Skipping training rope for weight loss
Ilya Suprunenko, master trainer of a Federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit: "jump Rope is an excellent tool for exercise that applies in almost any sport, including Boxing. This is a wonderful warm-up, contributing to the warming, and effective cardiorespiratory training. But do not forget that any kind of jumping (high jumps) affects the joints of the lower extremities. And the more weight, the more care should be taken to the classroom with a rope. Intervals between exercises to keep from minutes to three, between sets do a break not less than a minute".
You need a reason to start? Please: during intense skipping burned about 8 calories per minute, almost the same as when running. And you can jump in any weather, anywhere especially not to go and not to adapt to someone else's schedule.

The technique of skipping 1. Running in place Run on the spot as in the normal Jogging. 2. Slalom
Jump from side to side with feet together.
3. High knee lifts
While jumping as high as you can lift your knee.
4. Ski race
Jump back and forth on two alternating one, then the other leg.
5. Jumping on one foot
Alternate three jumps on one foot and three jumps to another.
6. Jumping with crossing of hands
Every second jump perekrashivat hands in front of him with a rope.
Useful tips
Skipping not only burns fat but also gives tone to the muscles, and even save the bones from osteoporosis.

Don't forget about safety:
- Before you begin training, you should warm up. Do some stretching exercises of the muscles of the feet and hands, take turns housing in different directions and inclinations. For a start, a little jump without the rope.
- For classes you will need sports shock absorbing shoes with a soft sole, comfortable sitting on the foot – for example, shoes or sneakers. Shoe soles should have a good bounce.
- Knees during a landing should not be completely straightened. The entire foot must absorb – land on the sock, then roll down on the heel (back jump). Land as easily as possible and assumne, try to feel like a feather.
- Firmly hold the rope. Rotate it in small circles, the movement of the forearms and wrists, and not the shoulder joints. Hands from shoulder to elbow should be pressed against the body and slightly bent at the elbows.
- Find the position of a body in which you will feel comfortable to jump. Relax your shoulders and keep your head straight.
- Jump on a soft surface (e.g. parquet, laminate or linoleum). Jumping on the asphalt or stone floors create excessive shock load on the joints and spine.
- Start training in a quiet pace, then gradually increase the intensity and duration of classes. Skiping gives enough pressure on ankles, knees, hips and back muscles, tendons and joints need to get used to it.
Maria Mukhina, nutritionist:
"If you decided to do exercises with the rope, turn to the diet in the first place the products, working to strengthen the ligaments of the joints.
Liver, fish, butter, cheese, especially rich in vitamin D, prevent the leaching of calcium. Want to keep cartilage and connective tissue as much hyaluronic acid, and give them the flexibility, think about the algae, the mussels.

And about abounding with collagen of the bones and cartilage of fish, chicken legs, without which it can not prepare any aspic or jelly — a truly healthful dish for your joints. Very useful for them, and the ear of the heads of fresh fish.
For dessert indulge yourself with jelly or jelly with fruit.

Without regret remove from the diet of meats, fat, flour – the mobility of your joints are more expensive smoked sausage and pastries with sweet cream."
Source: www.gastronom.ru