How useful pumpkin dishes?
In the pulp of the pumpkin contains antioxidants and beta-carotene (which proves its deep orange). In the body beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A, which is needed in order to work properly, the immune system. Vitamin a is "responsible" for the health of skin, hair, bones and eyesight.
It will accelerate the recovery processes in damaged skin and help to fight infection. In addition to the pulp of useful properties and are the seeds that pumpkin is well filled. Based on them create medicines, pumpkin seeds nutritious and tasty. Varieties of pumpkins from huge to decorative.
Around the world conduct competitions for the biggest pumpkin. Has long broke the record in 200 pounds. Weight teperishnie record is 7 quintals! Ripen most varieties later, but kept the pumpkin for a long time, which gives the opportunity to use its useful properties when the body is needed vitamins. Pumpkin puree is recommended to infants as complementary foods. Pumpkin prescribed for diets.
Source: /users/559
It will accelerate the recovery processes in damaged skin and help to fight infection. In addition to the pulp of useful properties and are the seeds that pumpkin is well filled. Based on them create medicines, pumpkin seeds nutritious and tasty. Varieties of pumpkins from huge to decorative.
Around the world conduct competitions for the biggest pumpkin. Has long broke the record in 200 pounds. Weight teperishnie record is 7 quintals! Ripen most varieties later, but kept the pumpkin for a long time, which gives the opportunity to use its useful properties when the body is needed vitamins. Pumpkin puree is recommended to infants as complementary foods. Pumpkin prescribed for diets.
Source: /users/559