Drawing attention to energy efficiency: fluorescent lighting from Vana Yenga
Artificial Moon – an impressive lighting system, created by Chinese artist WAN Yiangou of several thousand energy-saving fluorescent lamps. Thus the designer, as they say in Russia, "killed two birds with one stone": according to the artist, with his creation, he spoke of his interest in landing the first man on the moon and the concerns of energy efficiency and for clean energy.
Today already for anybody not a secret that the optical radiation has on the human body beneficial. Most useful, course, daylight, which positively affects such vital processes in the human body as physical development and metabolism. But active human activities, often does not stop after the sun goes below the horizon.
For years artificial lighting used incandescent lamps. This is a thermal light source, the spectrum of which is different from the daylight predominance of red and yellow emissions, as well as the complete absence of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, traditional incandescent bulbs completely ineffective – their efficiency is 6-8%, and the lifetime does not exceed 1000 hours. So naturally turned to the increasing popularity of fluorescent lamps, which are discharge light source, which is 5-10 times greater light output than the usual incandescent bulbs and last 8 to 15 times longer.
The artificial Moon was first put on public display in the city Park the city Hiei China, and visitors to the Park said that this unusual moon eclipses the radiance of the brightly lit metropolis and in direct and figurative sense. In the words of the designer, the project is intended to remind humanity that the lighting can be economical and environmentally friendly.
Source: /users/78