Suspected something was wrong, the guy gave an expensive wallet on the first date

All girls dream of first date It went as well as possible. Or at least they want this meeting to bring only positive emotions. But what if the dinner in the restaurant turned out to be so perfect that the question arises in my head: “What’s the catch?”


Alina was in this situation for the first time. The man not only met her with flowers, ordered a table at the restaurant and paid the bill, but also gave her an expensive gift. What about it? I suggest you find out her story and answer this question in the comments!

I often meet men online and see nothing wrong with it. I do not hope to find my future husband online. For me, this is more of a way to have fun and just have a good time with a like-minded person.

Sometimes we meet a few more times. But I’ve never been in love with someone on a dating site. However, there are exceptions to every rule. A month ago I met an amazing man. I immediately liked him, in the photo he looked very courageous and majestic.

Before the first meeting, we talked for less than a week. I think we would have met earlier, but Arseny was abroad at the time. We agreed that as soon as he arrived, we would go to dinner. My new friend kept his word and immediately on the day of his arrival made an appointment at the restaurant.

I have never been to such expensive restaurants before. I have only heard praise of Versailles, but I have never visited such luxurious establishments. I knew I had to look like a hundred. I decided to go to the beauty salon and do my hair with makeup. And before that, I relaxed the whole wardrobe in search of my favorite dress, which I wore only 2 times in my life.

The actions of a real man Arseny came after me in the car, not being late for a minute. He solemnly handed me a very nice bouquet of flowers, sat in the car, and we moved towards the restaurant. The most interesting thing is that we talked about everything, as if we had known each other for a long time. I didn't feel any awkwardness at all.

Dinner was great too! We ordered seafood dishes, and to him the Mediterranean white dry. Stupid with a palette of flavours and fragrances (Arseny smelled sweet), I didn't notice how our date came to an end.

My gallant date paid our bill, and at the end of the meeting handed me a small box with unknown contents: "This is for you, dear." I was confused because I didn’t expect him to give me anything. I began to quickly recall the signs associated with such things. I used to know this very well.

Peels “To accept a gift wallet should only be from a person more financially secure,” popped up in my head. That was hard to argue with. But what if it's still a bad tone? Modesty took over and I refused the gift. Arseny smiled and hid the box. He didn't insist.

After that date, we met several times. But Arseny seemed a little cold to me. I don't know what it is. Perhaps he's offended that I turned down his gift? I went to the women's forum for advice. The girls in the comments started saying the man just wanted to buy me with this wallet. Others said he was just generous and that was his love language.

How do you know which side the truth is on? I need advice because I like Arseny very much and would like to continue building relations with him.

Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? Alina says she wants a relationship with Arseny. But at the same time, she is looking for support on the Internet from strangers. Instead, she should just talk to the man directly, learn about his feelings. Perhaps, through gifts, he really shows his good intentions? On the other hand, someone may think that this way he wants to appease a woman.

I wonder what you would do in the place of the main character? Would you accept such an expensive gift from a stranger on a first date?


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