about 6000 people. Mologa numbered about a hundred stone houses and 800 wooden. After 1936 it was announced that the upcoming flooding the city began resettlement. Most of the Community Features mologzhan settled in the village of Rybinsk Slip, and the rest live in different cities of the country. Since 1960 Rybinsk mologzhan are meetings at which they remember their lost city.
Korcheva is the second (and last) completely flooded city in Russia, which then ceased to exist. This village in the Tver region is on the right bank of the Volga River, on both sides of the river grubbing, near the town of Dubna. In the annals of the village is mentioned from the XVI century, and it has received city status in 1781. By the 1920s the population was grubbing 2, 3 thousand people. Basically there were wooden buildings, although there were some stone buildings, including three churches. In 1932, the government approved a plan to build a canal "Moscow-Volga", and the city was in a flood zone. March 2, 1937 Centre Konakovsky District was moved to Konakovo This also relocated residents and Korcheva. Today on undrowned territory Korcheva preserved cemetery and one stone building - the house of merchants Christmas.
City Puchezh there and to this day, but his entire old part went under water Gorky Reservoir in 1955-1957 years. The village is mentioned in sources from the XVI century. Its inhabitants engaged in trade, fishing, gardening. In 1793, the settlement became planted, and in the first half of the XIX century it was the center of hiring boatmen. In 1862 there was built a flax factory. In the years 1955-1957 in connection with the future flooding of the city was decided to postpone Puchezh to a higher place. Part of the wooden building was moved to a new city, and all the stone buildings were destroyed. Rebuilt anew town exists today: in 2014 a population of 7624 people.
Vesegonsk flooded in 1939 by the creation of Rybinsk Reservoir, known since 1564. In those days, on the future site of the city was a village All Ёgonskaya. In the XVI-XIX centuries, the settlement was an important trade center. Here, sold and bought salt, wax, hops, fish, furs, and more. Since 1796 Vesegonsk - unimportant town of Tver province, and since 1803 - the county town. He is mentioned in "Dead Souls" by Gogol as an example of the provincial town of the county: "... And the court wrote: transmit to you from the prison Tsarevokokshaisk such a city, and the court wrote again: to transmit to you in any Vesegonsk, and you're moving Statement from prison to prison and say, examining the new home of: \ "No, that would be worse than a prison Vesegonsk: there though, and grandmother, so there is a place, and society more! \". " By 1930, in Vesyegonsk lived about 4 thousand people. During flooding completely destroyed inside the Old City, and the new building was located further south, on the collective lands. In this town was downgraded to a working village. Again Vesegonsk received city status in 1953. From the old buildings are preserved only in the ensembles of the Trinity and the Kazan church and cemetery church of St. John the Baptist.
Stavropol informal names - Stavropol-Volga or Stavropol-upon-Volga) is a city in Samara Oblast was founded in 1738 as a fortress. Number of inhabitants varied greatly: in 1859, lived here 2, 2 thousand people by 1900 - about 7000, and in 1924 the population decreased so that the city officially became the village (town status returned in 1946). At the time of the flooding in 1950 in Stavropol lived about 12 thousand people. The city was moved to a new location, and in 1964 it was renamed in Togliatti. The rapid development of the city is associated with the appearance of large industrial enterprises ("Volgotsemmash", "KuibyshevAzot" and "KuybyshevFosfor" and others.).
Kuibyshev Spassk Tatar) is mentioned in chronicles in 1781. In the second half of XIX century there were 246 houses, 1 church, and by the early 1930s lived here 5, 3 thousand people. In 1936 the town was renamed Kuibyshev. In 1950 he was in the flood zone of the Kuibyshev Reservoir and was completely rebuilt in a new location, next to the ancient settlement of Bulgar. Since 1991, it was renamed in Bulgaria and soon has all chances to become one of the major tourist centers in Russia and the world. In June 2014 the ancient settlement of Bulgar (Bulgarian State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve) was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
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Kaljazin - one of the most famous sunken Russian cities. The first mention of the village of Nikola on Żabno belong to the XII century, and after the foundation in the XV century Kalyazinsky Trinity (Macarius) Monastery on the opposite bank of the Volga, the value of settlements increased. In 1775 Kalyazine was given the status of county town, and from the end of XIX century there begins the development of the industry: fulling business, blacksmithing fishing, shipbuilding. The town was partially flooded during the creation of the Uglich hydroelectric power station on the Volga River, the construction of which was conducted in 1935-1955, respectively. Faded Trinity Monastery and architectural complex of the Monastery of St. Nicholas Zhabenskogo, and most of the historical buildings of the city. From it was only sticking out of the water bell tower of St. Nicholas Cathedral, which became one of the main attractions of the central part of Russia.
Mologa is the most famous city, completely flooded during the construction of the Rybinsk reservoir. This is a rare case where a settlement has not been transferred to another location, and eliminated completely: in 1940 his story was lost. The village was known Mologa from XII-XIII century, and in 1777 she received the status of a town. In the XIX century it was built Athanasian monastery and several churches. With the advent of Soviet rule the city became a regional center with a population of about 6000 people. Mologa numbered about a hundred stone houses and 800 wooden. After 1936 it was announced that the upcoming flooding the city began resettlement. Most of the Community Features mologzhan settled in the village of Rybinsk Slip, and the rest live in different cities of the country. Since 1960 Rybinsk mologzhan are meetings at which they remember their lost city.

Korcheva is the second (and last) completely flooded city in Russia, which then ceased to exist. This village in the Tver region is on the right bank of the Volga River, on both sides of the river grubbing, near the town of Dubna. In the annals of the village is mentioned from the XVI century, and it has received city status in 1781. By the 1920s the population was grubbing 2, 3 thousand people. Basically there were wooden buildings, although there were some stone buildings, including three churches. In 1932, the government approved a plan to build a canal "Moscow-Volga", and the city was in a flood zone. March 2, 1937 Centre Konakovsky District was moved to Konakovo This also relocated residents and Korcheva. Today on undrowned territory Korcheva preserved cemetery and one stone building - the house of merchants Christmas.

City Puchezh there and to this day, but his entire old part went under water Gorky Reservoir in 1955-1957 years. The village is mentioned in sources from the XVI century. Its inhabitants engaged in trade, fishing, gardening. In 1793, the settlement became planted, and in the first half of the XIX century it was the center of hiring boatmen. In 1862 there was built a flax factory. In the years 1955-1957 in connection with the future flooding of the city was decided to postpone Puchezh to a higher place. Part of the wooden building was moved to a new city, and all the stone buildings were destroyed. Rebuilt anew town exists today: in 2014 a population of 7624 people.
Vesegonsk flooded in 1939 by the creation of Rybinsk Reservoir, known since 1564. In those days, on the future site of the city was a village All Ёgonskaya. In the XVI-XIX centuries, the settlement was an important trade center. Here, sold and bought salt, wax, hops, fish, furs, and more. Since 1796 Vesegonsk - unimportant town of Tver province, and since 1803 - the county town. He is mentioned in "Dead Souls" by Gogol as an example of the provincial town of the county: "... And the court wrote: transmit to you from the prison Tsarevokokshaisk such a city, and the court wrote again: to transmit to you in any Vesegonsk, and you're moving Statement from prison to prison and say, examining the new home of: \ "No, that would be worse than a prison Vesegonsk: there though, and grandmother, so there is a place, and society more! \". " By 1930, in Vesyegonsk lived about 4 thousand people. During flooding completely destroyed inside the Old City, and the new building was located further south, on the collective lands. In this town was downgraded to a working village. Again Vesegonsk received city status in 1953. From the old buildings are preserved only in the ensembles of the Trinity and the Kazan church and cemetery church of St. John the Baptist.

Stavropol informal names - Stavropol-Volga or Stavropol-upon-Volga) is a city in Samara Oblast was founded in 1738 as a fortress. Number of inhabitants varied greatly: in 1859, lived here 2, 2 thousand people by 1900 - about 7000, and in 1924 the population decreased so that the city officially became the village (town status returned in 1946). At the time of the flooding in 1950 in Stavropol lived about 12 thousand people. The city was moved to a new location, and in 1964 it was renamed in Togliatti. The rapid development of the city is associated with the appearance of large industrial enterprises ("Volgotsemmash", "KuibyshevAzot" and "KuybyshevFosfor" and others.).

Kuibyshev Spassk Tatar) is mentioned in chronicles in 1781. In the second half of XIX century there were 246 houses, 1 church, and by the early 1930s lived here 5, 3 thousand people. In 1936 the town was renamed Kuibyshev. In 1950 he was in the flood zone of the Kuibyshev Reservoir and was completely rebuilt in a new location, next to the ancient settlement of Bulgar. Since 1991, it was renamed in Bulgaria and soon has all chances to become one of the major tourist centers in Russia and the world. In June 2014 the ancient settlement of Bulgar (Bulgarian State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve) was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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