Why you need to visit a cardiologist?
You have arrived 30-35 years. At this age, even with complete heart well being should be done regularly at least 3 things: to measure blood pressure, check cholesterol and glucose.
If You feel healthy, doctors recommend to measure the pressure at least twice a year (always in a calm period and not the disease at a reception at the local therapist!), cholesterol and glucose check 1 times a year.
Your family has the core and suffering from atherosclerosis, there have been cases of early strokes or heart attacks. It all doctors called the burdened heredity – unfortunately, the predisposition to cardiovascular disease is passed on from generation to generation.
Source: /users/559

If You feel healthy, doctors recommend to measure the pressure at least twice a year (always in a calm period and not the disease at a reception at the local therapist!), cholesterol and glucose check 1 times a year.

Your family has the core and suffering from atherosclerosis, there have been cases of early strokes or heart attacks. It all doctors called the burdened heredity – unfortunately, the predisposition to cardiovascular disease is passed on from generation to generation.
Source: /users/559