"You have people wound up" is the biggest garbage on the planet
About the largest domestic trash, we wrote her recently. However, alas, littered, this is a worldwide problem. How modern Augean stables, understood the correspondent "Ridusa".
The most abundant waste on the planet – cigarette butts. Every year mankind emits about four and a half billion "bulls". It would seem that this: paper, tobacco, cellulose acetate. However, even being thrown into the sea, a cigarette can proplavit in water from one year to five years. Other types of waste more "tenacious".
To cope with the garbage can only help its processing. A leader in this area is Sweden. There is processed 52% of all waste. Are struggling to achieve their success to Austria and Germany. In other countries things are much worse. Like the pharaohs, the people erected a man-made mountain of garbage, which in the future have all chances to become a monument of the human carelessness and disregard for nature. Here they are — the main memorial sites of the shame of humanity.
1. The great garbage patch
The Northern part of the Pacific ocean
This is the biggest dump on the planet, the more it is sad that it is informal. Due to the peculiarities of the Pacific currents, since the fifties of the last century in the ocean began to form a real island of garbage, the area which today is one million seven hundred sixty thousand square kilometers. Water in the affected area is completely uninhabitable. Survival is only for the zooplankton, and even then, only in some places.
Eighty percent of the waste coming from the land, willingly or unwillingly. Twenty percent – from the ships, quite purposefully. According to experts, an ocean liner with three thousand people on Board for a week sends the water about eight thousand tons of garbage, most of which is plastic. These scum are the cause of the deaths of about a million birds a year, and about one hundred thousand marine mammals.
It is curious that a plastic bag "lives" in the ocean less than other types of garbage. Transparent "grocery" bag so to dissolve, enough two decades. Nylon stockings has sailed twice as long. Modern cans would rust in the bottom five centuries. To destroy the glass bottle, the Neptune will take a Millennium.
2. Fresh Kills
New York, USA
Fresh Kills – the greatest creation of mankind, where there is an Egyptian pyramids or the Chinese wall. This landfill opened in 1948. For half a century 12 square kilometers island Staten island filled up with debris balls deep, 13 thousand tons daily is no joke. Upon closure of the landfill the top 25 meters towered over the statue of Liberty.
However, the United States generally occupies a leading position in the world in production of waste. Puente hills near Los Angeles can boast of a garbage mountain with a height of 150 meters, the same advances rapidly moving a new York city landfill is receiving daily in my arms 10 thousand tons of waste.
3. Agbogbloshie
Accra, Republic Of Ghana
Until recently, there was the biggest dump in the world of electronics. In this sorrowful place finish the earthly journey of about 10% of all electronic devices. Processing chips are toxic, dangerous and unpleasant activity. That is why the good uncle from Europe and America prefer to take this kind of work blacks in Africa. There they receive two dollars per shift, at the same time poisoning the air and soil with cadmium, lead, mercury and other things like that.
Dump this – unofficial. E-waste goes to Ghana under the guise of humanitarian aid, used goods and gifts to the local schools. The power, of course, are making some attempts to improve the situation, but a local can survive only thanks to such overseas assistance, no other income.
4. Guaju
Guoju, China
The largest "computer hell" is now in China. China is a world leader in recycling electronic waste, 70% of the world "komplektuhi" sent to Chinese landfills. 80% of all dead electronics as imported, China sent an unofficial "disassembly" in the city of Huaju.
Pay here is higher than in Ghana three times, but the working conditions are the same. The firing electronics, acid baths, all waste is sent to river Liangan. Income of the owners of the landfill exceeds three billion dollars a year, 80% of workers still managed to earn only lung, skin and neurological diseases. Within a radius of 60 kilometers from the city water not suitable for drinking, it brought in tanks.
5. Igumnovsky polygon
Igumnovo, Russia
Our country, fortunately, in the ratings of the world's largest landfill until falls. Nevertheless, we have our own giants. Meet Igumnovsky the landfill — the largest in Russia and Europe solid waste landfill. Every year it brought more than 4 million tons of garbage. Running the landfill since 1983. The last twenty years – lit. To extinguish such fires is very expensive. Water – we can't all rubbish in the waste water will go. It is necessary to cover the entire polygon layer of soil with a minimum thickness meter that money in the government of Nizhny Novgorod region – no. Here live the inhabitants of nearby settlements in the garbage can smoke all year round.
Source: www.ridus.ru