"Melon tree"-papaya
Papaya is a very peculiar life-form, a little like a regular woody plants. Its cylindrical palm trunk is not woody, as the trunks of these trees. Therefore, the papaya grows very fast, reaching to Z-5 years, height 4-6 m. in young plants, the core barrel is filled with a soft loose cloth, but with age the trunk becomes hollow.
Papaya fruit is delicious and very useful, so find wide application in cooking. Papaya is usually eaten raw, without peel and seeds, or baked on fire, she begins to exude an aroma of bread, in fact hence one of the names of this plant — breadfruit. Also it is used for salads, sauces, drinks and confectionery.
Ripe papaya fruit is usually eaten raw, with the peel and seeds, added to fruit salads and desserts. The papaya salad goes well with Parmesan cheese and other hard cheeses. Due to the high content of pectin from papaya you can cook jelly. The enzyme papain found in green papaya, is able to soften even the toughest meat. This property was known to the American Indians, who were soaked in the pulp of the papaya meat old animals.
Papaya fruit is used primarily as a valuable dietary product, promotes digestion. There is evidence that they help with gastric ulcers. Regular consumption of papaya rejuvenates and accelerates the healing of wounds and burns, improves mood, causes the body to tone and protects against influenza and cancer. This fruit is useful and herniation, vitamin deficiency and pregnancy. In the United States from papaya release tablets, which are used for the treatment of herpes. From unripe fruits are therapeutic drug papain, which is the dried milky juice. The papain in the stomach breaks down proteins, and like pepsin, promotes the breakdown of fat.
Source: /users/155

Papaya fruit is delicious and very useful, so find wide application in cooking. Papaya is usually eaten raw, without peel and seeds, or baked on fire, she begins to exude an aroma of bread, in fact hence one of the names of this plant — breadfruit. Also it is used for salads, sauces, drinks and confectionery.

Ripe papaya fruit is usually eaten raw, with the peel and seeds, added to fruit salads and desserts. The papaya salad goes well with Parmesan cheese and other hard cheeses. Due to the high content of pectin from papaya you can cook jelly. The enzyme papain found in green papaya, is able to soften even the toughest meat. This property was known to the American Indians, who were soaked in the pulp of the papaya meat old animals.

Papaya fruit is used primarily as a valuable dietary product, promotes digestion. There is evidence that they help with gastric ulcers. Regular consumption of papaya rejuvenates and accelerates the healing of wounds and burns, improves mood, causes the body to tone and protects against influenza and cancer. This fruit is useful and herniation, vitamin deficiency and pregnancy. In the United States from papaya release tablets, which are used for the treatment of herpes. From unripe fruits are therapeutic drug papain, which is the dried milky juice. The papain in the stomach breaks down proteins, and like pepsin, promotes the breakdown of fat.
Source: /users/155