Organic installations outdoors from Finnish artist

Finnish artist Jaakko pernu (Jaakko Pernu) more than twenty years of experience creating original sculptures and installations. What makes the artist, with an accuracy determined by the English phrase "land art" (direction in contemporary art, where the raw materials used available natural materials; earth, stones, etc., and structures of them are often monumental in nature).

He really creates his large-scale works made of organic materials, which in addition to its natural beauty, it is highly economical and fully reflect the views of the artist on the creative process. Lately, the artist works a lot outside of Finland, mainly in Canada and in Europe.

The concept of the art facilities centered around the stylistic contradictions. The materials used would also "argue" with each other: solid-solid elements collide with translucent and light. A working fart – nostalgic send him to the countryside of Eastern Finland, where the childhood of the artist. Then as a child, he often watched his father work with wood. These observations are reflected in many of the art objects would.

Basically, the artist uses branches of trees (often willow), expertly weaving them together. "The ideas for my works, says the artist — "come suddenly, sometimes, forcing me off guard. I like to create sculptures so that they quite naturally looked not only at the gallery space. For me it is important that people accidentally nebreda my sculptures, for example, in the forest or in the field, was not surprised, taking them for a part of the landscape, my favorite topic – "the Impact of man on nature and nature's influence on man.

Among fans of installations in the open air it is possible to mention and designers of Association "Numen/For Use". For his interactive installations that resemble a giant spider web, they used a special strong tape. Adhesive tape were wound around the pillars, beams and trees, which served as the basis of design. Interestingly, the interactive brand installation: the confusing tunnels, you can safely move, for both children and adults, because the assurances of the creators, the design has to withstand human weight.
Source: anti-gorod.com/jaakko-pernu-so-svoim-lend-art-skulpturami/