How to make a cake in the oven
Happy is the woman whose husband cooks. In order to please your beloved, it is not necessary to prepare a three-storey cake, it is enough to pamper it tasty. breakfast. Women usually do not eat much in the morning, and some even skip breakfast. But from a chic cake, cooked with love, it is a sin to refuse. Besides, there's no sugar in it!
How to make a cake editorial "Site" It will surprise you with a simple recipe that you can cope with and cook a delicious breakfast quicklyEven if you can't cook. It is never too late to discover new talents in yourself, the main thing is to believe in yourself.
The ingredients
Done! Now bring this tasty thing before it gets cold, to your wife.
On her channel, this hostess shares excellent affordable recipes that anyone can do. Here you can learn to bake, cook, fry, stew.
If the recipe for “Danish Baby” inspired you to feats in the field of cooking, we have a wonderful recipe for an equally delicious American cake, and if you are not a beginner in this business, you will be interested in finding out the recipe for chocolate fundan.
Share with your friends this simple guide to making a giant cake!

How to make a cake editorial "Site" It will surprise you with a simple recipe that you can cope with and cook a delicious breakfast quicklyEven if you can't cook. It is never too late to discover new talents in yourself, the main thing is to believe in yourself.

The ingredients
- 3 eggs
- 110g flour
- 150 ml of milk
- 4 tbsp butter
- 2g salt
- 100g powdered sugar
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- This simplest dish is prepared in the oven in a cast-iron form or pan. To start, warm up the oven to 220 degrees, previously putting a pan there.
- While the oven is heated, mix the eggs, flour, milk, add a pinch of salt and mix thoroughly. If you have a blender at home, mix it in a blender. But if you do not want to disturb the sensitive sleep of your beloved, use your strong hands and a wreath. It's a surprise. I hope you know what a crown is.
- When the oven warmed up, take out a hot pan, put on a wooden board, so as not to spoil the working surface of the table. Throw the butter in the pan, spread it all over the pan so the dough doesn't stick. Don’t worry if you think there is too much oil. That's right.
- If you managed to carefully distribute the oil on the pan, and not on the floor, pour the dough into the pan and put it baked. At such a high temperature, the cake should be cooked in 10 minutes, so do not flirt and make sure that it does not burn. You'll understand that you need to get out the pastry when the dough rises magnificently and a golden crust appears on it.
- If your wife hasn't woken up from the delicious smell, get the cake out and put it on a dish. Sprinkle the delicious lemon juice and sprinkle the powdered sugar generously. Depending on what your woman likes: sweet or salty, the cake can be decorated with fresh fruit or jam. And you can sprinkle feta with greens instead of powdered sugar - it will turn out very fresh and tasty in any case.
Done! Now bring this tasty thing before it gets cold, to your wife.

On her channel, this hostess shares excellent affordable recipes that anyone can do. Here you can learn to bake, cook, fry, stew.
If the recipe for “Danish Baby” inspired you to feats in the field of cooking, we have a wonderful recipe for an equally delicious American cake, and if you are not a beginner in this business, you will be interested in finding out the recipe for chocolate fundan.
Share with your friends this simple guide to making a giant cake!