Useful tomatoes
British scientists are again talking about the healing properties of tomatoes. It turns out that in the seeds of this bright berries contains a natural component, which already today successfully replaces aspirin. This extract also thins the blood and improves circulation. As well as tomato fruit juice in General, they are useful in cardiovascular disease, General lack of energy and anemia. Not surprisingly, scientists were quick to patent the discovery.

Along with aspirin, the miracle drug care for our platelets. Blood cells are by nature flat and smooth, but because of the damaging effects of stress, Smoking and high cholesterol, they deform and adhere to each other. Everyday use of new items prevents these dangerous processes and protects the surface of platelets from damage.
The scientists also remind us about the main trump of tomato – lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that kills free radicals are very reactive molecules that destroy cell membranes, attack DNA, and cause disease.

According to earlier studies, the use of tomatoes in food twice a week, though, can not fully protect against cancer, but it also reduces the risk of disease by 34 percent.
Source: /users/104