9 millimeters perfection

In an effort to outdo itself Logitech introduced Illuminated Keyboard, which is the thinnest keyboard company - its thickness is only 9 mm 3. Among other features new items worth noting proprietary technology backlight keyboard that uses reflectors based microlens multilayer painting process and laser etching. The user is free to independently change the brightness depending on the ambient lighting conditions and their own needs. Like any other modern keyboard, Illuminated Keyboard is equipped with a padded hands, as well as a set of multimedia keys and volume control.
The novelty used another proprietary technology called Logitech PerfectStroke: to facilitate long-typing course every keystroke increased to 3, 2 mm. Furthermore, the design of key mechanism is implemented so as to force them to spread pressure evenly over the entire surface, even if the user presses a key on the edge.

New from Logitech will go on sale in October for $ 80.
Illuminated Keyboard In addition the company introduced two more keyboard - diNovo Keyboard and Cordless Desktop S520. Wireless diNovo Keyboard is designed specifically for laptop users, and the assurances of Logitech, is able to operate from a single battery charge for up to three years. The same index in the set Cordless Desktop S520, consisting of wireless keyboard and laser mouse, modest - 15 and 8 months, respectively. For diNovo Keyboard manufacturer asks $ 99., While set Cordless Desktop S520 will cost the buyer in the $ 59.