Keyboard with bead keys

Despite the fact a huge variety of keyboards, invented by designers like capricious, and is not so picky of computer users, many still complain that can not find a gadget to taste. He is too big, this too small, where the buttons are located inconveniently, and here the illumination is not enough, don't like the color or not satisfied with form. How many people, so many requirements, so a young Chinese designer Wang Chun Fu (Wan Fu Chun) has developed a concept keyboard "do it yourself" under the name of the Puzzle Keyboard.

Keypad puzzle, it is the same keyboard with the keys composing, allows you to place letters and numbers in the right order and the correct sequence. It also gives you the opportunity to build a keyboard with only those elements that people actively use it, and all "unnecessary" just leave in the box. Thus, an inexperienced user, for example, a child or elderly person, you will not accidentally press the Esc or Tab if it's not on the keyboard. And many F-keys from the top row can confuse such a neophyte, therefore, in this case they can donate, and if necessary, add to panel.
Concept keyboard Puzzle Keyboard not only allows you to subdue the keys, sort and rebuild them in taste, but can also connect to mobile devices, tablets or netbooks, or to serve as a remote control. An unusual device, not only potential owners, but also brought its author the victory at the Red Dot design competition in the category "communication".
Source: /users/78
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