New Russian tram

Tomorrow Yekaterinburg UralVagonZavod present its new tram RUSSIA ONE. Today I was allowed into the exhibition hall and one of the first to show the new Russian tram. Tram really our - the design, development and production - all done for us. Foreign only some components - accordion doors and mechanisms. Tram looks very cool. If the serial pattern will not vary significantly from the car, it will be the first domestic streetcar, for that is not ashamed. Cities that stupidity by their mayors had to destroy the tram system will now bite your elbows.

02. The stand is not worth the layout, and a full prototype. That is, it can take tomorrow and put on the rails. The first production models will be in the fall, but then begin the test and at the beginning of next year release. The developers claim that the changes will be minimal, no more than 10%.

03. Tram get beautiful. Housing perfectly flat, is made of composite glass panel.

04. Joints almost not visible. All panels are easily removed and replaced if necessary. The gaps between the glass panels deleted by black sealant.

05. Tram will be available in several versions. Shuttle type [two heads] and conventional multisection "worm" with a shower. The number of "heads" of the car affects the amount and number of seats and standing places. In the second execution capacity, it is clear there will be more and will provide space for luggage, prams and bicycles on the rear platform. In the two-headed version places too, but constructively to squeeze more such sites, as I understand, is not feasible. But so went very spacious interior.

06. A little unclear how the tram would look in the city, after the rain. It is not clear how it will be in our custody wash.

07. Chassis. Now the base is taken from the truck and wagon 71-409. But there is another point. This truck will be changed to a less bulk, which subsequently will increase the width of the passage between the longitudinal rows of seats, and possibly get rid of the stupid steps toward them.

08. Another distinct advantage of the new car is that it taught the curves of small radius (16 meters). Previous development UVZ model 71-409 thus boast could not, as far as I know. And all this despite the fact that the base R1 is shorter by almost 1, 5 meters.

09. Designer Alexei Maslov (right) and designer of the new tram (in the cockpit, do not remember the name), OKB "Atom».

10. R1 is very cool lights.

11. Huge, bright, can be operated in different modes.


13. Tram done just perfectly. The quality of fitting panels, seams, attention to detail - like a good car.

14. In the tram, you can look in the mirror

15. Interior. Here I have a question about a small number of seats. It is caused by an old truck, which does not give away a constructive step. For this reason, it was necessary to make two long couch broad side of the chair. But anyway, now in two sections of 28 seats, which is very little.

16. LED interior lighting, depending on the time of day may change the mood in the cabin. Also backlight will change the music. Music for the tram want specially ordered. The morning will be zinger evening something quiet.

17. Chairs turned chic) Tram first class. Americans need to please, it is only necessary to make coasters.

18. Sofa like the subway.

19. Now trim fabric with some felt. This is an expensive option, depending on the configuration upholstery sofas will vary. Designers promised that even in the cheapest variant tram will be no bright lurid prints on fabric.

20. Beauty as the body is made perfect. Let's see if the quality of the transfer to the production model.

21. Fitted with durable linoleum floor.

22. The wooden parts are made of light plywood and covered with vandal-proof laminate. Handrails deserve special attention. They are made of lightweight aluminum with an antibacterial copper coated

23. Famous ekaterinburzhsky tram driver, leading twitter TramEkb wanted to stay in this tram live

24. Doors

25. The designer glass wash before the premiere, worried

26. The doors will now be open on demand. The drive is very smooth and quiet. Clamping and so-called "dragging" the passenger exclude three systems. Firstly, in the frame of the doorway are sensory, which do not allow the door to close if the passenger has not yet emerged. Secondly, there is a system that responds to the obstacle to closing the door. Enough to hold the closing flap, how she would react and swing open the door again. The third system security is tied to the possibility of blocking the movement start with no closed doors. obviously, the car will not start moving.

27. Tram almost entirely ours. Foreign only mechanisms of doors and accordion. In the future, from foreign parts are maximally dispose.

28. Side steps are made of perforated aluminum, but secretly engineer suggested that planned to put into this plate rekurperativny heating, powered by the traction motors in braking torque. That is, the tram brakes, electricity generated by a traction engine at this moment partially enters the heating elements. This is a huge plus, because in snowy winter frost formed on the pegs, which is very traumatic.

29. On the ceiling holes for air conditioners and speakers. Everything is done on an individual project. In the tram all the design elements unique.

30. Mount the handrail

31. In the new tram awesome cabin. Now the driver can feel the crane) Overview 180 degrees. Designers managed to reduce the bottom "dead zone" of about 10-15%. This tram will be safer, as part of pedestrian bump when they bypass the tram in front of and not seen.

32. The chair is upholstered in artificial suede. Now the tram driver will feel no worse driver a good car.

33. The designer of the new tram.

34. Dashboard has not yet had time to mount. Last preparations.

35. In the new tram will socket, the driver can charge your iPhone;)

36. The emergency stop button is also specifically designed for this car

37. Instead of mirrors in the tram camera that will display images on monitors on the windshield. Tram driver said it was not very convenient, as on the flat picture camera does not feel the distance and you can not change the viewing angle. Most likely in the serial sample did the usual mirrors.

38. Developers jokingly called the new tram rails on an iPhone.

39. Carry on tram will Uraltransmash, daughter Uralvagonzavod.

40. Final preparations before the premiere.

How much does it cost?
Exact price is not, but tentatively RUSSIA ONE will cost about € 1 million. If we take, for example, from the same trehsektsionnik Pesa, which has a full-length rolls around Moscow, it costs around € 2 million. That is, our R1 at similar TX, will cost half the price. And that's good.
The second bun is that municipalities will be able to buy cars in the lease. And this is a very positive impact on the planning. Omsk just leased trams will take such.
The first such trams should appear in Yekaterinburg, then in Omsk. Next in line is worth Moscow, and then the whole world.
When? Conquer Russia UralVagonZavod promises to 2017, when many of our cities to the World Cup remodel their transport systems.
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Source: zyalt.livejournal.com/1112328.html