Banana plantations in the community of Paris

The architects of "SOA" will create an environmental project called "Urbanana". It is a vertical banana plantation, nestled in the heart of Paris.
As any herbaceous plants that bananas grow extremely quickly, besides they don't need each year to plant. Banana willingly bears fruit all year round, and in its production is almost not felt on the season. However, the productivity of banana is the reverse side overproduction. Therefore, the price of fragrant fruit in producing countries, and with them the profitability of production and workers ' wages is small. A large part of the bananas consumed in the place of almost all segments of the population, regardless of income level. So today the main consumers of bananas are the largest countries – India and China, and the total share of world exports does not exceed 15%.
A significant increase in prices for bananas after transport to Europe due to their capricious nature: they are stored for long, so they are picked green, Packed in sealed cellophane, treated with a special "preservative" gas composition and is transported in refrigerated ships. Upon arrival in ports of the bananas subjected to the ripening in special chambers, after which they must be cooled. It is easy to imagine the consumption of resources for transporting Goodies: fuel for transport and electricity, and polyethylene, and chemicals – all health of the environment adds.

As for the "Urbanana" (from "urban" and "banana"), by his appearance, he promises to solve not only the issues of reducing the cost and reduce carbon footprint. Transparent arches of an unusual Botanical garden, above all, provide year-round landscaping element and will add some exotic in the urban environment.
In addition, the greenhouse will allow us to grow many varieties of bananas, which until now has been virtually impossible to transport – for example, red bananas and other "fragile" species. Perhaps the center "Urbanana" will become a laboratory for the breeding of cultivated plants.
The emergence of vertical banana farm is sure to delight people, "the most stringent rules." Those who adhere to a macrobiotic diet, can only eat foods grown in their area and in this season – well, both the terms "Urbanana" honors. No less pleasant is the adherents of fair trade, which does not accept the colonial labor "banana republics", with its exploitation of workers for a pittance.

The glass facade of a 6-storey building will provide the seedlings the maximum amount of sunlight, which for the sake of creating optimum conditions for rapid growth will also complement the artificial illumination. The top five floors are reserved for the greens, and in the lobby on the first floor will house labs and the public sector for demonstration plantings. "Urbanana" will serve as a model of highly mechanized design, which promotes and develops agricultural urbanism — seen as the architects of "SOA".

Source: /users/104