Electric waterbus Movitz

Court electric recently gaining popularity. But mostly, this little motor boats or pleasure boats. The waterbus Movitz, which can carry 100 passengers, is likely to become the world's first electric ship of this size.
Movitz — in fact, a pilot project through which the city of Stockholm wants to ensure the viability of the technology fast charging the ship's batteries. The concern is too rapid charge that will last only 10 minutes, which may overload the network.
However, if the technology is successful, then next year electric ferries, which can carry 360 passengers and 120 cars will run between the fjords in Norway.
All-electric ship will begin to run on one of the commuter lines in Stockholm this autumn. The waterbus has a capacity of 150 passengers, 15 bikes, 6 wheelchairs and 8 prams is based in Copenhagen. The Danes have already built such vessels, but so far only with diesel engines. "We invest in renewable energy," says County Commissioner for the environment Gustav hemming (Gustav Hemming).
The new vessel is expected to work 7-8 hours per day and recharge at night. But electric Movitz, which will carry passengers in the summer, a completely different project and a different technology.
Movitz well known to the inhabitants of Stockholm. Now he is going through a complete overhaul. 335-horsepower diesel engine will be replaced by two 125-kilowatt electric motor. Install them outside the hull, one on each side to improve maneuverability of the vessel.
The amazing feature of updated Movitz system quick battery charge. Its Nickel-metal-gedrite battery with a capacity of 180 kWh can be recharged in just 10 minutes, having enough energy to move at a speed of 9 knots for one hour.
The original charge system developed by the Swedish startup Echandia Marine, specializing in electric powertrains vessels. Among the company's products, electric motors, batteries, alternators, charging system and control system.
According to experts Echandia Marine, the conversion of any vessel to electricity reduces operating costs up to 50-70%. The reason is efficient use of energy. If you are running on electric, it reaches 90%, the limit for diesel engines are 30-35%.
The conversion of the waterbus Movitz according to estimates Echandia will prevent the emission into the atmosphere during the year, 130 tons of carbon dioxide, six tons of dioxide of nitrogen, 80 kg of particulates and reduce operating costs by 30%.
City ferry lines are very important for Stockholm, a city situated on 14 Islands. It is assumed that, returning to the route between Solna Strand beach and lake mälaren (Mälaren) is upgraded Movitz on the way will do 10-minute stop to charge the batteries.

In one of the bays of lake mälaren, where to go waterbus Movitz, located in the cradle of the Empire of Alfred Nobel and the birthplace of famous Nobel prize.
In the Bay Vinterviken Nobel built the first factory to manufacture nitroglycerin and dynamite.
Source: facepla.net