Peres will appreciate the freshness of the meat
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If you do not have a sufficiently sensitive sense of smell or just want to be sure of the quality of food that you eat in your diet, you should pay attention to a gadget nicknamed Peres. This new product is designed to protect the user from stale products. In fact, Peres is a small electronic nose whose receptors consist of a number of sensors. In order for the device to analyze the freshness of the product, it is enough to bring the gadget to the tested meat or fish. The novelty will analyze the level of organic matter and ammonia, which is in the air around the product, as well as assess the temperature and its humidity. Then all the information from the gadget will be transmitted via Bluetooth to your smartphone / tablet. A special application will give a detailed report on the food sample being tested, which will determine whether the product can be consumed, or its path to the garbage can. It will be possible to tell friends on social media about the test results, but why they might need such information is not yet clear.
While Peres manages to test beef, pork, poultry and fish, it is possible that the range of sniffing food will be expanded in the future. The reaction of meat sellers to the user’s attempts to use the gadget in the market remains unclear.
For the possible release of the device in the series, a fundraising company was created on IndieGoGo, which can be considered quite successful. More than half of the required amount has already been collected and a month to complete the company ahead.
Source: trended.ru/