Logoterapia for the beauty of the skin
You can use as a herbal or fruit and vegetable "icicles". From what and how you can make the ice at home and what result you get?
Mineral water or strong green tea have a stabilizing effect on all types of skin. Aloe Vera juice with sage. Soothes irritated skin, helps fight acne. Made from the juice extracted from the aloe leaf, after 10-12 days he lay in the refrigerator, and then 2-3 tablespoons of juice mixed with half Cup of sage tincture. Salt. Miracle cure for acne: 1 tablespoon of salt to 0.25 litre of water. To apply this kind of ice you need every day. Silver. Antiseptic and cleansing agent. A silver spoon or a coin to "insist" on water day, after which the water freeze as usual. The rice water. Help to whiten the face and conceal dark spots. Freeze the liquid left after boiling rice. Cucumber juice and cranberry has also long been known for its bleaching effect.
Carrot juice. Logoterapia carrot juice will tighten the skin, "grind" the complexion and give a nice glow. Carrot juice mixed with water (ratio 1:1) and freeze. Horsetail common. Produces a rejuvenating effect on the face, relieves fatigue from the eyes. Make the broth at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of water, brew for two hours, and then sent to the freezer. Calendula flowers, leaves of Hypericum, birch or burdock root: reduces inflammation, relieving oily skin, tightening pores. Of herbs to brew and let stand for 30 minutes, after that mix with water in proportion 1:1. Plantain and mint. Have moisturizing properties, so good for dry skin. After rubbing the "cold cubes" from such a broth will not be amiss to put on the face olive oil. The tomato juice. Protect the skin from oily sheen. Natural (self-made) tomato juice can also be combined with a small amount of parsley juice, then distribute into molds for freezing.Fruit, berry and citrus is made of (1:1 with water) ice can be used as an alternative tonic. A wonderful tonic and may be watermelon juice or pulp.
If you don't want to do a decoction or squeeze the juice, can be cooled in the freezer and fruit slices to wipe the face. Just cut into small chunks, cucumbers, tomatoes, grapes, Mandarin, oranges, strawberries, spread in a baggie and freeze. To use, pull the bag, let a little thaw, and clean the skin as ice.
Source: /users/155

Mineral water or strong green tea have a stabilizing effect on all types of skin. Aloe Vera juice with sage. Soothes irritated skin, helps fight acne. Made from the juice extracted from the aloe leaf, after 10-12 days he lay in the refrigerator, and then 2-3 tablespoons of juice mixed with half Cup of sage tincture. Salt. Miracle cure for acne: 1 tablespoon of salt to 0.25 litre of water. To apply this kind of ice you need every day. Silver. Antiseptic and cleansing agent. A silver spoon or a coin to "insist" on water day, after which the water freeze as usual. The rice water. Help to whiten the face and conceal dark spots. Freeze the liquid left after boiling rice. Cucumber juice and cranberry has also long been known for its bleaching effect.

Carrot juice. Logoterapia carrot juice will tighten the skin, "grind" the complexion and give a nice glow. Carrot juice mixed with water (ratio 1:1) and freeze. Horsetail common. Produces a rejuvenating effect on the face, relieves fatigue from the eyes. Make the broth at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of water, brew for two hours, and then sent to the freezer. Calendula flowers, leaves of Hypericum, birch or burdock root: reduces inflammation, relieving oily skin, tightening pores. Of herbs to brew and let stand for 30 minutes, after that mix with water in proportion 1:1. Plantain and mint. Have moisturizing properties, so good for dry skin. After rubbing the "cold cubes" from such a broth will not be amiss to put on the face olive oil. The tomato juice. Protect the skin from oily sheen. Natural (self-made) tomato juice can also be combined with a small amount of parsley juice, then distribute into molds for freezing.Fruit, berry and citrus is made of (1:1 with water) ice can be used as an alternative tonic. A wonderful tonic and may be watermelon juice or pulp.

If you don't want to do a decoction or squeeze the juice, can be cooled in the freezer and fruit slices to wipe the face. Just cut into small chunks, cucumbers, tomatoes, grapes, Mandarin, oranges, strawberries, spread in a baggie and freeze. To use, pull the bag, let a little thaw, and clean the skin as ice.
Source: /users/155