The dangers of ketchup
Ketchup is heat-treated tomatoes, which contain large amounts of lycopene – substances that protect against cancer. However, the sauce is very a lot of preservatives, salt, sugar, starch, which delay fluid in the body, promote weight gain, increased pressure. Therefore, the harm of ketchup is much more than good.
The basis of any of the ketchup is tomato paste or puree. In the ketchup "premium" and "extra" share of tomato paste should be 40%, in the ketchup of the highest category – 30%, in the ketchup first and second category – not less than 15%.
Noticeable harm to the ketchup and to the male body in the part of the function of reproduction. French scientists have proved that among all food maximum amount of harmful substances that affect spermatogenesis, it contains tomato concentrate, based on which are made the ketchup. Families who are planning children, it is recommended that within six months not to use ketchup in food.
Great harm of ketchup for people who are inclined to obesity or those with metabolic disorders. The ketchup high sugar content, it is several times higher than the sugar content even in ice cream. And modified starch and bright dyes substandard ketchup can aggravate the situation with excess weight.
Source: /users/155

The basis of any of the ketchup is tomato paste or puree. In the ketchup "premium" and "extra" share of tomato paste should be 40%, in the ketchup of the highest category – 30%, in the ketchup first and second category – not less than 15%.

Noticeable harm to the ketchup and to the male body in the part of the function of reproduction. French scientists have proved that among all food maximum amount of harmful substances that affect spermatogenesis, it contains tomato concentrate, based on which are made the ketchup. Families who are planning children, it is recommended that within six months not to use ketchup in food.

Great harm of ketchup for people who are inclined to obesity or those with metabolic disorders. The ketchup high sugar content, it is several times higher than the sugar content even in ice cream. And modified starch and bright dyes substandard ketchup can aggravate the situation with excess weight.
Source: /users/155