Cheese cake.
- 200 grams of cottage cheese
- 100 grams of milk chocolate (or black)
- 1 tablespoon of sour cream
- 1 tablespoon honey (or sugar)
- Some dates
- A few almond kernels
Instead of chocolate can be used for sprinkling crushed biscuits, coconut. For the filling, you can use a piece of chocolate, sweet berries and more. In general, unlimited scope for creativity.
If you are using a coarse cheese, it must first rub through a fine colander. May need more or less sour depending on the humidity of cottage cheese.
To add sour curd, honey (or sugar), good rub with a spoon.
Chocolate grate.
Hands moistened with water, put on the palm tablespoon curd mass. Form a flat cake, put half into a date. Or almond nut.
Wrap the cottage cheese into something like a ball and roll in chocolate chips.
Cottage cheese cake on a plate and place in refrigerator for 30 minutes to cool.