Sevastopol during the Second World War: Rare photos

Double mini submarines in port Sevastopolya.1942 year

December 1941. After a partisan attack. Crimea. Photos from the German archive

Ruined Palace of Pioneers on the Promenade (former building of the institute). Sevastopol. 1942

1942. Shooting a gun Flak 88 on the ships in the bay of Yalta

1942. German soldiers on the beach of Sevastopol.

July 1942. Smoke in the port of Sevastopol.

A squad of Germans in the Crimea Tatar farmstead. 1942

July 1942. Washing clothes in the port of Sevastopol

The sinking of the cruiser "Chervona Ukraina" at the Count's wharf

The sunken destroyer in the port of Sevastopol.

Ruined fort guns Maxim Gorky.

Sevastopol. Sunken Ships Monument, symbol of the city, miraculously survived

Burning truck after bombardirovki.1942 year

The symbol and the embodiment of the defense of Sevastopol, Crimea - the girl-sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko, which, by the end of the war, 309 were killed by the Germans [including 36 snipers], becoming the most successful female sniper in history.

The destroyed tower cannon installation №1 35th Coast Battery Sevastopol.
35th Coastal Battery tower began with the 30th artillery battery power basis of the defense of Sevastopol and the shelling of the enemy to the last shell. The Germans did not manage to suppress our batteries nor artillery fire or by aircraft. July 1, 1942, the 35th Battery issued last 6 rounds point-blank range by the advancing enemy infantry, and on the night of July 2, the battery commander Captain Leshchenko organized undermining of the battery.
Place: Sevastopol, Crimea
Time taken: 29.07.1942

Padded Soviet light machine-gun two-towered tank T-26, near Sebastopol.
June 1942.

Control bombing at the entrance of Northern bay of Sevastopol.

One of the workshops of production of Sevastopol underground military special plant №1. The plant was placed in the galleries Trinity beams and produce 50-mm and 82-mm artillery mines, hand grenades and anti-tank, mortar. He worked until the end of the defense of Sevastopol in June 1942.

The famous photo. Defense of Sevastopol.

Street fighting in Sevastopol.
Infantry units fighting in the seaside boulevard in Sevastopol

Anti-aircraft gunners armored "Zheleznyakov" (armored train number 5 Coast Defense of Sevastopol) in 12, 7-mm heavy machine guns DSK (machine guns mounted on pedestals sea). In the background is visible 76 2-mm gun ship tower units 34-K.

600mm mortar "Karl" in the firing position near Sevastopol in 1942

The barrel 600 mm mortar "Karl»

According to some reports, the command of the defense of Sevastopol district initially did not believe in the existence of the Germans at Sevastopol tools such class, although the commander of the 30th Battery G. Alexander reported that according to him the unprecedented firing weapons. Only special photograph of unexploded ordnance from the man standing next to (on the back of the inscription: "The growth of a person 180 cm, length 240 cm shell") commanders convinced of the existence of guns, monsters, after which it was reported in Moscow. It was noted that about 40 percent of the shells "Charles" is not broken or torn at all without splinters into several large pieces.
Unexploded 600 mm. a shell had fallen by 30 coastal defense battery. Sevastopol, 1942

420-mm mortar "Gamma» (Gamma Mörser kurze marinekanone L / 16), manufactured by Krupp.
Is set at the position at Sevastopol, was armed with a separate 459th artillery battery 781 artillery regiment (1 instrument)

German superheavy cannon "Dora" (caliber 800 mm, weight 1450 tons) at position Bakhchisarai. The weapon used in the assault of Sevastopol to destroy fortifications,

US soldiers next to the shell and the liner-type gun "Dora».

Fireworks at the grave of comrades-pilots killed at Sevastopol 24 April 1944
The inscription on the tombstone of the stabilizer from the wreckage of the aircraft, "are buried here died in the battles for Sevastopol, the Major Ilyin - ground-attack pilot and gunner Guard Sergeant Semchenko. Buried comrades May 14, 1944 "Photo taken in a suburb of Sevastopol.

T-34 tank in the street of Sevastopol. May 1944

Sevastopol in ruins. Bolshaya Morskaya, 1944.

Soldiers posing thrown in the Crimea German Messerschmitt fighter Bf.109

Soviet anti-aircraft gunners in liberated Sevastopol. 1944.

Guerrillas who took part in the liberation of Sevastopol. 1944.

Evacuation of Soviet soldiers from the Kerch Peninsula. The wounded were loaded into a special box on the wing of the aircraft Po-2. 1942

Sinking into rusks beam Sevastopol Soviet ambulances "Abkhazia". The ship was sunk 06.10.1942, as a result of the German bomb airstrike hit aft. There was also sunk by the destroyer "Free", which fell 9 bombs.
Sevastopol. 1942.

Captured by the Germans. Sevastopol. May 1944

Sevastopol. May 1944

1944. This is all that remains of the conquerors

And this beautiful city looks like now.
