Decisive 12 minutes on the first date
To produce on the very first date a great experience, the person in the stock is only 12 minutes, psychologists say. The attractiveness of the partner is assessed on his smile, voice, eyes.
Similar conclusions were made by experts on the basis of information obtained in the course of the study, which surveyed more than 2 thousand people. In the list of factors that would more likely scare away a possible partner, has entered body odor and bad breath.
During the study, the subjects were given various psychological tests, the results of which psychologists have identified a rather curious thing, namely, the first twelve minutes during a first date can determine your future relations.
We also found out that some of us the first date you treat with complete seriousness.
They are on social networks gather information about the person with whom you intend to meet, and is doing 6%, then every twentieth. Moreover, 25% — improve the appearance before a date day, and 6% — sit there on the diet.
Psychologists highlighted the fact that most good for this celebration supports the clothes in which you feel confident and attractive.
As experts say, even small effort that puts people in preparation for a romantic encounter, can significantly improve the chances for success. For example, fresh breath and good hygiene will demonstrate your respect for yourself, and in addition a lot of respect for the person, with whom you have a scheduled meeting.
Source: globalscience.ru