Effective recipes for face masks with aspirin. Away skin imperfections!
Aspirin is there any medicine cabinet, because the drug - one of the most important and sought-after. Its beneficial effects on the human body for a long time there is no doubt: aspirin analgesic, lowers the temperature, relieves inflammation. Salicylic acid acetate was first extracted from willow bark - a natural product of the highest quality. In light of complaints we usually remember about aspirin, and he often helps. Besides the impact on the functioning of internal organs, aspirin has another useful property. It is an excellent cosmetic means! Masks with the addition of aspirin are ideal for people with skin problems: aspirin reduces redness, dries the skin, prevents the appearance of new lesions. Deep cleansing of the skin, narrowing the pores and decrease the activity of the sebaceous glands - the undeniable advantages of acetylsalicylic acid. Do aspirin mask once a week, and your skin is transformed!
Masks with aspirin is not suitable for people with dry skin. Also, the mask may cause allergic reactions in different people, regardless of skin type. Because before applying the mask perform the test - a little mixture apply on a small patch of skin. Check if there was any redness. If all goes well, feel free to do the procedure - the beauty is well worth her effort. Mask with aspirin should be applied to cleansed face. Enough for 10-15 minutes in order to mask worked. Remember that aspirin is very poorly soluble in cold water, but hot - great crystals turn into mush convenient application. Depending on the condition of your skin choose a mask with suitable ingredients. NOTE: If there is damage to the skin, be careful! Wounds, cuts and scratches are irritated action of aspirin, it is better not to risk.
aspirin, salt, honey, lemon, clay
6 aspirin tablets to soak in hot water. A couple of drops of lemon juice and a pinch of salt added to aspirin. 1 h. L. honey and 1 hour. L. Clay stir with aspirin, citric substance. This mask is well suited to people with a dull complexion, increase skin tone, make wrinkles less noticeable.
Aspirin, honey
4 aspirin tablets dissolve in a small amount of water was added to the mixture of 0, 5 h. L. honey. Excellent disinfection and skin rejuvenation are guaranteed!
Aspirin, yogurt
2 aspirins dissolve with warm water, add 1 tbsp. l. kefir. The mask not only dries the skin, but also lightens it.
Aspirin, aloe juice
2 aspirins diluted with water, add 1 ch. L. aloe juice. It is a tonic, which promotes skin regeneration.
Sin is not available to use this method for the health of your skin! Remember that any dermatological problems - the effects of stress, along with masks, do not forget that you need to control yourself and stay mentally comfortable for your environment. Less nervous, I take care of yourself, and no problems with the exterior will not bother you!
Remind her friends about the value of aspirin, show them these useful recipes.
via takprosto cc

Masks with aspirin is not suitable for people with dry skin. Also, the mask may cause allergic reactions in different people, regardless of skin type. Because before applying the mask perform the test - a little mixture apply on a small patch of skin. Check if there was any redness. If all goes well, feel free to do the procedure - the beauty is well worth her effort. Mask with aspirin should be applied to cleansed face. Enough for 10-15 minutes in order to mask worked. Remember that aspirin is very poorly soluble in cold water, but hot - great crystals turn into mush convenient application. Depending on the condition of your skin choose a mask with suitable ingredients. NOTE: If there is damage to the skin, be careful! Wounds, cuts and scratches are irritated action of aspirin, it is better not to risk.
aspirin, salt, honey, lemon, clay
6 aspirin tablets to soak in hot water. A couple of drops of lemon juice and a pinch of salt added to aspirin. 1 h. L. honey and 1 hour. L. Clay stir with aspirin, citric substance. This mask is well suited to people with a dull complexion, increase skin tone, make wrinkles less noticeable.
Aspirin, honey
4 aspirin tablets dissolve in a small amount of water was added to the mixture of 0, 5 h. L. honey. Excellent disinfection and skin rejuvenation are guaranteed!
Aspirin, yogurt
2 aspirins dissolve with warm water, add 1 tbsp. l. kefir. The mask not only dries the skin, but also lightens it.
Aspirin, aloe juice
2 aspirins diluted with water, add 1 ch. L. aloe juice. It is a tonic, which promotes skin regeneration.
Sin is not available to use this method for the health of your skin! Remember that any dermatological problems - the effects of stress, along with masks, do not forget that you need to control yourself and stay mentally comfortable for your environment. Less nervous, I take care of yourself, and no problems with the exterior will not bother you!
Remind her friends about the value of aspirin, show them these useful recipes.
via takprosto cc
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