He woke up in Leningrad in April 1942
April 15, 1942 in besieged Leningrad again earned the city tram. At the beginning of the siege, when the city was not enough electricity, cars on the streets froze, unable to get to the depot. It is difficult to imagine how much strength and determination needed to Leningrad, to revive the tram. And they succeeded. It was possible to prove that they are alive, they will not surrender. We have compiled excerpts from the memoirs blockade, which in the spring day again heard the long-awaited call.
"The city has become pedestrian. Distances found reality. They measured the strength of his legs. No time like before - and steps. Sometimes the number of steps ».
"Blockade Book" Ales Adamovich, D.Granin
"For my money, we bought in a pharmacy rubber bandage, which is usually bandage ligament athletes smeared with red lead pipe, which, fortunately, was enough to wound the bandage to this place again smeared with red lead, and the top tight bandaging so-called durable herringbone tape. Top - red lead again. This treatment has been entirely justified ... It was restored water cooling in most substations: Klin, Central, Nekrasov, Forest and others ... "Many years later, in the 1980s, many substations changed the water supply pipe and the mechanics were very surprised by the strange" patches on the pipes, "which stood for more than 40 years».
Physicist L.A.Sena
"February 1942. The situation began to improve with the fuel. 5th CHP launched and generates 26 February 8000 kilowatts, and on March 13 - 14 thousand have. Bureau regional party committee makes a decision: to move off the tram. March 8 - to put the cargo on April 15 - passenger routes. Dozens of kilometers of railways, 500 km of contact network, hundreds of cars in the short term have been put in order ».
From the memoirs of A.Marinina, director of HPS №5
"I looked, and from the Chief of Staff of leaves on Nevsky tram. Through the windshield of the car engine can be seen beaming with joy face Carman. And her foot and then presses the pedal tone, which convenes people from everywhere - look, rejoice, we survived! »
Head of tram and trolleybus management M.H.Soroka
"Despite all the cold, bombs, damned Nazis we had to make a holiday in our city, Leningrad tired to please, to make traffic on the street. And the movement - this is life. On that day, not even the most memorable holiday in our park - we knew that he would come, and preparing for it. Joyful all passersby could see that slowly turned around at the familiar sound of an approaching tram. See distrustful, surprised eyes of the people, and somewhere in the depths of those eyes have forgotten smile Leningrad ».
The driver of the tram park them. Leonova A.N.Vasileva
"Went to the park as a holiday, to know that should go on the line ... And here I am in the cockpit. Touched the handle of the controller, set to the first position. And suddenly the car came to life. I can not tell, that has experienced at that moment. Brought the tram out of the park. At stops include people laugh, cry with joy ... then there was a lot of flights. Difficult, dangerous under bombing and shelling. But the flight, April 15, I will never forget. And always in my mind the faces of the passengers blockade ».
The driver of the tram park them. Blokhin E.F.Agapova
"And rings, rings, walking along Nevsky extraordinary tram spring of 1942. Tram-winner, tram legend! »
"Leningrad acts" P.N.Luknitsky
"The blockade we understand what for us so familiar from childhood thing as a tram ... We all remember those dangling, twisted wiring harness, shot, piled drifts cars. And then you have committed unheard of in these conditions. Weak hands, exhausted, then you picked up a contact network and given the opportunity to run again simple Leningrad tram cars. It was also for us a symbol of rebirth, a symbol of life. We ran, we were also weak, but we ran on our fragile, swollen legs for this wagon. I remember shouting: "Call again!" That joy was the tram car! »
Writer V.K.Ketlinskaya
"By the night of the 15th ... April night was damp with low clouds. Everything is as usual, but there is, of Leningrad, on the clouds ran some strange blue flashes. "Kurt, - I said - it's a strange illumination, you are not going to apply the new Russian secret weapon?" - "Damn, Folkenhorst, they let the tram." They allowed a tram in the seventh month of the blockade! .. I wondered why we were freezing all winter here, why we are shouting about the inevitable death of the inhabitants of the city if they allowed a tram? »
Hans Folkenhorst, Corporal, artillery
"1944, January 7. It seems that the city is living its last months of blockade. I remember Leningrad universal rejoicing when the first time after 5-month break trams rumbled through the streets. It is April 15, 1942. Today, the tram has become commonplace, and when it is necessary to wait more than 5 minutes, it causes resentment ».
From the diary of Vladimir Ge
"I do not really like to unnecessarily use the so-called" big words ", but that in the days of the Great Patriotic committed Leningrad streetcar, no other definition is a feat not pick up ...».
Head of tram and trolleybus management M.H.Soroka
Source: defendingrussia.ru

"The city has become pedestrian. Distances found reality. They measured the strength of his legs. No time like before - and steps. Sometimes the number of steps ».
"Blockade Book" Ales Adamovich, D.Granin
"For my money, we bought in a pharmacy rubber bandage, which is usually bandage ligament athletes smeared with red lead pipe, which, fortunately, was enough to wound the bandage to this place again smeared with red lead, and the top tight bandaging so-called durable herringbone tape. Top - red lead again. This treatment has been entirely justified ... It was restored water cooling in most substations: Klin, Central, Nekrasov, Forest and others ... "Many years later, in the 1980s, many substations changed the water supply pipe and the mechanics were very surprised by the strange" patches on the pipes, "which stood for more than 40 years».
Physicist L.A.Sena

"February 1942. The situation began to improve with the fuel. 5th CHP launched and generates 26 February 8000 kilowatts, and on March 13 - 14 thousand have. Bureau regional party committee makes a decision: to move off the tram. March 8 - to put the cargo on April 15 - passenger routes. Dozens of kilometers of railways, 500 km of contact network, hundreds of cars in the short term have been put in order ».
From the memoirs of A.Marinina, director of HPS №5

"I looked, and from the Chief of Staff of leaves on Nevsky tram. Through the windshield of the car engine can be seen beaming with joy face Carman. And her foot and then presses the pedal tone, which convenes people from everywhere - look, rejoice, we survived! »
Head of tram and trolleybus management M.H.Soroka

"Despite all the cold, bombs, damned Nazis we had to make a holiday in our city, Leningrad tired to please, to make traffic on the street. And the movement - this is life. On that day, not even the most memorable holiday in our park - we knew that he would come, and preparing for it. Joyful all passersby could see that slowly turned around at the familiar sound of an approaching tram. See distrustful, surprised eyes of the people, and somewhere in the depths of those eyes have forgotten smile Leningrad ».
The driver of the tram park them. Leonova A.N.Vasileva
"Went to the park as a holiday, to know that should go on the line ... And here I am in the cockpit. Touched the handle of the controller, set to the first position. And suddenly the car came to life. I can not tell, that has experienced at that moment. Brought the tram out of the park. At stops include people laugh, cry with joy ... then there was a lot of flights. Difficult, dangerous under bombing and shelling. But the flight, April 15, I will never forget. And always in my mind the faces of the passengers blockade ».
The driver of the tram park them. Blokhin E.F.Agapova

"And rings, rings, walking along Nevsky extraordinary tram spring of 1942. Tram-winner, tram legend! »
"Leningrad acts" P.N.Luknitsky

"The blockade we understand what for us so familiar from childhood thing as a tram ... We all remember those dangling, twisted wiring harness, shot, piled drifts cars. And then you have committed unheard of in these conditions. Weak hands, exhausted, then you picked up a contact network and given the opportunity to run again simple Leningrad tram cars. It was also for us a symbol of rebirth, a symbol of life. We ran, we were also weak, but we ran on our fragile, swollen legs for this wagon. I remember shouting: "Call again!" That joy was the tram car! »
Writer V.K.Ketlinskaya

"By the night of the 15th ... April night was damp with low clouds. Everything is as usual, but there is, of Leningrad, on the clouds ran some strange blue flashes. "Kurt, - I said - it's a strange illumination, you are not going to apply the new Russian secret weapon?" - "Damn, Folkenhorst, they let the tram." They allowed a tram in the seventh month of the blockade! .. I wondered why we were freezing all winter here, why we are shouting about the inevitable death of the inhabitants of the city if they allowed a tram? »
Hans Folkenhorst, Corporal, artillery
"1944, January 7. It seems that the city is living its last months of blockade. I remember Leningrad universal rejoicing when the first time after 5-month break trams rumbled through the streets. It is April 15, 1942. Today, the tram has become commonplace, and when it is necessary to wait more than 5 minutes, it causes resentment ».
From the diary of Vladimir Ge

"I do not really like to unnecessarily use the so-called" big words ", but that in the days of the Great Patriotic committed Leningrad streetcar, no other definition is a feat not pick up ...».
Head of tram and trolleybus management M.H.Soroka

Source: defendingrussia.ru