Smart fork HAPIfork
The high pace of life, busy work schedule and an abundance of tasty high calorie food contribute to the increase in the number of people suffering from obesity and disruption of the functioning of the digestive system. The company HAPILABS has developed a smart fork, HAPIfork, by which one is measured, to chew your food and control the amount of food eaten, which can lead to the problem of excess weight and reduce the load on the digestive system.
Smart fork HAPIfork by sensors can count the number of sent portions in the mouth and control the pace of the meal, the reacting vibration at speed eating. Its main task is to teach people to eat slowly because the feeling of satiety is achieved after 20 minutes after a meal and leads to lesser food intake and chew your food slowly, that together can contribute to a normalization of body weight and digestive system. Along with the plug to its owner are available online diary and smartphone app that will receive data from the plugs and will help to make the right diet. Electronic fork HAPIfork smart has a removable stuffing so it can be washed even in the dishwasher. At the moment it exists as a working prototype, and the company HAPILABS plans to spring through the service Kickstarter to raise funds to start producing the USB version plugs and in the third quarter of 2013 to provide a wireless model. Estimated value of the USB models plug HAPIfork with the online diary and smartphone app is$ 99.
Source: /users/104
Smart fork HAPIfork by sensors can count the number of sent portions in the mouth and control the pace of the meal, the reacting vibration at speed eating. Its main task is to teach people to eat slowly because the feeling of satiety is achieved after 20 minutes after a meal and leads to lesser food intake and chew your food slowly, that together can contribute to a normalization of body weight and digestive system. Along with the plug to its owner are available online diary and smartphone app that will receive data from the plugs and will help to make the right diet. Electronic fork HAPIfork smart has a removable stuffing so it can be washed even in the dishwasher. At the moment it exists as a working prototype, and the company HAPILABS plans to spring through the service Kickstarter to raise funds to start producing the USB version plugs and in the third quarter of 2013 to provide a wireless model. Estimated value of the USB models plug HAPIfork with the online diary and smartphone app is$ 99.
Source: /users/104