Creative recycling: dog sculptures from Bicycle stuff
Designer Nirit Levav from Israel is very kind to old bike parts. He turns gravie Bicycle chain, pedals, gears in great realistic sculptures of dogs. His creations – dogs of different breeds in full size. Here's a creative recycling!
Designer Levav frequenter of garages and stores that sell old bikes. The main goal is old and rusty metal chains from bicycles, which are usually sent to a landfill. For Levav such details – not garbage and material for creativity.
The designer, whose creativity and utilization are inseparable, draws inspiration from the materials themselves. Dog sculptures are born of amorphous forms of old Bicycle chains, which most likely went to scrap.
The first sculpture of the dog that Levav made was the Rottweiler. It seemed that the sculpture is made of metal will be rough and will look aggressive. However, the artist himself was very surprised when the metal dog turned out very cute and friendly. In any case, fear he didn't call, like giant snails on the streets of the French Angers.
Source: /users/78